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."But I'm glad I met him." Jonas carefully pushed the rest of Leo's injured body through the hatch."Are you gonna read this thing or what?" Liotta waved the paper in the air."Let's get home first." Jonas focused on Leo.Liotta pouted and stuck the paper back into her pocket.Jonas smiled at her, realizing he had hurt her feelings."Sorry.""Okay.Sure you are." Liotta lifted her head with extreme pride as she climbed into the craft.Jonas was just about to hop in, when Liotta popped her head out of the hole."If you don't read it, you will be sorry." She whipped her head around as she went back into the craft.Jonas climbed into the craft.Carlen, who sealed the hatch behind him, quickly followed him.Carlen bent down so as not to hit his head against the ceiling.He tapped Jonas on the shoulder.Jonas was apparently sitting in his chair."Mind if I fly?""You?" Jonas chuckled but did not budge."Yes.Me." Carlen leaned into Jonas' chair."After all, it was me who found this ship, secured it and studied it.""Ahem." Liotta coughed for some attention."Okay fine.She helped me punch in the coordinates," Carlen confessed."Aahhhemm!" Liotta rasped again."Fine.She stole the ship and brought it in here." Carlen's skin turned red from embarrassment.Jonas turned to her with an adoring face."Well, well.I didn't know you were so talented." Liotta blushed as she always did when Jonas complemented her.She looked away because her face was too easy to read."My father teaches about small crafts, stupid." Jonas loved every second of Liotta's denial of her feelings."Then I think you should fly." Jonas stood up halfway, so as not to hit his head.He shuffled down the tight aisle towards the back.Carlen had an opportunistic look upon his face."Carlen.I will break your arm." Jonas flashed a quick grin.Then he put his right arm on Liotta's shoulder and waved her out of the back seat with the other."Fine." Reluctantly she bent halfway and stepped up to the pilot's chair.She sat in the seat, gripping the controls with a satisfied smile."Buckle up, boys.We are going for a ride.""Yahoo!" Jonas shouted."Yippee," Carlen added sarcastically.Jonas fastened Leo in as best he could.The teen reclined the man's backrest as far as it would go.Then Jonas flipped Leo's strap along his waist and clipped the chest harness.There you go, pal.Liotta pressed an orange button with her index finger.The craft lifted off the ground and rotated toward the bay doors."How are we going to get outta here?" Carlen sank in his chair when he noticed the doors would not open."Not a problem." Liotta squeezed both triggers on the back of each side of the control handle.A blast of energy sprang out of the craft that was twice the size of any regular laser.A direct hit blew the steel doors off their huge tracks.Flames created a fiery border around the opening.Liotta pushed the red rectangular button on the right side of the control handle.The small craft's engines illuminated.The ship darted out of the bay and down the moon's runway."Slow down," Carlen warned as he clutched onto a steel bar alongside his chair."Relax.These little crafts make up in speed for what they don't offer in room," Liotta answered as her eyes glowed with excitement.She looked over her shoulder to discover Jonas staring at her with two thumbs up.The ship cruised down the runway.Liotta tightened her grip, pulled the control handle back and the craft shot straight out into Cordova's atmosphere.Carlen, feeling more at ease, loosened his grip on the bar."According to my teacher, you have to--""I know.I know," Liotta cut him short."Slingshot back into Earth's ozone." Carlen twitched and decided he should just remain quiet.He figured the less he said the smarter he seemed."Leo's making noises.He's coming around." Jonas was patting his friend on the head.The craft orbited the moon at half speed as they noticed a huge spotlight out in the distance.The light was so powerful that its beams shot miles out into space."When we reach that light we throw this baby into full zone.That will set off the chain reaction, which will propel us into the atmosphere at a fifteen degree mark," Liotta described the slingshot effect.Jonas thought his ears were playing games with him.She is a natural.She's terrific.He forgot about his friend for a moment and kept his attention on what Liotta was doing."Oh no." Liotta's excitement faded."What? What's happening?" Carlen sat straight up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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