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.Said I couldn’t stay there either.I’m just running out of options.” I drop my head even though I know my story is more believable while I’m making eye contact with her.“And you think I can help you? I don’t even know you.” I can see she’s starting to withdraw.“Wait, maybe I am asking for a little too much.You were very generous last night, and I thought you might be able to help me out again.I just don’t know where to go.” I’m really putting on the sad look now.“Shouldn’t you have thought this through more before you decided to run away? I think I would have had at least a little bit of money saved and a better plan.”“You’re right.I should have thought more about it, but it all happened so suddenly.I’m sorry for bothering you again.” I duck my head and turn to walk towards to the exit.“Wait.” She says.“Maybe there is something I can do.”I look back at her, and I can see I’ve weakened her resolve.I just may be getting somewhere with her now; there may be some hope after all.“You see, the problem I have is that I don’t have any money to pay you for a room, but maybe I can make it up to you some other way.” My plan is working.“I could really get in trouble for this you know, but I think I can do a little something.I can let you have a standard room on the house, but you’ve got to be gone first thing in the morning.”“Oh my goodness.Are you serious? That would be amazing.” I’m really playing this up good.“My shift is over at seven, so I’ll need you to be gone by then.I can take care of the paperwork part, but I don’t want my co-worker questioning anything about you if she sees you.”“Look.You tell me how I can make it up to you, and I will.I owe you big time.” I can hardly believe I’m going to have a nice bed to sleep in tonight and a hot shower in the morning.I know she’s still uncertain about this from the tone of her voice.“Like I said, I need you to make sure you’re gone by seven.Don’t bother bringing the key card to the front desk.Just throw it away after you leave.”“Thank you.Thank you so much…” I hesitate, because I’ve just spent the last few minutes talking to her, and I never bothered to get her name.I stick my hand out to shake hers.“I didn’t catch your name.”“Jennifer.It’s nice to meet you.” A smile forms on her lips, and I think maybe everything is going to be okay after all.“I’m just going to grab my stuff from the car, and I’ll be right back.” As I move towards the door, I look back at her.“Thank you Jennifer.This is really nice of you.”I walk back out to my car to get my bag, still shocked that I was able to pull it off.I head back inside and she’s already got my door key ready.“Here; you’re at the end of the hall, down there on the left.” She points in the direction of the room as she hands over the key.I take the key from her and start to head down the hallway.Sensing there is something else she has to say, I turn back towards her.“Wait, hold on a minute.” I stop, just as she’s about to ask me something.“Have you had anything to eat tonight?”Not wanting to sound desperate, I reply, “I’ll be okay.I had something earlier this afternoon.”“Are you sure? ‘Cause I can grab you a snack from the kitchen.It won’t be much, but I don’t mind.”“I could use something to drink, if that’s okay.” I really was thirsty.I had been nibbling on the little bit of junk food I took from Macy’s apartment over the last few days, but I had no way of keeping anything cold, to drink.I wonder how much more she is going to offer me.“Why don’t you put your bag down over there and I’ll be right back.” She points to the couch in the lobby and heads towards a room just off the side of the main check-in counter.While I wait for her to return, I walk to the front window and peer out at the parking lot.It’s shortly after midnight and everything looks still and quiet outside.Peaceful.The rain has obviously moved on, and there’s a slight chill to the air.She returns shorty to the front carrying a tray.As she places it down on the table, I see she has brought me a Coke, a couple of Danishes and a packaged muffin.“You didn’t have to do all that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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