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.“No ropes, no blindfold, no knife.He’d taught me patience.He’d taught me control.He’d taught me respect.Jesus, Jan.” I closed my eyes.Jan added another finger, the kisses turning more heated, bites, tongue.“In the years of not touching, it took that one night to see how loving so fucking slowly and selflessly can drive every part of my mind and body to such a calm fucking existence, just like he did with painting.” I groaned.“The bondage, the whips, the scenes; they.they don’t turn me on.Gray—Gray turns me on with his patience, his self-control, his ability to just glance in my direction and hold me still.Mmmmm.He’s.he’s behind it all, and so long as I know that, I know I can calm myself enough to follow any order, feel any knife without feeling as though I lose control, or feeling like I need to stay in control and hit someone for touching me.”This time he caught my prostate, fingering six quick strokes that had me screwing my eyes closed and crying out against the gentle onslaught.“Jan, please,” I pressed my body flat against the cool of the tile, hoping to cool it down.“It hurts.The cage.” He added another finger and I nearly climbed the fucking wall as stars hit my vision.“it.stop teasing me like this.”Jan pulled his fingers out, and I almost cried for him to put them back.“Here.” Jan pulled me around and reached for something off the shelf.I hadn’t even noticed he’d come with a key, but then I hadn’t exactly heard him come in the first place.He unlocked the cage, and worked me free of everything before letting it clatter to the floor.My hand automatically found a natural place on the swelling in my cock as I frowned down.Fuck.I let my breathing deepen as I played a single stroke down my shaft.It felt so fucking good just to be able to touch myself.Jan came in close, leg parting mine slightly as he rested cheek to cheek with me.“Show me how you played yourself against Gray’s body, Jack.Before he touched you.” His thigh pressed gently against my groin, massaging my scrotum briefly, but sending me hard and gasping with just that brief contact.“I need,” said Jan, “I need to see how he drove you wild without him even touching you.”My head dropped to his shoulder, and I cupped my free hand on his neck, loving the feel of him being so close.“Jan,” I rubbed my cock against his hipbone, then fell into a natural rhythm that brushed my sensitive head on him with every deep stroke.“Fuck.”“C’mon, Jack.” Jan dug his hands into my ass, and my reaction was natural, hips pushing against Jan, wanting so fucking badly to melt into him.But with a groan, I grabbed his wrists and had him up against the tiles, his eyes a little wide, before he could protest.“You’re not Gray, Jan.” My mouth took his, hungry, not in any sense wasteful of his taste as I tongued him deep.“You’re you.” I kissed jaw.“Mr.Jan Richards.” I bit at his throat.“Mine.” Soft soul, heart, someone who had given me everything I’d been missing, and so fucking easily.Jan groaned, and I left him there as I slid to my knees and took his cock in my mouth.No playing, no teasing, just tongue, teeth, hand working the whole length hard with Jan’s cries filling my ears.He sang so fucking sweetly, and I made him cry that little bit louder as I took him for everything he was worth.I felt the come shift up my hand and pulled him in as deep as I could.Jan went death-quiet, the stillness that always hit when he shot, and I made sure I tasted every last offer of that exquisite stillness of his just before he crumpled down to his knees, finally taking a breath, his gasps making me grin as he rested his head to my shoulder.“Fuck, Jack, just—fuck.” He groaned something else, then bit at my neck as he clambered into my lap, nearly knocking me back, his hand between us and angling my cock toward his ass.He sank down, and I cried out against his shoulder with the intensity, with the fact Jan rode me bareback.I know he would have asked if he wanted it any different, but what made his ride down on me more profound was how much he knew I wanted this, that the shower helped ease the OCD in me.Ass muscles tightened around my cock, and I hissed as I tilted him back and took his nipple under my teeth.I knew his dick would be too sensitive to touch so soon after coming; didn’t mean I couldn’t find some way to drive him nuts.“Harder,” breathed Jan as he squirmed under my teeth-play, his one arm resting over my shoulder, hand holding my neck, ass grinding into my lap, twisting on my cock.Right before he lifted up, then slammed back down.I closed my eyes and just hung on with teeth, hands, and fucking life as he rode me.“Christ, yes.” He felt so good, he looked so good, and this went down as one of my most favourite ways to fuck Jan.His hand gripped my jaw, lifted my gaze.“Come for me, Jack.”“Hmm.” Simple enough words, four of them, thirteen letters, nice little spaces between mono-syllables, but combined with how Jan had spoken them, smiled at me, drove onto my cock, every muscle in my body tensed, then suddenly expanded as I lost track of all reason except the come racing my shaft.I shouted, some swear word, maybe? Definitely attached to Jan’s name.Christ, everything—everything was attached to Jan’s name.Because, fuck, if he wasn’t the gentlest fucking Dom that managed to drive me nuts.I felt the world finally slip back around me, and I breathed hard into Jan, hands wrapped tight around Jan’s body, holding him close, wanting him in my body with me.My head nestled into his throat.“Rob and his toddler died.”I looked at him.“What?”He was smiling, but a tear rolled down his cheek.He kissed me, just gently.“Don’t be mad, please,” he whispered quietly.“Jan?” I pushed him to arm’s length.Mad?“I didn’t know how you’d take it if I told you.Or even if I was allowed to tell you being your trainee Dom.Or even if I was supposed to be grieving when I had you.”I thought back.Fuck, was that the phone call surrounding taking off the cage? “Wednesday.” I widened my eyes.“Jan, for fuck’s sake—why the hell didn’t you say anything? You.”He shrugged, another tear fell, and I saw all of his insecurities then.“Jan, why did you sign the contract?” I knew the reason; I needed to see if he could say it.His face screwed a little.“Trust, respect, compassion.”“Security?” I gave him the main one.“You signed it because you thought it would stop me walking away as easily as Rob did every time he saw you?”He tensed and I didn’t let him go [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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