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.Grenade shrapnel slashed Cleary's chin and a bullet struck him in the hand.Of his officers, Sharpsburg was down with wounds in an arm and shoulder.Garnet was coughing blood from a hit in the throat.Only Jacobs was still unscathed, as he shouted encouragement to the men and directed their fire.Then, unexpectedly, the security guards ceased firing.The Special Forces maintained a ragged counterfire until Cleary ordered them to stop all action, wondering what card the Wolfs were about to play next.A voice, distinct and refined, came over loudspeakers on the buildings around the facility, echoing up and down the roads-- a voice whose message was relayed to Washington through the microphones worn by the special force.“Please give me your attention.This is Karl Wolf.I send greetings to the American assault teams who are attempting to infiltrate the Destiny Enterprises mining facility.You must know by now that you are heavily outnumbered, surrounded, and entrapped with no means of escape.Further bloodshed is pointless.I advise you to disengage and retire back to the ice shelf, where you can be evacuated by your own people.You will be allowed to carry your dead and wounded with you.If you do not comply in the next sixty seconds, you will all die.The choice is yours.”The message came as a jolt.Cleary refused to accept inevitable defeat.He stared helplessly at the huddled and bullet-torn corpses of the dead and the bleeding bodies of the wounded.The eyes of those ready and able to fight on still reflected fearlessness and tenacity.They had fought savagely, bled, and died.They had given all that was humanly possible.But they could do no more than go down fighting, a last stand, unknown and unmourned.The redoubtable Cleary by now had only twenty-six men in fighting condition left out of the original sixty-five who had parachuted from the C-17.They were assailed from the front and scourged from the rear by the remaining armored Sno-cats.He fought off a venomous pessimism and a bitterness he'd never known before.It seemed hopeless to mount another assault, but he was determined to make one more try.To push forward would amount to nothing more than a suicide charge.And yet there was no thought of disengaging.Every man knew that if they didn't die here and now, they would certainly die when the Earth went mad.With deep misgivings, Cleary regrouped what was left of his command for a final assault on the control center.Then, in the silence of the temporary ceasefire, he heard what sounded like a car horn blaring in the distance.Soon it became louder, and every head on the battlefield turned and stared, mystified.And then the thing was upon them.“What is happening?” Loren burst over the murmur of male voices at hearing the vocal burst of confusion over the speakers.Everyone in the war rooms of the Pentagon and White House automatically glanced up at the monitors displaying static photos of the facility.For long, disbelieving moments, everyone sat in open amazement, listening spellbound to what they heard through the communications speakers.“My God!” Admiral Eldridge uttered in a stunned croak.“What in the devil is going on down there?” demanded the President.“I have no idea, Mr.President,” muttered General South, unable to comprehend the chaotic words of the Special Forces teams, who all seemed to be shouting at once.“I have no idea,” he repeated vaguely.Something totally macabre was happening on the battle site of the mining facility.The men of the Special Forces team, as well as the security guards, swung in shock.Cleary found himself staring through unblinking eyes with a stark, unfettered expression of bewilderment at a monstrous red juggernaut rolling on enormous donut tires that burst into view like a crazy man's nightmare.He watched in hypnotic fascination as the giant vehicle smashed into both armored Sno-cats, knocking them on their sides and squashing them, as the force of the impact hurled the startled guards into the air before they fell in broken heaps on the ice.Flames mushroomed in curling spires over a bursting canopy of screeching, tumbling doors, tractor treads, steel splinters, and armor plate.The monster never slowed, its driver never decelerating, as it relentlessly continued its spree of destruction.Jacobs shouted for his men to leap aside, as Sharpsburg, in frantic disregard for his wounds, scrambled out of the way of the rapidly approaching monster.Garnet and his team gawked in blank disbelief, before they were abruptly galvanized into diving against the walls of the buildings to save themselves.Then the thing was upon them, rushing past with an earsplitting roar from the exhaust headers whose mufflers had been torn off when crashing into the Sno-cats.It was a sound that none of the warriors, crouched dazed and stunned in the snow, could ever forget.And then it rampaged into the ice barricade as if it were made of cardboard.The security guards froze in stunned astonishment along with every member of the Special Forces team, wounded or not, and watched in involuntary fascination as the colossus, not content with demolishing the barricade, rumbled on toward the high archway entrance of the control center like an out-of-control express train, callous of the devastation it was causing.Bedlam! Security guards came alive and scattered frantically in every direction, trying to leap clear.For that one brief, fleeting moment, Cleary couldn't believe the rescuer of his command hadn't really been the work of aliens or demons from a hallucination.The curtain quickly parted in Cleary's mind and he realized that, thanks to the ponderous machine, victory had suddenly risen from the ashes.Cleary always retained an image of that grand vehicle, its red paint transparent and glistening under the bright sun, its driver gripping the steering wheel with one hand, the other firing an old 1911-model Colt automatic out the window at the security guards as fast as he could pull the trigger, while another man sprayed any black uniform that moved with a Bushmaster rifle.It was a spectacle entirely unexpected, without precedent, a spectacle to make men doubt their sanity.The thirty or fewer security guards who had not been laid dead and injured by the Special Force teams, and who'd survived the onslaught, soon recovered and began blasting at the murderous, freakish vehicle.Their gunfire slammed deafeningly in wave after wave.Bullets peppered the red body and great tires, tearing into metal and rubber, and still the monster refused to stop, horns atop the roof still trumpeting until they were shot away.Every shard of glass was shot out of the control cabin, and still the driver and his passenger blazed away at the security guards [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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