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.He did care for Lady Kathryn, far more than he wanted to admit.However, he wasn’t sure marriage to him was in her best interest, under the circumstances.The two men stared at each other, then Bruce answered Bryan’s question.“I’m glad I didn’t know then how it would all come to pass, because in truth, I might not have married Elizabeth and thus would have denied myself her love.But sometimes, the hope of seeing her again is all that keeps me going.”Bryan sat back down.He didn’t know how to respond to such a candid answer.Robert broke the uncomfortable silence.“Now, explain to me why you can’t marry a beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy woman.Surely your pride was not so wounded that you cannot get past it.Surely you can find a way to persuade the lady?”Bryan shook his head.“I’m a warrior.What have I to offer her?” He huffed.“I’ve sworn to safeguard her.Isn’t that enough?”Robert’s gaze was direct.“Perhaps.But the war can’t last forever, Bryan.When it is done, you will need a woman to come home to, somewhere to reside in peace to nurse your wounds and heal your soul.”Bryan sipped his water.“I could just as easily make a widow of her.Already Rodney Carleton has sworn to seek revenge for taking what he considers his.” He had never spoken of his vow.Now he must.“That day in the hills of Carrick, when Lady Christian came to us?”“I remember.”“You.I.’twas the darkest moment of my life, my laird.”“And mine.” Bruce’s voice was somber.Bryan gripped the table until his knuckles turned white.“I vowed that day I would not marry until Scotland is free.I don’t know if I can face what you have endured and still go on.”Robert studied him before replying, “So that is why you’ve guarded your heart so closely.” He bowed his head and toyed with his wedding ring.“The woman finds your lack of noble lineage distasteful?”“So she says.”Robert rubbed his forehead above his brows, head bowed.When he looked up, he said, “I told you I have no regrets about marrying Elizabeth.But I am not proud of all my actions, Bryan.I have not always acted according to God’s will when it came to my.carnal appetites.”Bruce jerked to his feet and now he paced the confines of the tent.“Do you remember your mother, Bryan?”Shocked speechless, Bryan stammered, “Yes, of course.”“What do you know of her?”Bryan swallowed.“That she was gently born but impoverished and served in your father’s house.” There would have been no question of Robert marrying her—she was little more than a servant and could not bring wealth or a political alliance to Bruce’s powerful family.“Such relationships are not uncommon among the nobility.”“That doesn’t make them right.”“No.But you didn’t abandon her.” Or me.Many noblemen ignored their by-blows, but despite his youth, Bruce had accepted responsibility for Bryan’s welfare.Even when Bryan’s mother married William Mackintosh and moved to Moy, Bruce sent money.And when Bryan’s mother died, Bruce had sent for him, made him part of the Bruce household as Robert’s page.Robert himself had taught him to wield the claymore and battle-axe along with the other skills necessary to become a successful warrior.Bruce ran his fingers through his hair.“No, I didn’t abandon her.I cared for her just as I care, have always cared, for her son.”Bryan didn’t know what to say or where the conversation was leading.“I have regrets, Bryan.But loving Elizabeth isn’t one of them.” The king ceased pacing and sat back down in the chair facing Bryan, head bowed.“I regret that three of my four brothers have died in this struggle against England.I regret that I am nearly forty years old with my wife imprisoned.” Robert raised his head and looked at Bryan.“I regret Elizabeth and I have no son that I may acknowledge before the world as my rightful heir.Aye, that I regret deeply.”Bryan took his father’s hand and kissed the back of it.“You have been more than generous to me, my laird.”The king grasped Bryan’s fingers fleetingly and released them.“You don’t aspire to take my place on the throne?”“In truth, I’ve considered what it might be like.”“But?”“If you were to name me as your heir, or even simply acknowledge me, it would just create more instability and strife.Our current woes came about as a result of controversy over who should rule.Your brother Edward would rightly contest me.And you may yet have a son with your wife, my laird.I must consider what is best for Scotland.”Bruce nodded in approval.“Well said.Then you are content that our relationship remain unspoken?”“It is enough to have had this conversation with you.To be silently acknowledged by your family, as I always have been.”The king smiled.“I am very pleased with the man you’ve become, Bryan.And while I may take some credit for it, ’tis your heart that has always been true.Please accept the earldom as a small measure of my esteem for you.”“As you wish.” They sat in companionable silence.“But what of the woman?”After a pause, the king said, “I’m sorry to ask you to go against a solemn pledge, but it is my wish that you wed the countess.” Robert fiddled with his wineglass, staring at the table.“When the shipment has passed safely across the river Tweed, you will desert Homelea and go to Stirling to prepare for battle.”“You will leave Homelea defenseless.”“I cannot spare the men or arms, Bryan.If you wish to keep Lady Kathryn safe, you will have to take her with you.Either that, or leave her there for Edward.”“Edward and Rodney.What a tangle this turned out to be.”“Bryan, I’m sorry.Lady Kathryn must either be protected or abandoned.Shall I look elsewhere for a husband for her?”No other man shall have her.She is mine.Surprised by the intensity of his reaction, and troubled by the impossible situation he was being forced into, Bryan willed his face to mask his feelings.“No, Your Majesty.I will do as you ask.”“Bryan, I can coerce you into marriage, but no one can force you to engage your emotions.Do you understand what I’m saying?”“Aye.” A marriage of convenience—a chaste union until such time as he could give his heart freely.What Robert suggested allowed Bryan to keep both vows—he could protect Kathryn while remaining emotionally detached.“I have sworn to protect her.If my name is needed as well as my sword, so be it.”But how will I protect my heart?SIXTHE CONFRONTATION IN THE STABLE had frightened Kathryn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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