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.”“I still don’t get how Talmir managed to take you.I would guess with him being in your village that they would have guarded you even closer.” Cyan knew he would have upped Ryder’s protection given what little he knew and he didn’t even know the whole story.“Well, they did, but I needed some alone time.I had managed to sneak away from the guards before and so that’s what I did.I hadn’t realized that Talmir had been watching from a spot in the forest.He saw me when I shifted and followed me with that damn crystal.” Ryder turned his head to look at Cyan, anger lurking in the depths of his eyes.“As soon as he got near me with it, I shifted back to human form and he had me.I tried to scream and he used magic to gag me.I swear, there for a minute I thought something was choking me.It felt like something had been shoved down my throat.It doesn’t matter though, even if I had managed it, I doubt anyone from my clan would have heard it; I was too far away.”“Still, once they realized you were gone and so was he, surely they went looking for you!”“I’m sure they did, and probably still are.As soon as I get my strength back, I need to go and let them know I’m safe.They won’t stop looking for me; not until they either find me alive or my body.” Ryder dropped his gaze to his lap for a second before glancing back at Cyan, regret evident in his eyes.“Do you understand what I’m saying?”“I always knew your stay here was temporary, that you’d leave.” Cyan tried to smile at him, tell him it was okay, but his lips wouldn’t move.He didn’t want Ryder to leave.He finally felt connected to someone and it was going to be ripped away from him.“We come from two entirely different backgrounds and I know that I don’t belong in your world.I don’t belong anywhere.”“Even when I go, I promise, I’ll come back and visit you.I don’t believe what your clan does, that you’re dangerous.We all need to know that someone cares.After everything you’ve done for me, I can at least give you that.” Ryder squeezed his hand before releasing it and standing up.“Please don’t promise something that you can’t deliver.Even if you did visit, it would all end once you found your mate.” Cyan’s shoulders slumped in defeat.Even before Ryder found his mate, he wouldn’t come to visit, no matter what he said.Cyan’s fate was to be alone, separate from all others of their kind.He couldn’t even hope to eventually meet his mate.He couldn’t meet someone who didn’t exist.Chapter FiveA chill skirting across his back and contrasting with the warmth of his front pulled Cyan from his dreams.He mentally cursed the disruption and kept his eyes closed, hoping he could doze enough to fall back into the pleasant dream in which he had met his mate and was soaring over the trees with him.He curled into the warmth and tried to reach for the blanket.Only, when he tried to move his arm, he couldn’t.Something had him pinned.He tried to pull free, but the grip tightened and something, or someone, moved against him.His eyes flew open, fully awake as fear coursed through his body.He jerked his arm frantically, relief coursing through him as something gave way and it slid free.His entire body was shaking as he rolled away and quickly scrambled to his feet to defend himself.It wasn't the first time they'd hoped to finish him off while he was at his most vulnerable and he seriously doubted it would be the last.He felt the magic well up inside him, could feel the shift coming on, when warm fingers gripped his arm.His instincts screamed at him to flee, get as far away as possible.He snagged the arm with hands already turning into claws and twisted before shoving the person hard just as the voice penetrated his terror filled mind.“Cyan!”That voice.He knew that voice, had even heard that same pain in it before.He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the fear and blinked rapidly to clear his vision.Cyan stared in horror as the sight of Ryder, sprawled in the ground, staring at him with fear filled eyes.The magic ebbed away making Cyan fully human once again.“Ryder.” He managed to choke the name out past the lump in his throat, his voice barely a whisper as he rushed forward to help the man off the ground [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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