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.Polly pulled a large, fortunately clean, paint rag from her pocket.“Here, take this.How long was it before the wicked ogre died?”Lady Sylvia summoned up a tremulous smile.“He was killed in a duel three years after we were married, just after Winnie was born.Though he had sold all the Dean House land by then, to pay his gambling debts, not long before the duel he won a vast sum, so he left me wealthy.My family wanted me to go back home, but I refused.”“I don’t blame you a bit!”“His family blamed me for not bearing a son and heir, and for not reforming him, though how they expected me to do that I cannot guess.So you will understand that I have little contact with either family.I was used to think myself perfectly happy alone here with the girls and the garden and my books, but since you came I have realised that something was missing.”“Companionship.I’m not much of a companion, I fear, always busy with my pencil or brushes, or off in another world planning what to do next.”“Oh no, you have been just what I needed.If I wanted someone forever hovering about me, I could have taken a paid companion, as everyone urged me to do.The only thing is, I have no one to turn to for advice.”“If there is anything I can help you with, you know you have only to ask.”Lady Sylvia hugged her.“I know.Your coming to paint the girls is quite the best thing that has happened to me this age.But I doubt the subject is one on which you are any more knowledgeable than I.It is a problem concerning the estate.”“The Ellingham estate in Warwickshire? Was it not entailed to the new viscount?”“Yes, it went to a distant cousin, which is one reason the Ellinghams were displeased with me.It is Westcombe that concerns me.You may remember I mentioned that I had inherited a small estate from an uncle? He was the only person who sympathized with me, and he left Westcombe to me so that I should never be quite dependent on my husband.”“I remember.It is near Lewes?”“Not fifteen miles from here.The girls and I generally go to stay for a month or two in the summer.” She frowned.“For two years or more the revenue has been declining, and now someone wants to purchase the estate.My bailiff and my solicitor both advise me to sell, but neither will explain matters to me because I am a woman.They are probably right, I should not understand if they did, but I refuse to run to my father for advice.”“Of course not.You must ask Ned.”“You think he would not mind?”“I’m sure he will be pleased to help.He is the kindest of brothers.And being a land agent, he will know just what’s what.”“That is what I thought when you told me his profession, but I should not have dared to ask before I met him.He did seem kind, and…altogether amiable.If Ellingham had been like Mr.Howard.Well, I can see that not all married women are to be pitied, after all.”The next afternoon, Polly was in the garden sketching a moving target—Winnie being pushed on the swing by Annette—when Kolya was announced.Hat in hand he came running down the steps from the terrace, made his bow to Lady Sylvia, who was sitting on a nearby bench, and turned to Polly.“I have borrowed a phaeton and a pair of horses,” he announced.“Do not wish to interrupt, but perhaps my lady will be so good to excuse you for tour of Brighton?”“Ten minutes,” said Polly.The sight of his tall, lithe form made her slightly breathless, but Winnie was cooperating for once and she was determined to finish her drawing.Though Kolya, as expected, was amused rather than offended by the delay, Winnie, as might have been expected, was unable to sit still when a visitor had arrived.“Is Mr.Nick coming today?” she called eagerly.“Not today,” Kolya told her.“I introduced Nick to my friend who is fisherman, and he was invited to go today in boat on the sea.Also I have a friend who is retired naval officer who will tell him stories of Navy.But Nick has not forgotten you.He asked me to tell you, will come tomorrow to play the hide-and-seek.”“Then may I go today with you and Miss Polly?” Winnie jumped off the swing without waiting for it to stop and landed on hands and knees.Looking at her hands, she screeched, “Mama, there’s blood!”As Lady Sylvia hurried towards her wailing daughter, she said to Polly, “You had best go at once, before she recollects that she wants to go with you.Enjoy yourself.”Polly hesitated, but Annette ran up and said earnestly, “You need not worry about Winnie.She is not hurt.Seeing blood always makes her cry.”So Polly and Kolya slipped away.The borrowed carriage turned out to be a high-perch phaeton, its body slung between huge wheels.It was a very smart crimson and black vehicle drawn by a coal-black pair.“You are not nervous?” Kolya enquired, driving through the gateway and turning left towards town.“Nervous?” Polly was surprised.“Why?”“Some people consider high-perch phaeton is a dangerous carriage.”“Nick has told me you are a top sawyer, and while I am aware that you have told him any number of tall tales, I do not believe you would exaggerate your skill.Besides, we shall have a splendid view of everything from so high above the ground.”“You are never afraid, I think.”“I suppose fear seems to me a singularly useless emotion.” She pondered a moment and then went on, “If I thought you would overturn the carriage I should not be here with you, so there would be nothing to be afraid of.Having accepted the ride, being afraid would not prevent an accident.”That made him shout with laughter.“Is very practical view of life,” he admitted.Since her mother frequently accused her of impracticality, Polly was pleased.She glanced up at him, to find him grinning down at her with a light in his eyes that made her wonder whether perhaps she was a trifle nervous, after all.Quickly she looked away, and gave a cry of delight.“Is that the Pavilion?”Before them spread an enchanted palace of oriental domes and spires and minarets, lacy screens of carved stone, pillars, arches, and cupolas.Kolya pulled up the horses to let her stare at leisure.“I have to paint it.”“But of course.You can wait a little while?” he enquired politely.“Wait? Oh, you are teasing again.Yes, I shall have to wait, for I did not even bring my sketch book.Besides, I want to see the rest of the town, but can we drive right around the Pavilion first?”As they circled the grounds, Polly was silent, studying the different façades from different angles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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