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.We’d not have known, necessarily, except the one man wearing his colors reported to his regiment first, as he should have, and the captain of the Guelens fortunately had his wits about him and sent for me.” Idrys was dripping on the tiles, as happened…had had no cloak, by the soaking he had had, and a cold rain.Idrys had wasted no time on either end of his passage.“Your best guess, crow.Guesses, now.Free for the making.”“I don’t believe any of it.I think our man with the sick mother wants to reach her, doesn’t want to entangle himself—that part of the story is true—with the business at the Quinalt.He’s scared.The regimental captain had sent to know about the mother, who was ill, that was true; but recovered; she was at her house, knows nothing of all this, likely doesn’t know her son’s in the town.I’ve a handful of pieces with no ends that match.”“I agree.The whole pack is lying in some fashion, and Tristen didn’t send them—no, he sent the man with the mother.I can guess that.He would.Stay.Let me read this.”“Read, my lord king.I’ve an order to pass, by your leave, maybe a report to receive, and I’ll be back before you finish.”What order that was he did not ask.The deserters had better secure sanctuary at the gods’ own altar before Idrys laid hands on them, Cefwyn thought to himself, for there was fire in Idrys’ eye.Ilefínian has fallen.I write this from Anwyll’s camp at the river, where Cevulirn has set Ivanim archers to watch the bridges…Cevulirn was with Tristen.Anwyll’s camp at the river.The names rang like blessed bells, familiar and sounding of protection, safety, matters well in hand…the two most loyal of his lords, aware of the calamity and taking precautions.I have set the thane of Modeyneth to be the new earl of Bryn.His name is Drusenan.His wife is Elwynim.He lives in the village.I have found women and children fled from the fighting in Elwynor and set them in his care.Also I have ordered a wall and gate across the road there, where two hills make a natural defense.The Emwy road is warded.Tristen broke laws.What else did he expect? Tristen appointed an unknown man to office, and he would wager there was good reason.The south was in good order—in excellent order, except he now knew his carts were farther away.What shall I do, Tristen? was his silent appeal, which he knew Tristen would no more hear than he could understand two wizards looking at one another and nodding.I need the damn carts, Tristen.Well-done on the riverside, but my gear sits in camp, and it’s the better part of a month to move those carts here.Idrys’ footsteps heralded his return.Cefwyn ceased reading and waited, as his Lord Commander came back to him.“News?”“I’ve sent a messenger to His Holiness advising him things may not be as he’s told.I hear His Reverence was muddy, lame, and bruised.The report I have says he fell off his horse.”“Tristen couldn’t have done it.He was at the river.”“At the river, my lord king?”“With my carts.I know damned well that’s what he’s done.Go on.”“He’s almost certainly here to complain of the lord of Amefel.But not even the Majesty of Ylesuin can demand entrance into the Quinaltine.”“We can demand other things.”“Shall I send for the Holy Father?”“I want him there till he’s found out something.Advise him so.Get those men with him in hand.I count that a necessity.Damn them for deserters.Damn all they say.”“And the patriarch of Amefel?”“A knottier problem.One the Holy Father will have to solve.One he’d damned well better solve.Can you get that to him?”“I’ll attend to it,” Idrys said, and left.His armor had just dried from the last foray out into the wretched weather.It was unlikely he would stop this time to obtain a cloak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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