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.Jamison sighed.“Wish it was already in the past.I’ll let you rest.” He shuffled toward the door.“Goodnight.” Ty lay there brooding, and his mom’s voice repeating in his mind, “This too shall pass,” wasn’t really helping.The thought of not being able to play basketball ripped at him, but the thought of not being worthy of Kazlyn, of having nothing to offer her shredded him completely.Sobs worked their way up his chest.His body shook.He clenched a fist to his mouth to stop the sound from coming out.One wrong fall.One wrong twist of his foot and his future was over.How could he help his sisters and Mom now? How could he even dream of a future with Kazlyn?Why had this happened to him? Why?He rolled to his right side, folded his arms, bowed his head, and begged the Lord to help him through this.Just getting through tonight and tomorrow was all he could ask for, but he wanted to beg for some kind of miracle.Chapter ThirteenThe drive to Billings was uncomfortable.Luke and Kazlyn tried to talk with Ty, but he was quiet, obviously nervous about what the specialist would say.He held on tightly to her hand as she sat between him and Luke in the truck.She kept picturing him falling on the court.It had been awful to watch this strong, amazing man be injured.She’d prayed hard last night for him to heal and for him to be able to deal with the injury, especially if it was the end of his career.They made it to the doctor’s office and waited over an hour in the examination room.The door burst open and a small, balding doctor stormed in, holding the x-rays they’d brought with them from Snow Valley.He sat down on a chair across from the three of them, looked at Ty and said, “I have no idea how you screwed up your foot this badly.”Ty extended his hand.“I’m Tyrese Wilson.Who the heck are you?”The man shook his head and Ty’s hand.“Doctor Shaffer.Son, your foot’s a mess.We’ll take an MRI to confirm, but you’ll need reconstructive surgery.We can schedule it here for next week or if you prefer to have a doctor in Cache Valley do it, you can meet with one of them.Honestly, I might recommend the latter.Cache Valley Orthopedics, or even better the University of Utah, deal with a lot more Lisfranc fractures than I do.”Ty stared at the ground.“I’ll need to talk to my mom and my coach and see what they recommend.”“I understand.” He placed a small hand on Ty’s shoulder.“I’m sorry, son, but there’s no way you’re playing basketball this year.”Ty took a long breath and then nodded.“What about next year? I had some offers to play in Europe.”The man shook his head.The look in his eye was not promising.“Possibly.But you’ve got to understand, son, your midfoot supports you during high-impact athletics, and with the damage you’ve done.” He sighed.“The ligaments you injured got their name because a surgeon in Napoleon’s army used to amputate the foot when someone was ripped off their horse and their foot got caught in the stirrup.”Kazlyn wanted to tell the doctor they didn’t need a history lesson right now, but at least Ty’s foot wasn’t getting amputated.The doctor sighed again.“I’ve personally never seen an athlete recover from this and play competitively.But, you’ll have to see how recovery goes.” He patted Ty on the shoulder.“Sorry to ruin your Christmas.”He walked out of the room without saying goodbye and Ty muttered, “More like ruin my life.”Luke shifted in his chair, staring a hole in the shiny floor.Kazlyn was at a loss for how to comfort Ty and was grateful when he used his crutches to lumber to his feet and they escaped the doctor’s office.They went to a fun bakery, Harper and Madison, for a sandwich.She could tell Ty was trying to be upbeat, but he was failing miserably.After they picked up their delicious-looking sandwiches, that no one was hungry for, Luke banged his fist on the table.“Dude, I am so sorry.”“Luke.” Ty shook his head.His voice was low and scratchy.“Please, don’t blame yourself.This is tough enough without me worrying about how to comfort you.”Luke pressed his lips together for a second [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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