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.”So noted, Cal muttered.pdfMachine”“Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents.Compatible acrossnearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.Get yours now!file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$EX03.813\Nora.3/3/2008BloodBrothersPage 204 of 257It is gorgeous, Quinn agreed, shifting her head from side to side to see around Layla.Oh, I“”“fo rgot.I heard f rom my grandmother.She tracked down the Bible.She s having her sister-in-law s’’granddaughter copy and scan the appropriate pages, and e-mail them to me.Quinn wiggled to try for”more room.At least that s the plan, as the granddaughter s the only one of them who understands how’’“to scan and attach files.E-mail and online poker s as far as Grandma goes on the Internet.I hope to have’the information by tomorrow.Isn t this great?”’Wedged between Quinn s butt and the door, Cybil dug in to protect her corner of the seat.It d be’“’better if you d move your ass over.”’I ve got Layla s space, too, so I get more room.I want popcorn, Quinn decided.Doesn t all this’“”’’“snow make everyone want popcorn? Did we pack any? Do you have any? she asked Cal.Maybe we“”could stop and buy some Orville s.”’He kept his mouth shut, and concentrated on surviving what he thought might be the longest drive of his life.He plowed his way down the side roads, and though he trusted the truck and his own driving, was relieved when he turned onto his lane.As he d been outvoted about the heat setting, the cab of the truck’was like a sauna.Even under the circumstances, Cal had to admit his place, his woods, did look like a picture.The snow-banked terraces, the white-decked trees and huddles of shrubs framed the house where smoke was pumping from the chimney, and the lights were already gleaming against the windows.He followed the tracks of Fox s tires across the little bridge over his snow-and ice-crusted curve of’the creek.Lump padded toward the house from the direction of the winter-postcard woods, leaving deep prints behind him.His tail swished once as he let out a single, hollow bark.Wow, look at Lump.Quinn managed to poke Cal with her elbow as the truck shoved its way”“along the lane.He s positively frisky.”’“Snow gets him going.Cal pulled behind Fox s truck, smirked at the Ferrari, slowly being buried,’”“then laid on the horn.He d be damned if he was going to haul the bulk of what three women deemed’impossible to live without for a night or two.He dragged bags out of the bed.It s a beautiful spot, Cal.Layla took the first out of his hands.Currier and Ives for the twenty“”’“first century.Is it all right if I go right in?”Sure.”“Pretty as a picture.Cybil scanned the bags and boxes, chose one for herself.Especially if you“”“don t mind being isolated.”’I don t.”’“pdfMachineIs a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents.Compatible acrossnearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.Get yours now!file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$EX03.813\Nora.3/3/2008BloodBrothersPage 205 of 257She glanced over as Gage and Fox came out of the house.I hope you don t mind crowds either.”’“They got everything inside, trailing snow everywhere.Cal decided it must have been some sort of female telepathy that divided them all into chores without discussion.Layla asked him for rags or old towels and proceeded to mop up the wet, Cybil took over the kitchen with her stew pot and bag of kitchen ingredients.And Quinn dug into his linen closet, such as it was, and began assigning beds, and ordering various bags carried to various rooms.There wasn t anything for him to do, really, but have a beer.’Gage strode in as Cal poked at the fire.There are bottles of girl stuff all over both bathrooms up“there.Gage jerked a thumb at the ceiling.What have you done?”“”What had to be done.I couldn t leave them.They could ve been cut off for a couple of days.”’’“And what, turned into the next Donner Party? Your woman has Fox making my bed, which is“now the pullout in your office.And which I m apparently supposed to share with him.You know that’son of a bitch is a bed hog.”Can t be helped.”’“Easy for you to say, seeing as you ll be sharing yours with the blonde.”’“This time Cal grinned, smugly.Can t be helped.”’“Esmerelda s brewing up something in the kitchen.”’“Goulashand it s Cybil.”’—“Whatever, it smells good, I ll give her that.She smells better.But the point is I got the heave-ho’“when I tried to get a damn bag of chips to go with the beer.”You want to cook for six people?”“Gage only grunted, sat, propped his feet on the coffee table.How much are they calling for?”“About three feet.Cal dropped down beside him, mirrored his pose.Used to be we liked nothing“”“better.No school, haul out the sleds.Snowball wars.”Those were the days, my friend.”“Now we re priming the generator, loading in firewood, buying extra batteries and toilet paper.”’“Sucks to be grown up.”“Still, it was warm, and while the snow fell in sheets outside, there was light, and there was food [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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