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.“That we did, good merchant.that we did.You may go.And you may still enjoy the delights of my palace.Sleep well, Hassim.You have earned it.”A flick of her pearl-and-gold-clad wrist banished him and his escort from her presence.Ananya sighed and stooped.Scooping up the casket, she rose and offered her hand to the kneeling mistress of the chambers.The bodyguard, a stoutly muscled woman handpicked and trained from early youth to be able to guard a member of the Western royal family, came to attention and followed them out as Her Highness led the way.“Come, milady,” she said.“You and I shall retire to my private chambers, where you shall instruct me in all the touches His Highness likes best.And though I do not think my chief enchantress has the skill to replicate anything of an equivalent nature, I will send my master of the chambers back with you when it is time for you to return, so that he may reassure His Highness that I have had equal instruction in such matters myself.”Lady Bhanuni chuckled.“Trust me, Your Highness.If I am to teach you all that I know, His Highness will know exactly how skillful you are.Remember, if I touch it, he will feel nothing at all.The same will not be true for you.He will feel everything you do.which is why I am here to help instruct you.”Blushing, Princess Ananya carefully carried the casket to her rooms.THE first touch came as he was enjoying a performance in the palace theater.The feel of warm, soft fingers encircling his shaft startled him.They shifted and squeezed a little, and it felt so real, he couldn’t help but glance down.No one had a hand in his lap, though he could still feel the sensation.The phantom touches paused for a few moments, then came back as the invisible hand held him once again, then finally stopped.Blinking, Prince Kavi returned his attention to the words and actions of the actors on the platform.Thankfully, they were in the final act of the drama.Unfortunately, they were only partway into it.No sooner had the second of three scenes begun than he felt the phantom touch of a woman’s hand again.At first it was just a grasping sensation, almost like she was carrying him.Then he felt her circling his shaft with her fingertips, exploring his skin.She stroked his glans and trailed her fingers down to his sack, gently weighing each of the soft globes tucked within.Her random explorations aroused him.He felt her sliding his foreskin back from the tip of his rod, and wondered if it really was being physically slid back.Another glance at his trousers showed his flesh beginning to strain against the brocaded fabric.Realization struck; he nudged his grand vizier, whispering for the older man to pass the word that he wanted to speak with his chief wizard.Rising, the Northern-born man moved along the row of chairs in the royal viewing box and crouched in front of his liege, whispering, “You wished to see me, Your Highness?”Leaning forward—grateful that he still could—Kavi whispered in his ear.“Your special spell is working very well.Too well.Now you will do something about it.”“I beg your pardon?” the chief wizard whispered back.“Do you wish me to end the enchantment, Your Highness?”“No.” The feel of the hand of Princess Ananya—given the instructions he had sent with his envoys, it could be no other—was too seductive to give up just yet.“I need you to cast an illusion upon my clothes so that I may stand up at the end of this play with my dignity still intact.”“Ah.” Mouth curling up in amusement, the chief wizard bowed his head.“Of course, Your Highness.And tomorrow, I should have an amulet ready for you to wear which will keep the illusion going.Even if I have to work all night to enspell it.”“Thank you.” Keeping his chin up, Kavi watched the play as the mage chanted quietly over his lap.A slight tingle was the only proof the magic had worked.The chief wizard bowed and returned quietly to his seat, leaving Prince Kavi to enjoy the rest of the play [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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