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.Again a cheer went up from the crowd.Then it was cut off abruptly as, with one body, the assembled spectators dropped to their knees.“Entertaining the troops, I see,” remarked an unfamiliar voice.Belatedly I knelt myself, with Li Po at my side.Even General Yuwen and Prince Jian made obeisance, though the prince merely bowed.“So this is the boy who carries a warrior’s bow,” the voice went on.“I hope you can do more than just carry it on your back.”I could not have answered, even if I’d thought a response was necessary.My tongue seemed glued to the roof of my mouth.“How many shots?”“Three, Brother,” Prince Jian said.“Two are accomplished.There is one to go.”“Why not shoot together?” the newcomer asked.“Prince and commoner, standing side by side.Such an inspiration, wouldn’t you agree?”This must be Prince Guang, I realized.Though surely he would never have performed the act he was urging on Prince Jian.For if a prince and commoner performed the same action but only the commoner prevailed …Oh, be careful, I thought.Then I wondered if I was cautioning myself or Prince Jian.“An excellent suggestion,” Prince Jian answered.“For surely we all carry the same desire in our hearts to rid China of her enemies, prince and commoner alike.”“Get up, boy,” Prince Guang instructed in a curt tone.I stood, praying that my trembling legs would hold me up, and was careful to keep my face lowered.With a gloved hand Prince Guang grasped my chin and forced my face upward.“This one has a soft face, like a girl’s,” he scoffed.His words made my blood run cold even as it rushed to my face.Though, in truth, I did not think Prince Guang had the slightest idea that he’d guessed my secret.He was simply looking to add further insult to his younger brother, should I outshoot him.Prince Guang released my chin and stepped away, wiping his hand against his overcoat as if the touch of my skin had soiled the leather of his glove.“I look forward to the contest.”At a signal from Prince Jian the final target was moved into position and placed so that it was an equal distance between us both.The prince held out a hand for his arrow and nodded to me to do the same.“Listen to me, Gong-shi,” he said so quietly that I thought his voice carried no farther than General Yuwen and Li Po standing directly behind us.“Nothing is more important than defeating the enemies of China.When you let your arrow fly, remember that.”“Sire, I will,” I promised.Together we took our positions, sighting the target.As I looked down the shaft of my arrow, the world dropped away.I did not feel the tension of the crowd or Prince Guang’s clever malice.There was only the feel of the bow and arrow in my hands, the tug of wind, the sight of the target.A great stillness seemed to settle over me.The whole world seemed sharp and clear and calm.I pulled in a single breath and held it.Prince Jian is right, I thought.Nothing is more important than defeating the enemies of China.I released the breath, and with it the arrow.For better or worse, the deed was done.I was barely aware of Prince Jian beside me, mirroring my actions.The arrows flew so quickly that I could hardly mark their flights with my eyes.As if from a great remove I heard the sounds they made as they struck home.For several seconds not a single person reacted.And now the only sound that I could hear was that of my own thundering heart.Then, suddenly, it did not beat alone.For it seemed to me that I could hear a second heartbeat, pounding out a rhythm a perfect match to my own.Its beat had been there all the time, I realized, shoring mine up, urging it on.Prince Jian, I thought.Then every other thought was driven from me as the crowd of soldiers surrounding me and the prince erupted in a great roar of sound.Now, at last, I realized what my eyes had been trying to tell me all this time.The prince’s arrow and my own had found precisely the same mark, passing directly through the target’s throat.It was the best shot I had ever made, and I had done it with my heart beating in time to that of Prince Jian.He moved to stand beside me then, clapping me on the back as he threw back his head and laughed in delight.I staggered a little under the gesture, for, abruptly, I was dizzy.“Well done,” Prince Jian said, his hand resting on my shoulder.“You come by your name honestly, Gong-shi, and I think you are more than worthy of that bow.“Bring me the arrows,” he instructed Li Po.Li Po took off running, returning a moment later with the arrows in both hands.At a nod from Prince Jian, Li Po held the arrows up for all to see.The points were joined [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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