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.Brad has an enormous grin plastered on his face, and I have a mask of red stuck to mine.I look back down quickly and continue talking with Dane.How the hell am I supposed to get my shoe back?Shoe loss notwithstanding, I act like I’m completely involved in this conversation.I don’t miss a beat.“Do you still manage to see each other?”“Yes, we always make an effort to get together a couple of times a year.”“I’m a bit jealous.It’s just my mom and dad, and my sister.” Scratch that, it’s really just me.He rambles a bit about how important his family is to him, how lucky he is to have so many siblings, and how he has a new niece on the way.My foot is starting to get cold when he finally includes me in the conversation.“So, Gabby, what made you decide to go into interior design?” I get the sense that he’s just being polite.He seems much more at ease talking about himself.“It’s something that has fascinated me since I was a kid.I always took note of furniture and layout, as well as color.I’m a very visual person.”Dane raises an eyebrow.“Really?”I realize what I just implied and start fidgeting with my napkin.He looks at his watch and then back to me.“Listen, I really need to get back to work, but I’m looking forward to seeing you on Friday.I’m staying at the W Hotel on Broadway until the apartment is finished, so we can have dinner there, if that’s okay with you.”“Yeah, that’d be great.” I certainly hope the conversation is more interesting at dinner.Or perhaps, we won’t talk at all.“Terrific, I’ll look forward to seeing you then.Say seven? I’ll meet you in the lobby.”“Sounds good.”Dane stands up from the table.“I’ll walk you out.”No you won’t, because I’m missing a shoe.“Actually, I think I’m going to stay a bit longer.”“Alright.Well then, I’ll see you on Friday.”“Absolutely.”Dane walks out the door, and once he does, I see Brad coming towards me with his hands behind his back.His crooked smile makes a glowing appearance.“I think you might need this,” he says, passing me my shoe from behind like it’s a super-covert operation.I shake my head and roll my eyes at myself.“Thanks.”“Go easy on the heel next time.I don’t want anyone losing a head.” His voice erupts with laughter as he heads back behind the counter.Before I head back to post-it land, I pull out my cell phone to text Fran about Dane.Me: Hey! Guess who I just saw?Fran: Hmmm…no ideaMe: Dark & SexyFran: You’re shitting meMe: Wouldn’t shit you about something like thisFran: And…Me: Went to his apartment, then had coffeeFran: Sounds boring, please tell me there’s moreMe: He asked me out Friday nightFran: Now you’re talkingMe: Will need help with wardrobe choiceFran: Always glad to obligeMe: See you at homeFran: Staying at Kyle’sMe: Man you move fast.It’s only been eight days! See u in morning.xoFran: Hee hee.xo***I feel a hand pressing on my shoulder.I’m not sure if I’m dreaming, so I roll over, but there it is again.Cracking my eyes open, I vaguely see what look like Fran’s ebony strands falling into my face.It’s either that or a gigantic spider, and I’m praying it’s hair.“Wake up, sleepyhead!”My mumbled, sleepy voice comes from underneath the warm blankets and I close my eyes again.“Huhhhh.sleeping here.”“Gabby, get up!”I slowly sit up and rub my tired blue eyes.“This better be good.I was having a hot dream.”Both her eyebrows raise up.“About Dane?”A smile creeps across my face.“Maybe.I told you he asked me out tomorrow night, to his hotel.” I emphasize the last word for effect.“Now it’s all I can think about.Oh, and like I said, I need help with clothes.”“Of course you will.We can dig through my closet and find something voluptuous for you!”“I was afraid of that.Maybe I should get something new.”“Chill, Gab.We’ll find something sexy and tasteful and perfect.”After a hot, steamy shower, washing Dane all over me, I pull myself together and Fran and I head out the door for some much needed caffeine.Making our way over to The Brew House, I feel so invigorated.The sun is beaming today.Everyone is all smiles.Or maybe it’s just me.The line is ridiculously long, but waiting doesn’t bother me today.My patience seems endless, my mind consumed with emerald eyes.When we finally reach the counter, I can’t stop smiling.With a curious smile Brad says, “hey, Gabby.Your usual?”“Yup, please.And Brad, this is my best friend, Fran.Fran, this is Brad.”“Hey, Fran.” Brad’s voice is friendly as always.“Welcome to The Brew House.”“Hey.” Fran eyes him like a cat on the prowl.When we get to the booth she looks over at me and gestures to Brad, who treats us to a dimpled smile.“He’s kinda cute.”“Yeah.He’s a nice guy.Cute too.And he always has my drink ready which is a bonus.” Not to mention he cleans up my coffee and toilet messes and saves my shoes.Speaking of guys, what’s going on with you and Kyle? You’ve barely known him two weeks, but you’ve been spending an awful lot of time at his place.”Fran puckers her lips.“He has the ability to rock my world, what can I say?” Then her eyes get a bit dreamy, which is unusual.“I kind of like him, Gabby.He’s really sweet, and he’s interested in me…I mean, in who I am.He’s always asking me questions about me as a kid, California, and…I don’t know, he’s attentive, I guess.”That makes me happy.“I like him already, then.”Fran’s face takes on a look of excitement.She reaches into her purse and then slides something under her palm across the table.When she lifts her hand, I laugh.“Where on earth did you find watermelon Jolly Ranchers?”“I have my ways,” she grins."Remember sixth grade in Mr.Flander’s class; I gave you one of these? You didn’t waste any time crinkling up the wrapper and popping it in your mouth."My face brightens."Of course I remember that.These were my favorite then.”"Mr.Flanders literally stopped class and started sniffing the air like a bloodhound.” Fran lifts her nose so her nostrils flare and lowers her voice to imitate his, “Who's eating candy?”I remember it like it was yesterday.“I can still see chubby, bald, old Mr.Flanders walking in between the two aisles tapping desks and startling kids, the smell of sweet watermelon hovering in the air.Everyone knew it was me.He leaned in close to my face, and then you piped up, “It's me, Mr.Flanders,” saving me from having to write “I will not eat candy in school” a hundred times on the blackboard during a detention.Why did you do that, Fran?"She shrugs her shoulders."You were always saving me, Gabby.Maybe I wanted to save you for a change [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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