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.If Willow or Darryl tried to get out of the pool, Damien and Lucifer were ordered to attack.That was their choice.Be mauled to death by dogs or die from exposure.Instead of sitting around the pit at night, Grizz used them for entertainment.Whoever came to the motel would sit around the pool instead of the pit and mock the prisoners.Grizz was never there, though.They were allowed to do whatever they wanted to Willow or Darryl as long as they didn’t help them or kill them.Needless to say, some of the younger, newer members of Grizz’s group really enjoyed this.They tossed heavy rocks, firecrackers and lit cigarettes at them.The one night Grunt was there, some of the guys were spitting at them.They were so thirsty, they were trying to drink the spit.Grunt had seen enough and left.Willow died first.Then Darryl.They were slow, agonizing deaths that took days and were slightly prolonged by a couple of afternoon rain showers.The little bit of water they got just made their deaths drag out longer.Grizz had his guys toss them in the swamp and there was never any proof that either person had ever existed.I listened in disbelief as Grunt told me what happened.He was only there one time and couldn’t stand it himself.Chowder told him the rest.As much as Chowder hated what Darryl had done, the wizened gang member still thought it was too much retaliation.Even for Grizz.Froggy couldn’t bring himself to be there are at all.I felt sick.Empty.Where was I to go from here? I was now nineteen years old.I would be twenty in six months.I still didn’t have a plan for my life.I had not witnessed what happened to Darryl and Willow, but it haunted me.I would catch myself staring at Grizz and wondering who is this person that knows such evil? It didn’t help that he did what he did in retaliation for what was done to me and Gwinny.But as much as I wanted to, or told myself I wanted to, I didn’t make any attempt at change.I was in love with Grizz.I hated what he did, but I loved him.Unfortunately, my love for him was causing me to hate myself.Chapter Thirty-ThreeIn January 1980 I finally convinced Grizz to let me go to college.I would have graduated high school in 1978 with the rest of my peers, and I was really risking running into a former classmate.But I explained to Grizz that I would just deny it like I had at the vet a few years back when a classmate recognized me.I was already almost two years behind in earning a college degree.Sarah Jo had been at Florida State University in northern Florida since graduating high school.I enrolled at Cole Southeastern University and started working on a degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting.I recognized a person or two from high school, but they never recognized me.I kept my bangs because Grizz loved them, but I’d gotten in the habit of wearing them off my face when leaving the motel.I also had adopted a new wardrobe style.I liked to wear nice clothes, business attire, to school.If anybody recognized me, they certainly didn’t let on.The girl who supposedly ran away in 1975 had long been forgotten.I was walking out to my car one day and heard someone call my name.Not my real name or alias.My gang name.“Kit! Kit, wait up.”I turned and saw a really cute guy jogging toward me and smiling.I recognized him immediately.It was Sam, Sarah Jo’s neighbor.I hadn’t seen him since that summer and the incident with Neal in Jo’s garage.“Sam! How are you? Long time, no see.”He hugged me and asked, “You hungry? Can you grab some lunch?”I hadn’t realized until that moment how nice it would be to have a conversation with someone else.Someone who knew a little bit about my background.I was beginning to realize that secrets could be exhausting.All this time I’d been living in my own little world and had only made two girlfriends outside of Sarah Jo: Carter and Casey.They were my age and went to school with me, and even though we had distinctly different backgrounds and college majors, there was an instant connection.Of course, I couldn’t ever bring them to the motel, and our friendship in the beginning was limited to school.But at this point, I hadn’t shared my real story with my new friends.With Grunt and Moe gone, it was just me, Grizz and Chowder now living at the motel.Chicky didn’t even come around that much anymore.Since Moe died, Fess came less frequently, too.I realized I was lonely.I immediately took Sam up on his offer and followed him to a diner in Davie.We chatted for hours.It was strange because I really didn’t know Sam that well, and I certainly hadn’t heard anything about him from Sarah Jo in the last few years.Sam explained how he’d watched from his living room window that summer day in 1977 as Grizz carried out his punishment of Neal.He saw me drive off and the garage door go down.He told me that less than thirty minutes later a car showed up.Two rough-looking characters went into the house and came out, escorting a crying Neal to the car.They drove off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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