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.Somehow in the middle of it I came a third time, and he slowed down a second to let me get through it before he went at it again.He was really good at this.Or maybe it was that our bodies somehow fit perfectly together.Every time he thrust into me, he hit exactly the right spot, like he was made to get me off.This was the most mind-blowing sex of my life.“You’re fucking amazing, and we are doing this every day for the rest of our lives.Twice,” he said, panting as he kept going.He had this intense look of concentration on his face that was so damn sexy.How did I get to have such an amazing man in my life? He made me laugh, he got me, and he was fantastic in bed.Talk about winning the relationship lottery.I wasn’t deluded enough to think that Ryder was perfect, but who the hell was? He’d taken amazing steps to improve his life, and he was going to keep on improving.This was going to work.I could really feel it this time.Ryder leaned down to kiss me softly, and then his back arched and he groaned.He came inside me and it was fucking beautiful.Instead of collapsing, he dropped his head for a moment, his chest heaving.I was breathing heavily myself.What a workout.With Ryder in my life, I wouldn’t need to go to the gym.We could just fuck each other several times a day.I was completely down with that plan.He started to pull out, but I locked my legs around him.“Don’t go just yet.”A smile crossed his face.“Well, give me a minute and I won’t have to.”Fuck.Yeah.Ryder had said we should do it once or maybe even twice a day.Well, that night we fucked so many times I lost count.So many ways that my body had given up and I could barely crawl to the bathroom to pee.“I can’t anymore,” I said when the sun started peeking under the curtains.My body was draped over Ryder, and he was on his back.I’d been stroking his tattoos, but my hand had gotten tired.“Can’t what?” he said, his fingers twirling my hair.“Can’t even,” I said.“That was a marathon, buddy.I think we made up for lost time.Holy shit.” Exhaustion kept hitting me in surges, and it was all I could do to keep my damn eyes open.“You did good.” He patted my shoulder like I was a horse who had just run a race or something.I wanted to glare at him, but my eyelids were too exhausted.“You too, fire crotch.” The carpet definitely matched the drapes.He laughed and then winced.“It hurts to laugh.”“Why?” I said.“I don’t know.”And then we both passed out.The next thing I knew something was moving under me.“Sorry, baby,” Ryder said, kissing my cheek.“I have to use the restroom.”“Uh-huh,” I said.“You’re on top of me.” I tried moving and failed.“I tried.You’re gonna have to roll me over or something.”So he lifted me up with one hand and slid out from under me.I fell back on the bed with a flop.“Ow!” I moaned.“Sorry,” he said again before heading to the bathroom.I cracked my eyes open and stared in the direction of the clock.It was nearly noon.The next feeling that registered was an insatiable hunger.My stomach growled, as if it had been waiting for me to remember its existence.“Ryder?” I called over the sound of the water running in the bathroom.“Yeah?” He turned it off and walked back into the room.Hell yeah, he was still naked and glorious.Now I was the one who wanted to do the drawing.I’d never been one for figures, though.I’d taken a few classes in college but hadn’t been passionate about it enough to make a study of it.I was more interested in what went on the body.“Hungry,” I said, turning onto my back and rubbing my aching belly.“Yeah, me too.Want me to make some eggs or something?”Normally I wouldn’t let anyone cook breakfast for me, but in this case, I’d let it slide.Also, he’d been able to make grilled cheese without fucking it up, so I had faith in him.“Sure,” I said.“Don’t ask me for help because I’m not moving.”He saluted me.“Aye, aye, captain.I’ll report back when I’ve got everything ready.” And he left, not even bothering to put his pants on.“Are you cooking naked?” I yelled after him.He turned around.“I’ll put an apron on to protect my cock.” With a wink, he was heading to the fridge.I realized he’d left the door open, and if I moved a little, I could watch him while he cooked.Nice.Breakfast and a show.For the next half hour I watched Ryder’s ass peeking out from the back of the apron as he cooked eggs, bacon, and toast.He even brewed fresh coffee and brought me a cup as soon as it was ready so I could start feeling sort of human again.Every time I moved, my muscles protested.“I think I have a groin injury!” I yelled when I tried to go to the bathroom.Sitting on the toilet seat was excruciating.“Then I’ve done my job!” Ryder yelled back.No sympathy.“I’ll give you a groin injury, mister!”“I’m looking forward to it!”When the food was ready, he brought it to me on a tray.“As much as I hate to say it, I think you should cover up so you don’t drop something hot on yourself.I don’t want you to burn your gorgeous skin.Let’s keep it as scar-free as we can, okay?” I pulled the covers up to my chest, and Ryder handed me a napkin to put on my lap.It was a very civilized, naked breakfast-in-bed.His eggs were good.As was the rest of him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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