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.Both their rifles were aimed at Chance’s head.As long as Chance had lived here, he’d never seen any hunters around these parts.Maverick had made sure No Hunting signs that threatened heavy penalties were posted throughout the wooded areas to keep his pack safe.Chance stayed very still.He was a shifter, able to heal from wounds, but a gunshot to the head was something he wouldn’t recover from.“Don’t shoot him,” Seth said as he leaned back, slowly moving away from Chance.“He’s not a threat to me.”“He your pet?” the man who had warned Seth to move away asked.“Something like that.”Chance knew that he and Seth were in a very dangerous situation.They were hunters.Chance was a bear.The math was pretty damn simple.Even if Seth got up and walked away, Chance had a feeling that he wouldn’t be walking anywhere.He shivered at the thought of having his hide spread out in front of one of these yahoos’ fireplace.As handsome as he was, his head would not look good mounted.“Lower your guns,” Seth said.His voice was shaky and unsure, but his mate began to move back toward Chance.“I won’t let you shoot him.”“It’s hunting season, boy.I can shoot him, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.”“I’m not sure you’re allowed to hunt in these parts.” Seth didn’t sound convinced, but he was correct.Maverick had made sure that these woods were protected.“Who’s gonna know?” the man asked.“I will,” Seth replied.Somehow Chance was not comforted by his mate’s statement.His hackles rose when the second hunter slid his gun from Chance’s head to Seth’s.“Then I guess we have two kills here.”“You wouldn’t,” Seth said in astonishment, but Chance could see that the man would.What the hell kind of hunters were these men? There were plenty of deer in the woods for them to kill.But Chance had a feeling these men went beyond what was legal to kill.He could see it in their eyes.There was nothing but pure excitement in the speaking man’s eyes.“Yes, I would.”The gun was still aimed at Chance’s head.He hated feeling helpless.His mate’s life was endangered, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.Even if he jumped to block the shot from reaching Seth, Chance knew the man would kill him, and then Seth.These men meant business.It was clear as day on their faces.They wanted Seth to give them an excuse to kill them both.“You’ve done it before,” Seth said softly, almost a whisper as his eyes widened.“You’ve killed before.”“We have licenses.We’re hunters.”“No.” Seth shook his head.“You’ve killed men before.”The man’s eyes slid to narrow slits, his tongue flicking out to lick at his dry lips.Chance wanted to tell Seth to be quiet, not to push the man, but he could see that it was already too late for any kind of warning.Seth had guessed correctly, and these men weren’t going to allow his mate to tell a soul what he knew.“Get up,” the man with his rifle aimed at Seth’s head said.“Don’t make a fucking sound.”Chance saw from his peripheral vision that Seth hadn’t moved.His heart was beating so fast that he thought it was going to burst.They were far enough in the woods that no one would see them.And the barn was blocking the house, stopping his family from seeing these two men with their guns aimed at Chance and Seth.They were on their own.Chapter EightSeth was not going to stand.He wasn’t going to help these men out.He could see in their beady little eyes that no matter what Seth did, they planned on killing him and Chance.The only thing Seth could do was stall them and pray help came their way.He moved another inch closer to Chance.Even though Chance had scared the shit out of him by changing into his bear, Seth felt safer with Chance than these two assholes.And he thought living in the city was dangerous?“I wouldn’t advise you to move closer to the bear,” the man with the rifle aimed at Seth’s head said.He had short brown hair that barely made it past his ears, and one of his eyes wandered as he stared at Seth.The one with his gun aimed at Chance was bulky, a small potbelly puffing out past his waistline.He had muddy brown eyes and a large tattoo on his neck that looked like an eagle.This was unbelievable.Seth glanced at the man and then down at Chance.He wanted to ask Chance what to do, but he highly doubted Chance could talk in his bear form.The longer he stared at the dark coat of fur, the more relaxed he was becoming about Chance being a bear.Maybe it was the stress of the situation, but Seth was willing to accept Chance, even in his current form if only they made it out of this alive.Chance moved and Seth moved.He mimicked everything the bear did.It wasn’t an aggressive move.Chance stood and began to back toward Seth, blocking him from the gun aimed at Seth’s head.“Don’t you dare put yourself in harm’s way because you are trying to protect me,” Seth said, only his voice was so low that he wasn’t sure Chance could hear him.Chance gave a grunt and moved a step back.Seth moved with him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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