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.He backed her up against the door and pressed his gaze hard into hers.“You can’t go back to Lux.I’m going to be needing you to stay late at Maxwell.I need help with a few projects.”She rolled her eyes as if she were completely unfazed by his proximity.Except he was painfully aware of her chest rising and falling rapidly as her breaths came faster.“Oh? And what kind of projects did you need my help with specifically?”He made sure to keep his voice as flat as possible so she wouldn’t be able to confirm her correct suspicion that he was full of it.“The new employee health assistance program we’re about to institute, for starters.And I think you read my report about the holes in your insourcing plan.Who better than you to assist in implementing the changes needed? Should I ask Ms.Scott? Might have to work late into the evenings.Hours will be long.Grueling, really.” He tried not to smirk as her bright, clear eyes narrowed up at him.“I can handle it.”He knew she could.He sincerely hoped they were talking about the same thing.“Oh, I know you can.And I’ll pay you overtime.”“And I’ll pay you back for my mom’s treatment,” she snapped.“Have a nice day, Mr.Maxwell.”He didn’t get a chance to tell her that that wasn’t necessary because she whirled around and escaped his apartment before he could blink.“Please tell me you spent the night with the walking orgasm who punched out Owen Bentley last night.” Gwen was parked on the couch in the living room when Fate let herself into the apartment.“Good morning to you, too.” So much for having a private life.“Before you jump to conclusions, it’s not what you think.” Her bag hit the floor with a loud thud.“And I need to shower and change before we have this conversation.”“Oh no you don’t.I could hardly sleep last night because I was worried about what the hell had happened to you.” Her roommate took a sip from her steaming mug of coffee.“Sam texted me and said she’d only heard about it since she was on break when it happened.But judging from her description—”“Actually, I’d like to think I was the reason she could hardly sleep last night.But please, do tell how your evening with Dean went.You’re the one woman he refuses to discuss.”Fate’s mouth gaped open as a shirtless Keaton Slade poured himself a cup of coffee at the breakfast bar.“Close your mouth, Buchanan.You’re wearing the same clothes you left in.Yesterday.” Gwen at least had the decency to be blushing when Fate looked over at her.Both of these people knew what had happened back in June.And she knew they’d slept together.Not like they were going to run to Mr.Maxell Senior and tattle on her.She hopped up on a stool and held a cup out for Keaton to pour her some coffee as well.“Dean came over to the bar and started an argument with me.”“Sounds like him,” Keaton broke in as he filled her cup.“Shut up,” Gwen commanded in his direction.“Go on,” she said, nodding at Fate.“Then Owen told me to stop flirting and slapped me on the ass.Hard.” She shuddered at the memory.Keaton groaned.“Bet that went over well.”“Jesus Christ, Slade.The woman is talking.” Gwen shook her head.Fate laughed.Clearly, these two had an interesting dynamic that went beyond the bedroom.“It got out of hand, and the next thing I knew, Dean had punched Owen, I was fired, and we both got kicked out by security.”The man across from her let out a low whistle.“Yeah, so that was my night.”Gwen snorted.“Like hell it was.Get dressed and get a move on, lover boy.I need to hear the details and I know she won’t tell me anything else with you here.”“I feel so used,” he grumbled as he lumbered over to give her a kiss.Something about the way he did so, like he meant it, sent Fate’s stomach twisting inside her.This didn’t look like the awkward one-night-stand morning after.Well, it did.But it also looked like it had the potential to be something more.Something she’d closed herself off to the second she’d walked in on Trevor and Melissa.“Seriously, go.She’s going to clam up and I won’t get shit.”“Going, I’m going,” Keaton mumbled as he leaned in for one more kiss.For a moment, he looked lost.Then his eyes lit up and he reached behind the plant in the corner of the living room.“Ah.There it is.” He retrieved his shirt and pulled it over his head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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