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.Through the clarity of what I could only define as being settled for the first time in my life, the sensation that something was off persisted in me.I was quite sure we were willingly walking back into hell—the death threat on the President, the remaining Committee members, our search for Ahriman, the rallying of Opposition forces…But at least I would have Armise at my side through it all.I was that bullet.Armise was that knife.And we were unstoppable as long as we were bound to each other.Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:About the AuthorSam sleeps little, reads a lot.Happiest in a foreign country.Twitchy when not mentally in motion.Send her a picture and a song and she’s bound to write a story about it.And yes, that’s an invitation.Email: authorsamcauley@gmail.comS.A.loves to hear from readers.You can find her contact information, website and author biography at http://www.total-e-bound.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]