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.Heartbreak and sorrow swirl through my limp body.My knees hurt.I wheeze, huff and puff.Screw you, Panic attack!I can’t breathe.I think I’m going to pass out.And I do.***It’s been an hour and I still can’t find Tina.I’m sick with worry.We’ve looked everywhere.Where could she be?Dread fills me.What if something happened to her?Nat told me she wouldn’t answer my calls so I stopped trying.Nat kept calling her from her phone but not getting an answer.I can tell by the look on her face that isn’t good.I kicked Sissy out and told her if she even tried to press charges against me I’d out her for the coke addict she is.Her daddy would disown her if it came out.The stupid bitch told me all about it.Everyone is crammed into my office and they all look like I’m about to go postal.Which I just might if we don’t find Tina soon.Nat gasps and slaps a hand over her head.She knows something.I run to her and take her hands in mine.She whispers, “Safira.”My fuckin’ god.How stupid am I?I don’t wait for anyone.I run out of the club into traffic and luckily make it to the other side unscathed.I try the door but it’s locked.I look inside but its pitch black.It doesn’t look like she’s here.My cell phone rings and I answer.I hear Ghost say calmly, “She’s in there man.Collapsed.Get in there.”I drop my cell phone and use my elbow to try and break the thick glass of the door.It doesn’t budge.I try again and again til my elbow pulses with pain and is raw and bleeding but it won’t break.I roar in anguish and move to the display window, I walk back a few steps then run and throw my shoulder into it.It breaks.I’m covered in glass and I feel blood drip into my eye but I don’t care.I walk between the mannequins through to the studio.And there she is.I rush over to her and lift her limp body.Out cold.Blood drips from my forehead and eye onto her cheek.I open the store, hail a cab, and take her home.***My eyes flutter open then closed.They’re so heavy I can’t lift my lids.I try again and after a few attempts I manage to squint a little.There is a low light coming from beside me and I try to lift my loose body into a sitting position.Just as I’m about to give up and lay back down, arms come under mine and help me.My head is pounding, it feel as though blood is rushing to my brain.I look left and see a concerned Nat sits next to me on the bed.I look around the room and blanch.This is Nik’s room.What am I doing in Nik’s room?“What am I doing here?” I whisper.Nat puts her arm around me and explains, “I know you’re upset, T.But it was all a big misunderstanding.”My eyes widen in disbelief.I groan and put a shaking hand to my pounding skull.She goes on quietly, “You didn’t see what we saw, babe.He had Sissy backed up against a wall and was choking the life out of her.Does that sound like a man who was happily having an affair?”He did what?!That does sound unusual.I remain quiet.Nat continues, “When you walked in on that scene, and it was a scene planned by Sissy by the way, Nik was devastated.He thinks he’s lost you, Tina.He’s a mess.”I’m at war with myself.I want to believe it.My heart says yes and my head counters with a big fat nuh uh.Nat squeezes my shoulder and states confidently, “Tina, when he looked in my eyes and said nothing happened, I believed him.He loves you.And he doesn’t even like her.I saw the look in his eye, it was pure and honest.”And there it is.Nat would never lie to me.If she believes Nik, she has reason to.After a moment of silence I ask quietly, “Can you get Nik for me please?”She smiles at me and responds, “Of course, beba.” I smile softly.My mom used to call me beba all the time.It means baby in Croatian.She exits the room and suddenly I’m nervous and sweating.What if it Nik doesn’t want me anymore because I believed he’d do something like that to me?The door opens, I turn to look and see Nik stand hesitating in the doorway.I try so hard to be strong but I crumple.I cover my face with my hands and burst into heart wrenching, uncontrollable sobs.I feel the bed depress and in a moment I’m lifted onto Nik’s lap.He cradles me like a parent would their child.He coos, “It’s okay, sweetheart.You’re okay now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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