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.‘It will be sub judice anyway.’‘So what will you work on now?’ Steve enquired, refilling her glass.‘I’ll return to my “unforgettable experiences”, though they’ll seem pretty tame after this!’ Her phone vibrated in her bag.‘Sorry; I thought I’d turned it off.’‘You’d better answer it – someone might want to tell you about being stranded on an iceberg!’Rona pulled a face at him and glanced at the screen.Max.It was early for him – the art class would only just have started.‘Hi,’ she said.‘Hello, love.I couldn’t wait till bedtime to hear what happened so I left them painting and sneaked out.’‘Well, he didn’t tell the full story, but the police will be able to fill in the gaps.They’ve arrested him.’‘Thank God for that! And he didn’t turn nasty?’‘No, it was Isobel who did the snarling.I’m just having dinner with Frank and Steve, but I’ll tell you all about it later.’‘Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to check you were OK.My salaams to the Hathaways, and tell Frank from me he’s already had more than his share of experiences and we don’t want to hear about any more!’She smiled.‘I’ll do that,’ she said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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