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.“Time to get up and make yourself useful.ready the shower for two and don’t get any ideas.There will be no further hanky-panky today.”Brian stuck out his lower lip in full-blown pout and giggled at Bear’s confused reaction.On one end, his face was painted with a stern and forbidding countenance, on the other, his cock was eagerly rising up to meet the occasion.“Boy,” Bear snarled.“For causing this, you will shower alone and be done in less than fifteen minutes.I will see you in the breakfast room.Tell Maria I will have my coffee in exactly twenty minutes.” Brian looked back up and reacted like a jack rabbit chased by a fox.He headed through the hall to his suite and hurriedly used the less private hall shower while Bear used the one en suite.§ § §As soon as Bear saw the white of Brian’s ass disappear around the corner, he broke into a full-throated laugh.How his boy managed to tease and play with his uncertain temper and avoid the consequences was beyond his comprehension.However, Bear mused, the cub only baited Papa when they were alone.In public, he was respectful to the point of reverence, and he seemed to have an innate sense of timing.He would tease and play when it would do no harm, or to bring a smile to his Master’s face, when a smile was needed.He would either kneel in complete silence or asked to be dismissed from the room when he thought he might become a distraction.To Bear, Brian was his perfect foil, a lover, a lively, intelligent companion.He was a perfect submissive who, if Bear read him right, was already fanatically devoted to his Master.The boy called it love.In his heart, Bear knew the boy was right.Bear descended the stairs and strode into the small breakfast room built conveniently next to the kitchen so the rooms shared a common hearth.Most of the fireplaces had been modernized both on the inside and on the outside, decorated with tiles, ornate fretwork in silver or gold and in some cases marble.Fortunately, the former owners of the house had left the kitchen hearth in its original condition, open to both sides.Of course, the chimney had been reconditioned, replaced, and relined, but the beauty of the simple farm hearth stood through time without being, as Mrs.Santore would say, “All ‘tarted’ up.”In warm weather, the open hearth served as an air conduit to the kitchen from the windows and doorway of the breakfast room, providing a natural breeze off the river to cool it.When the weather turned cold, the fire burned, warming an otherwise draft filled chamber.Bear found Brian at the hearth.The boy was on his back, peering up into the chimney with a flashlight, no doubt supplied courtesy of Mrs.Santore.“Is there something that is urgent enough to stop you from serving my coffee, Brian?” Bear asked in a polite, but bland tone.“No…I mean yes, Sir.There is something in the flue.But your coffee is at the side of your plate as requested.”“Is it still hot, boy?”“Oh yes, Papa.I just set it down.”“So, what did you see up the flue?”“It looks like rags, Sir.Almost as if the chimney sweep forgot them the last time he did the flue.It can’t be though.Modern sweeps carry machinery to do the job once reserved for underfed and vertically challenged boys.I think I would have been tagged for a chimney sweep.”“Have Maria call a new service.I do not want a fire in the middle of the night, boy.May I ask how you discovered these rags?”Brian blushed.“I adore old Victorian and Federal farmhouses, especially those which have been enlarged frequently over time.They have such interesting nooks and crannies to explore.”“You sound like you have had the opportunity,” Bear stated.“No, Papa.Unfortunately, I have not.Even so, I had a friend with a farmhouse in Hamilton when we still lived in our house.His dad was always making curious discoveries of hidden rooms, windows, blocked doors, and bricked-over fireplaces.They were always trying to figure out what was actually in the original plans.”“I have the original plans to this house, if you are interested,” Bear said, smiling because he knew he was about to grant his boy a boon.“Oh, Papa Bear, that would be so much fun.Would you care to look at them with me?”“I might spend an evening or two looking over your shoulder.Nevertheless, you should tell Jim Boy you are interested in old homes and antiques.He is forever fussing after Reed to go to the antique and flea market over on Route 29 on the weekends.However, I am afraid Reed is a lay-about like your own Master on weekend mornings.Why not go with Jim.If you find anything for the house you feel would fit its look, bring it home.Speaking of home, we are going to pick up your mother today,” Bear told Brian.“Really, Papa?”“I told you so last night, didn’t I? I’m determined to rescue your mother who raised you from the clutches of a woman who sounds like something out of Wizard of Oz.So you better eat hearty if we are to do battle with the Munchkins; because if you don’t eat everything on your plate, you’ll find it piled even higher at your next meal.”“Yeah, I’m sure Aunt Mary could pose for both of the Wicked Witches at once, along with a few dozen Munchkins,” Brian commented snidely.“Does she have a weight problem?” Bear asked, waiting for the punch line.“No, she has a ‘see’ food problem.”“Is she allergic to seafood?”“No, she sees food and then it goes directly into her mouth.”“Not too respectful of Aunt Mary, I see,” Bear chided.“She did take your mother into her home.”“Papa, she took my mother’s money into her home.If she had a Harry Potter-like closet, my mother would be in it.I guess I better call the old witch and tell her we are coming.”“Brian, wait.Your mother will be there whether we call ahead or not, right?” Bear asked.“Yeah, she can only walk as far as the neighbor’s house where Mary sends her if she’s going to go out.It is only three doors down.Since I come and go all of the time, they don’t ask me for a pass at the gate anymore, or bother to call her and let her know I’m coming.She grumbles about it but won’t give the gatekeepers a tip on the holiday, so she bitches in vain,” Brian said with a slight upward curve to his lip.“I’m hoping they don’t tip her off today.Maria,” Bear called.“Get Junior to ready the big limousine.We are going to use it today.Oh, and tell Mr.Santore I’d like to use the Cobra one night this week, so he will need to take it into town to be washed and hand waxed.”“You have a Cobra?” Brian asked, wide eyed.“Yes, I do, a 1967 AC Shelby 427 red Cobra rag top, with a white racing stripe, in pristine condition,” Bear answered with pride.“Would you give me a ride in it, Papa?” Brian begged eagerly.“Maybe, but right now we have business to transact.Remember Baby, I live a very good life here and so will you.Nevertheless, we have to work to support it.I intend to cut back on my hours, but it is important to keep your hands on the wheel or you may find someone else driving.” Bear looked at Brian and was pleased to see the cub not only absorbed what he told him, but also was thinking about it.“If that’s the case, Papa, maybe you should clean house a bit before you cut back,” Brian said.“There are some people over at Drummond who’ve made gold bricking into an art form.”“Would you feel uncomfortable pointing them out to management, Brian?”“Not really, Papa.I was afraid of Robbins, but the rest of them are all bluster.I can see some of the older employees taking a somewhat longer break, but they always get their work finished.The ones who hang out with Robbins, however, they always bullied someone else into doing most of their share.Since Robbins backed them, they would get away with it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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