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.Catching her as she stumbled, he lifted her onto the rock beside him.Too late the wild doe realized she was trapped.Not by the man's arms-she could easily have brokenfree of his embrace.It was her own love for this man that had ensnared her.That his love for herwas deep and tender sealed their fate.He was trapped as well.Gilthanas could feel her body trembling, but he knew nowas he looked into her eyes-that shetrembled with passion, not fear.Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her tenderly.Silvara still held the blanket clasped around her body with one hand, but he felt her other hand close around his.Her lips were soft and eager.Then, Gilthanas tasted a salty tear on his lips.He drew back, amazedto see her crying."Silvara, don't.I'm sorry-" He released her."No!" she whispered, her voice husky."My tears are not because I am frightened of your love.They are only for myself.You cannot understand:'Reaching out, she shyly put one hand around his neck and drew him near.And then, as he kissedher, he felt her other hand-the hand that had been clasping the blanket around her body-move up tocaress his face.Silvara's blanket slipped unnoticed into the stream.and was borne away by the silver water.Pursuit.A desperate plan.At noon the next day, thecompanions were forced to abandon the boats, having reached the river's headwaters, where itflowed down out of the mountains.Here the water was shallow and frothy white from the tumblingrapids ahead.Many Kaganesti boats were drawn up on the bank.Dragging their boats ashore, thecompanions were met by a group of Kaganesti elves coming out of the woods.They carried withthem the bodies of two young elven warriors.Some drew weapons and would have attacked hadnot Theros Ironfeld and Silvara hurried to talk with them.206THE DRAGONS OF WINTER NIGHTThe two spoke long with the Kaganesti, while the companions kept an uneasy watch downriver.Though they had been awake before dawn, starting as early as the Kaganesti felt was safe to travelthrough the swift water, they had, more than once, caught glimpses of the black boats pursuingthem.When Theros returned, his dark face was somber.Silvara's was flushed with anger."My people will do nothing to help us;" Silvara reported."They have been attacked by lizardmen twice in the last two days.They blame the coming of this new evil on humans who, they say,brought them here in a white-winged ship-""That's ridiculous!" Laurana snapped."Theros, didn't you tell them about these draconians?""I tried;' the blacksmith stated."But I am afraid the evidence is against you.The Kaganesti saw the white dragon above the ship, but they did not, apparently, see you drive her off.At any rate, theyhave finally agreed to let us pass through their lands, but they will give us no aid.Silvara and I both pledged our lives for your good conduct:""What are the draconians doing here?" Laurana asked, memories haunting her."Is it an army? Is Southern Ergoth being invaded? If so, perhaps we should go back-""No, I think not;" Theros said thoughtfully."If the armies of the Dragon Highlords were ready to take this isle, they would do so with flights of dragons and thousands of troops.These appear to be small patrols sent out to make this bad situation deteriorate further.The Highlords probably hopethe elves will save them the trouble of a war by destroying each other firs:""The Dragon High Command is not ready to attack Ergoth; Derek said."They haven't got a firm hold on the north yet.But it is only a matter of time.That is why it is imperative we get the dragon orb to Sancrist and call a meeting of the Council of Whitestone to determine what to do with it:"Gathering their supplies, the companions set out for the high country.Silvara led them along a trail beside the splashing silver river that ran from the hills.They could feel the unfriendly eyes of the Kaganesti follow them out of sight.The land began rising almost immediately.Theros soon told them they had traveled into regionswhere he had never beep before; it was up to Silvara to guide them.Laurana was not altogetherpleased with this situation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]