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.He clumsily reached for his own cock, but Tyler beat him to it, wrapping his strong fingers around Nash’s shaft.It only took a few strokes before an orgasm hit Nash so hard it momentarily stole his breath.Tyler tensed with a long moan as he found release, too, his cock jerking, then filling the condom.They stayed that way for several heartbeats, Tyler still buried inside Nash.Nash with his eyes closed, panting for breath.After a few minutes, Tyler gave Nash’s sweaty brow a kiss before he slid out of him, then got out of bed.Tyler went into the bathroom and Nash could hear the toilet flush and water running.He still lay there, the tingle from that after-sex high buzzing on his body.He didn’t move until Tyler came back out with a washcloth and started to clean the drying come off his stomach.Even though the cloth was warm, Nash still flinched at the wetness.Tyler worked in silence and as soon as he was done, he tossed the cloth into one of the piles of dirty laundry.Nash wiggled around until his head was on a pillow and he was lying in the proper direction on the bed.When Tyler got in behind him and pulled the covers over them, Nash let out a satisfied sigh.It got even better when Tyler threw an arm around Nash and brought him in close to his chest.Although he wanted nothing more than to savor the moment, Nash’s eyelids soon drooped and he fell asleep.It seemed like he’d been out for only a few moments when the sound of the front door closing woke him up.Nash sat up and immediately reached out for Tyler, only to find the bed empty, the 46DOUBLE SHOT CAPPUCCINOblankets still warm from his now-absent body.47DOUBLE SHOT CAPPUCCINOCHAPTER 5When Tyler got to work the next morning, he found only Colby there.Trying hard to hide his disappointment at not seeing Nash, Tyler went behind the counter and grabbed an apron.Colby barely said good morning, keeping his gaze directed at the floor and the bill of his baseball hat pulled low over his eyes.While that was strange by itself, the way he kept his yap shut struck Tyler as even odder.Usually the kid’s mouth didn’t seem to have an off switch, but he’d hardly grunted a greeting when he’d let Tyler in.“Where’s Nash?” Tyler finally asked, unable to stand the silence any longer.“He called to tell me he was going to the bank,” Nash replied shortly, as he started to take chairs down from the tables.48DOUBLE SHOT CAPPUCCINO“The bank’s not open this early.”“Yeah, but he can still use the night drop.He said something about missing the past two days and not wanting to keep too much cash in the store.”“I guess that makes sense.” Tyler went around the counter to help Colby.“Did he saw when he’d be back?” Colby just shrugged in response as Tyler inwardly cringed at how needy that question probably sounded.Just because Nash had slept with him, didn’t mean he had to leave a daily agenda.Still, Tyler couldn’t help but miss his presence.They finished taking down the chairs, then Colby turned on the light and flipped on the open sign.It wasn’t until he got behind the counter, that Tyler got a good look at the young man’s face.Shocked, Tyler bit back a curse as he rushed over and gently cupped Colby’s chin so he could do a thorough examination.“What in the hell happened to you?” Colby had a nasty shiner.The swelling so bad, the eye was nearly closed.He also sported a fat lip and a swollen jaw.Tyler gently ran his fingers along it, not surprised to find it bruised.“Nothing.” Colby jerked away, a flush coming over his battered face.“Nothing? ” Tyler echoed, incredulously.“It looks like you were on the wrong end of a MMA bout.” The bell over the door chimed and the worst possible person waltzed in.Denise! Fuck, she’s going to take all kinds of sick pleasure out of this.“Hey, Denise.What can I get you this morning?” Tyler asked, trying to direct all her attention his way.It didn’t work.Her sharp-eyed gaze immediately honed in on Colby.“What happened to you? Did you come on to the wrong 49DOUBLE SHOT CAPPUCCINOguy or something?”“Colby just had a little incident.Nothing for you to worry over,” Tyler butted in.He actually went so far as to shift over some, so his body was between the bitch and Colby.“He’s in public, making our whole town look bad with his activities.I say that should make me worry plenty,” Denise countered in a brittle tone.Tyler felt torn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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