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.See death vampire.Warriors of the Blood pr.n.An elite fighting unit of usually seven powerful warriors, each with phenomenal preternatural ability and capable of battling several death vampires at any one time.What-Bee pr.n.Slang for Warrior of the Blood, as in WOTB.wings n.All ascenders eventually produce wings from wing-locks.Wing-lock is the term used to describe the apertures on the ascender’s back from which the feathers and attending mesh-like superstructure emerge.Mounting wings involves a hormonal rush that some liken to sexual release.Flight is one of the finest experiences of ascended life.Wings can be held in a variety of positions including but not limited to: full-mount, close mount, aggressive mount, etc.Wings emerge over a period of time from one year to several hundred years.Wings can, but do not always, begin small in one decade then grow larger in later decades.wrecker n.A warrior who serves to patrol the Third Earth darkening grid and destroy specific targets.Wreckers use identified, short-barrel shot-guns, with explosive cartridges, to bust through the darkening grid walls.Breaking up the grid walls shortens any distance through the grid.Grid monitors direct their paths.y pro nai-y-stae n.(Term from an ancient language.) The loose translation is, you may stay for an eternity.Thank you for reading RAPTURE’S EDGE 1 “AWAKENING”! In our new digital age, authors rely on readers more than ever to share the word.Here are some things you can do to help!Sign up for my newsletter! You’ll always have the latest releases, hottest pics, and coolest contests! http://www.carisroane.com/contact-2/Leave a review! You’ve probably heard this a lot lately and wondered what the fuss is about.But reviews help your favorite authors -- A LOT -- to become visible to the digital reader.So, anytime you feel moved by a story, leave a short review at your favorite online retailer.And you don’t have to be a blogger to do this, just a reader who loves books!Enter my latest contest! I run contests all the time so be sure to check out my contest page today! ENTER NOW! http://www.carisroane.com/contests/Coming Soon: Episode #2 of RAPTURE’S EDGE, the continuing saga of the Guardians of Ascension, again featuring Duncan and Rachel.And we’re going to Third Earth! Check out RAPTURE’S EDGE on my website.http://www.carisroane.com/raptures-edge/Also Coming Soon: Book #7 of the Blood Rose Series, Mastyr Zane’s story: EMBRACE THE WIND!!! http://www.carisroane.com/the-blood-rose-series/Also, be sure to check out the Blood Rose Tales – TRAPPED, HUNGER, and SEDUCED -- shorter works set in the world of the Blood Rose, for a quick, satisfying read.BLOOD ROSE TALES BOX SEThttp://www.carisroane.com/blood-rose-tales-box-set/ABOUT THE AUTHORCaris Roane is the New York Times Bestselling author of over 70 books.Currently she writes paranormal romance.She began her career writing Regency romance for Kensington publishing and was awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Career Achievement Award in Regency Romance in 2005.Caris currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her two cats, Sebastien and Gizzy, and she really doesn’t like scorpions at all!www.carisroane.comLIST OF BOOKSTo read more about each one, check out my books page: http://www.carisroane.com/books/The Blood Rose Series:BLOOD ROSE SERIES BOX SET, featuring Book #1 EMBRACE THE DARK and Book #2 EMBRACE THE MAGIC:EMBRACE THE DARK #1EMBRACE THE MAGIC #2EMBRACE THE MYSTERY #3EMBRACE THE PASSION #4EMBRACE THE NIGHT #5EMBRACE THE WILD #6BLOOD ROSE TALES BOX SET(Coming Soon: EMBRACE THE WIND)TO PURCHASE THE BLOOD ROSE TALES SEPARATELY:TRAPPEDHUNGERSEDUCEDGuardians of AscensionASCENSIONBURNING SKIESWINGS OF FIREBORN OF ASHESOBSIDIAN FLAMEGATES OF RAPTUREDawn of AscensionBRINK OF ETERNITYTHE DARKENINGVAMPIRE COLLECTION (Includes BRINK OF ETERNITY):Rapture’s Edge – Continuing the Guardians of Ascension1 Awakening(Coming Soon: Book #2)Amulet SeriesWICKED NIGHT/DARK NIGHT (Boxed Set):DARK NIGHTWICKED NIGHTMen in Chains Series (Complete)BORN IN CHAINSSAVAGE CHAINSCHAINS OF DARKNESSUNCHAINEDYou can find me at:Website: http://www.carisroane.com/Blog: http://www.carisroane.com/journal/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Caris-Roane/160868114986060Twitter: https://twitter.com/carisroaneNewsletter: http://www.carisroane.com/contact-2/Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/carisroane/Author of:Guardians of Ascension Series – Warriors of the Blood crave the breh-heddenDawn of Ascension Series – Militia Warriors battle to save Second EarthRapture’s Edge Series (Part of Guardians of Ascension) – Second earth warriors travel to Third to save three dimensions from a tyrant’s heinous ambitionsBlood Rose Series – Only a blood rose can fulfill a mastyr vampire’s deepest needsBlood Rose Tales – Short tales of mastyr vampires who hunger to be satisfiedMen in Chains Series – Vampires struggling to get free of their chains and save the world [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]