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.“It’s a good thing you couldn’t go to the funeral.They were saying things about demons being terrorists that would have enraged you,” Linn admitted.“You can put flowers on his grave when you get a chance.Just don’t go now because the family keeps going there.Wait until nightfall if you must visit him.He’s buried next to his grandparents.Try not to stay too long if you can help it.”Yuka took in all the information, but she knew she couldn’t visit his grave now.It just didn’t feel right that she’d be there for him when he didn’t need her.She could tell the others weren’t ready to accept this, but they had to be prepared.The only thing they could do for their fallen demons was to move on and become what they were meant to become.They would train hard and master all the powers.They would take care of the Underworld and reap souls of those who were ready to die.They would learn their trade and somehow bring the Reaper’s Apprentices back to Earth.“Sit down, girls,” Odom said, pointing to the cushions that had been laid out.Almost all the couches and chairs had been destroyed so they had to work with what they had.“The four of us have come to a decision on what will happen next.”“And so have we, Grim Reaper Odom,” Yuka said, glancing at everyone to make sure they were in agreement.“We have taken a long look at everything, and it made us think about ourselves.We thought that being a demon would be fun, but I see there’s a lot more to it.To be a Guardian means you have to be responsible and make sacrifices.Sometimes we may not like it, but that’s a part of the life.”“That is true,” Linn agreed.“But we didn’t call you hear to ream you or punish you for leaving.In fact, I’m beginning to see why you did run.We were putting too much pressure on you, and we didn’t explain why.”“The human world has fallen into chaos, and some of them don’t know it.” Olana sighed.“I’m seeing more anti-demon propaganda on the streets.Most of them are ignoring it, but others seem to follow along.There are a few that are curious as to what’s going on.Ultimately, it’s just ignorance that’s being spread around.Too little information and not enough compassion.”“I’m beginning to see why you were trying to keep us away from it now,” Kaska said.“I guess we thought everyone in the world would understand and accept it.But we’re going to be careful from now on.We’ll train hard, and we’ll do what we’re supposed to.We’ll get it right somehow.”“I guess this means it’s the end of any interactions in the human world,” Avani said.“I might as well say goodbye to those jobs.I won’t have time for them anymore.”“Actually, we want you to keep those jobs,” Salvador said, looking at the others.“We did a lot of talking while you were out and decided that you had the right idea.The best way to keep yourselves hidden is to pretend that you are human.You have to mingle with others and do what you love.We want you to go to school and make friends and live with your families.You’re young, and you shouldn’t have to stay in the shadows.”“But you just said the human world fell into chaos,” Tessa pointed out.“Wouldn’t that make it too dangerous to hang around?”“I did, but you can live in a world of chaos.You can handle the fear and anger from all sides.The best way to do that is to be yourselves.You have to grow up and have fun and become someone people will remember.I thought that becoming a Guardian was it, but I see now what everyone was talking about.To keep you locked away…we’d raise suspicions,” Olana said.“So the best chance we have is to let you go back to your old lives.”“In other words, you want us to do this while we’re at home?” Yuka asked.“We have to practice and learn everything by ourselves.I mean, not everyone had teachers for these things.You told me about one of the previous Guardians, Grim Reaper Lott, whose predecessor went into the chamber before he became a Grim Reaper, had to learn everything by himself with the help of the other guardians.I think we can manage that too.”“So do I.But it will be a rough road ahead,” Olana began.“I’m not going to cut corners with you, Avani.With the rest of the Apprentices gone, you four are the only ones who can save this world.I don’t know who is after us or why.I just know that things are not ever going to be the same.”“Well, how can they be the same? The world fell into chaos.We lost our masters and friends, and we’re alone now.We are the hope of this world whether they like it or not.” Avani took a look at her old bedroom.“I guess we can’t come back here anymore.”“I would advise against it right now.There is an ongoing police investigation, and I don’t want to throw any suspicions on you.If they hear anything, they’ll start looking around.Already, they are trying to confirm the number of people that have died here.This place is no longer safe for us.I’m afraid that means your training will have to take a backseat.We need to keep you under wraps for as long as possible [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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