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.My mother just wanted to let me know.""I'm so glad.It must be terrifying." She let her words trail off as another thought sunk in."A couple of months ago? About the time we were having our preliminary meetings?""That's right."On a long breath, she shut her eyes.She could see herself perfectly, standing in the trailer on that first day and berating him for being too spoiled and lazy to leave his orange grove."You should have poured that beer over my head."The grin helped.He walked over to tug on her hair."I thought about it.""You should have told me," she muttered."It wasn't any of your business—at the time." Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips."Times change.Abra—"This time the phone had him snarling."Yank that damn thing out of the wall, will you?"Chuckling, she moved away to answer."Hello.Yes, this is Abra Wilson.Mrs.Mendez? Yes, how is your husband? That's good.No, it wasn't any trouble at all.Mr.Johnson and I were glad to do it." She shifted the phone to her other ear as Cody moved behind her to nibble on her neck."Tonight? Actually, I.No.No, of course not, not if it's important.We can be there in about twenty minutes.All right.Goodbye."Puzzled, Abra replaced the receiver."That was Carmen Mendez.""So I gathered.Where can we be in about twenty minutes?""The hospital." Abra glanced around for the purse she'd tossed aside when they'd come in."She sounded very strange, very nervous, yet she said that Mendez was out of Intensive Care and doing well enough.She said he needed to talk to us right away."Since she was already putting on her shoes, Cody decided she'd made up her mind to go."One condition.""Which is?""When we get back we don't answer the phone."They found Mendez flat on his back in a semipri-vate room with his wife sitting beside him, clinging to his hand."It was good of you to come."Cody noticed that Mendez's knuckles were white.The curtains between the beds were drawn.The other patient had the television on, and the squealing sounds of a car chase poured out."I'm glad you're doing better." Abra laid a hand on Carmen's shoulder, squeezing lightly as she studied the man in the bed.He was young, too young, for the lines of pain and trouble around his eyes."Is there anything you need? Anything we can do for you?" She broke off, surprised and embarrassed to see his eyes fill with tears."No, gracias.Carmen told me how good you were, staying with her, taking care of all the papers and the questions."Carmen leaned over him, murmuring in Spanish, but the words were too soft for Abra to hear."Si."He moistened his lips, and though his back brace prevented him from moving, Abra thought he was set as if for a blow."I thought I would die, and I could not die with sins on my soul.I told Carmen everything.We have talked." His eyes shifted so that he could see his wife and her nod of encouragement."We have decided to tell you." He swallowed, closing his eyes for a moment."It didn't seem so bad, and with the baby coming we needed the money.When Mr.Tunney asked me, I knew in my heart it was wrong, but I wanted good things for Carmen and the baby.And myself."Uneasy, Abra moved closer to the bed.Across the prone body of Mendez, she and Cody exchanged one brief look.Cody kept his voice calm."What did Tunney ask you?""Only to look the other way, to pretend not to notice.Much of the wire we use on the project is not up to code."Abra felt her stomach sink and her blood go cold."Tunney offered to pay you to install substandard wire?""St.Not all, not everywhere.Not all of the men could be trusted—not to be trusted," he said lamely."When a delivery would come, he would assign a few of us to work with the twelve-gauge.We would be paid in cash every week.I know I can go to jail— We know.But we have decided to do what is right.""David, this is a very serious accusation." But Abra was remembering the reels of wire she had examined herself."That wiring was inspected.""Si.It was arranged to have the same inspector.He is paid, also.When he comes, you and Mr.Johnson are to be busy somewhere else in case you would notice something.""How could Tunney arrange—" Abra closed her eyes."David, was Tunney following orders?"Mendez squeezed his wife's hand again.This was what he feared most."Si, he has orders.From Mr, Thornway." Murmuring, Carmen lifted a cup to his lips so that he could wet his dry lips."There is more than the wiring.I hear things.Some of the concrete, some of the steel, some of the rivets.Some," he explained."Not all, you see? I think when I am asked that Mr.Thornway is a big builder.He is powerful, important, so this must be the way.When I tell Carmen, she is ashamed of me and says it is not our way.""We will give back the money." Carmen spoke for the first time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]