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.Before she had a chance to run, one of the Securo Fairies had sprinkled some dust onto her head.A cage of fire entrapped Farrah at centre stage, much to the discontent of the Queen.“What are you doing?” asked the Queen angrily.“Can’t you see that she is a Tuttatti Fairy?”The King stared blankly at Farrah who remained entrapped in the cage of fire, as if he did not hear his wife’s words.“She found the Star of Fantaseea.”“Nonsense!” responded the King.“There is no way that that is the real star.” Not allowing the Queen to get in another word, the King marched deliberately to the podium.“Fairies of Fairyland, you have standing before you a criminal.She has admitted to not only breaking and entering, but also to theft.I promise you that she will be dealt with like any other criminal in Fairyland.”The King looked over at Farrah who was trying hard to stay in the centre of the cage, not wanting to be seared by the fiery bars.“Guards, take her to Grazi Prison.”That was met by shouts of horror by the Ordinaria section as the Securo Fairies used their power to lift the cage along with Farrah off the ground.With the entrapped Farrah floating in front of them, the Securo Fairies departed the stage.Farrah peered over her shoulder at her mom.She had gotten out of her seat and was shouting out in horror.“My baby – you can’t do this!”Chapter 28: Slam!Slam! The iron bars of the cell door thudded shut.Although Farrah felt like crying, she was far too stunned.Just moments earlier, she was being heralded as the most magnificent fairy in all of Fairyland.Now she found herself in a cold, sterile, jail cell, locked away from her friends and family.The cell was absolutely ghastly.There was a toilet, which was oddly shaped like a heart and a ceramic sink, which was also in the shape of a heart.There was a cot with no sheets, stained by something that Farrah could only guess was the blood of an injured fairy.As Farrah sat on the floor with her back up against the white-bricked wall, she began to sob.A Scurri, a rat like creature with five tails and two noses, which was feeding on something crunchy, startled Farrah and she leapt up to her feet.She reached into her pocket, forgetting that they had confiscated the Star of Fantaseea, as well as her Pixie dust and all of her personal possessions for that matter.“My Fairies, what am I going to do?”Thankfully, the Scurri scurried through the bars and under the desk of a large Ogre Fairy that had been instructed to guard the prisoner.Farrah found it momentarily funny to hear the large Ogre shrieking like a little girl.Her brief laughter quickly turned to sadness when she reminded herself of the dreadful dilemma that she was in.Having watched the Ogre Fairy jump on his desk to get away from the creature, Farrah’s eyes fell on another Securo guard in front of the barred door of Farrah’s cell.Like all of the cells in the Grazi prison, there was a Securo Fairy guarding the entrance to each cell that was occupied.This particular Securo Fairy guarding Farrah’s cell was massive.Apparently, the King didn’t want to take any chances.The massive Securo stood still, but on guard, ready for anything.This made it virtually impossible for any prisoner to escape, that and the fact that each cell had been enchanted.If any Fairy attempted to leave their cell, the door would collapse down.Like a mousetrap, it would crush the prisoner’s body to the floor.Without the Star of Fantaseea, Farrah would not dare attempt and escape.Instead, she took off the spring jacket that she was wearing and laid it on the cot to cover up the stain.Lying on the cot with her knees tucked into her chest, Farrah attempted to fall asleep.She prayed that when she woke up she would discover that it was all a dream.The next day Farrah was wakened by the sound of shouting.From out of a tiny window, which looked more like a hole that had been punched out of the side of the wall, Farrah could see a large mob of Fairies.The angry group walked determinedly toward the front of the Grazi Prison.They were shouting in unison.At first, Farrah couldn’t make out what they were saying, but as they moved closer, it became clear.“He He Ho Ho! We won’t go, so let Farrah go!”“He He Ho Ho! We won’t go, so let Farrah Go!”Farrah sat back on the cot, taken aback by the site.By noon, almost all of Fairyland, both Ordinaria and Superiora alike, had come to Grazi prison to protest Farrah’s capture.The whole time they continued to shout [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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