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.What a wonderful journey and experience.Thank you to Silvia Curry of Silvia’s Reading Corner for her proofreading, and in-depth beta reports.Those added flashbacks were inspired by you.Thank you to Cate for her assistance with the blurb and beta reading.Special Thanks to Linda McFeters for beta reading.Your feedback was greatly appreciated.Thank you to Maurice for the French translations.I would have loved to see your face when you read the list.Merci!Thank you to Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations for designing the beautiful cover.Thank you to Jovana Shirley of Unforeseen Editing for the beautiful interior design and e-format.Thank you to Wendy and Claire from Bare Naked Words and Neda from Flirty Subs PR Services for their promotion services.Special thanks to Maria and Sally from Goodreads Beta Group for reading my first few draft chapters.Your feedbacks gave me hope.Thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers.Thank you to the readers for reading my debut novel.I can’t express here how much this means to me.I most sincerely hope you enjoyed this story.Amélie S.Duncan writes contemporary, erotic romances with a dark edge.Her inspiration comes from many sources including her life experiences and travels.She lives on the West Coast of the United States with her husband.Author website: www.ameliesduncan.comTwitter: http://twitter.com/ameliesduncanFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Am%C3%A9lie-S-Duncan/572889196145981 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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