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.If we can't see them in the Force, it's our fault, not theirs.We can fight them without wanting to wipe them from existence.We can fight them without hate, and without darkness."Luke looked across the table at Kyp."If you knew this two years ago, I apologize for doubting you.But in the meantime I'm not sorry that I was cautious.""I couldn't have known any of that," Kyp said."You know I couldn't have known it.""There was so much at stake.I didn't want anyone to turn to the dark side because I misread the situation.""You." Kyp accused, pointing."You." He banged his hand on the table in frustration and looked at the others."Am I the only one here who simply wants to punch Master Skywalker in the nose?"Again Luke concealed laughter, and he sensed that he wasn't the only one.Cal Omas looked from Luke to Kyp and grinned."I won't throw any punches," he said, "but I'm willing to be entertained."Kyp threw up his hands in frustration."I think Skywalker does this for his own entertainment!""If you want the practical argument, Kyp," Luke said, "the Chief of State has now given us his full support and made a place for the Jedi in the government.It seems only polite to support the government that is supporting us.""That's all very well," Kyp said."But your warnings about aggression weren't without foundation.It's still possible for the darkness to take our people.I know.I've been there." He looked at Luke, pain in his eyes."And very recently I've watched it happen to someone else."Now you know what it's like, Luke thought.He had watched Kyp fall into darkness without being able to stop him.Now Kyp understood, when Jaina let the dark take her, what it was to feel that helplessness."The Jedi Code is made confusing by the fact that aggression is never defined," Luke said."So I'm going to define it right now.Aggression is making an unprovoked attack, or taking something that doesn't belong to you, or aiding someone else in doing one of these things."Kyp nodded thoughtfully."That definition could have prevented a lot of misunderstanding between the two of us.""It could have," Luke said."I'm sorry for that.""The dangers are still very real," Kyp said."They'll become even more real when we start sending our people into combat."Luke shook his head."We have to trust them.They're Jedi.We trained them."Let them fill go, he thought.Vergere had shown him what he knew: he needed to trust that his training and his example would bring the Jedi through this crisis.Let them all go."There iz no great danger with the meld," Saba said.The others were startled by her complete certainty."All Jedi together, and of one mind? Should one fall into darknessss, others would draw her back to the light."Luke hoped this was true."We have to trust the Jedi and their training," he said."We've given all the warnings we can.The meld is another tool we can try to use.""What about the Great River?" Cilghal asked.She seemed in genuine distress."We have painfully set up this conduit for refugees, agents, and information.Are we all to engage in warfare now, and let the Great River dry up at its source?""Of course not," Luke said."Each Jedi must decide how he or she wishes to help defeat the Yuuzhan Vong.And unless there's some pressing need, I intend myself to continue my work with the Great River."Cilghal seemed reassured.Luke turned to Cal."Have you had enough speeches for today?""It's been enlightening." Cal looked around the table."Somehow I expected that Jedi would have more certainty and less discussion.""I always hope for that," Luke said."I hardly ever get it."Other members of the council made reports concerning the Great River or other projects.Dif Scaur made a brief presentation concerning what he understood of current Yuuzhan Vong goals, and Triebakk spoke about the Senate, which seemed alarmed with itself at its boldness in electing Gal as Chief of State, but was otherwise fairly quiet."Is that all, then?" Luke asked.Tresina rolled up her snout to allow herself to speak without being muffled."I'd like to ask about the Jedi apprentices just arrived, with a refugee convoy, here on Mon Calamari," she said."They have no Masters or current duties.What arc we to do with them? Send them to—" She hesitated, on the verge of letting a secret slip."—to join the other apprentices at the hidden academy?""Who are we talking about?" asked Cilghal."Zekk and Tahiti Veila.""All were with my son Tesar on the strike at Myrkr," Saba said.All watched Anakin die, Luke thought."They're being looked after by Alema Rar," Tresina said."But Alema doesn't feel ready to take an apprentice, let alone two of them, so she's asked me to query the council."Alema was right, Luke thought.Alema had lost her sister Jedi Knight horribly to a voxyn, and was very vulnerable even before the Myrkr strike, probably too vulnerable to spend her days looking after apprentices who had problems of their own."They're all warriors, then," Kenth Hamner said."Veterans.They'll all be needed." He turned to Luke."Perhaps we should promote them to Jedi Knight? Then they can decide for themselves where they'll be most useful."Luke hesitated, then spoke."Tahiri is very young, not even sixteen.And she was a.special friend.to Anakin.I don't know if she's gotten over his death." He shook his head."Knighting her and sending her against the Yuuzhan Vong might be sending her straight to the dark side.""Send them to Kashyyyk," Saba said."Send them to Tesar, and to the meld.Send Alema Rar az well.The Force-meld will save them from the dark side." Her yellow eyes flicked over the group."Just az melding with the Barabelz saved me, when Tesar's hatch-matez Krasov and Bela were lost."Saba's sincerity was convincing.Luke nodded."Very well.""There are other apprentices who were with Anakin's strike force," Kenth reminded."Jaina, Jacen, and Lowbacca, and of course Cilghal's apprentice Tekli.Shouldn't we promote them as well?"Luke felt embarrassment that he hadn't realized this himself."Of course.""Don't forget Tenel Ka," Kyp added.Gal's eyes lit up."They'll be the first Jedi Knights of the new order," he said."Shouldn't you do something special when you knight them? A ceremony, or—?""The Jedi have never engaged much in ceremony," Kyp said."Jedi do.Jedi don't playact."Luke laughed."Do you want to make a speech so badly, Cal? There's never been any ceremony in the past."Cal flushed a little, but said, "Why not have one? They're heroes, and people should know it.Bring them all here and I'll pin medals on them and talk until their ears turn blue.""Tesar and Lowbacca are on Kashyyyk," Tresina reminded."They're in the military, aren't they?" Cal said."Jaina's squadron? Reassign the squadron to Mon Calamari.""Sir." Sien Sow spoke tactfully."Admiral Kre'fey will hardly appreciate losing three Jedi just when he's asked us to send more.""Then tell him he'll get more!" Cal said."Tell him that he'll send us apprentices, but he'll get Jedi Knights in return!""Tenel Ka has already been promoted," Releqy pointed out."To Queen Mother, in fact.I don't know if we can persuade the Hapans to let her go just because we want to hold a ceremony."Cal's enthusiasm was undimmed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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