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.She could hear his heart still pounding fast.“Leesa?” His voice vibrated through her ear pressed against him.“Yeah?”“Could you maybe not take one of the sleepwalking pills tonight? I really don’t want to wake up in the morning and find you’ve wandered out onto the highway.”She hadn’t planned on it anyway.It was stupid to have taken it last night.She had to be on alert in case Bruno had followed them somehow.Even with that worry nagging at her, she couldn’t help but smile at Chase’s request.“Okay.”He let out a big, contented-sounding sigh.“Good.Thanks.”Then his breathing became deep and steady and she knew the man who was temporarily her husband was asleep.Chapter ElevenChase was barely able to drive the next morning.He kept remembering the incredible night he’d spent with Leesa.He also found it impossible to keep the grin off his face every time he thought about it, which was pretty much every thirty seconds or so.He glanced across the truck at her now and felt the smile overtake him again.She caught him looking at her and laughed.“Stop.”“Stop what?” He somehow managed a frown through the grin.“Fantasizing.You’re going to run off the road.” Leesa shook her head at him.Shit.He’d been caught.“How do you know I’m fantasizing?”“I can just tell.”Hmm.She could already read his mind.They were becoming more and more like a real married couple with every moment they spent together.Chase was about to comment on that when his cell phone rang.He glanced at it in the console, then worked hard to ignore the noise.“Aren’t you going to answer it?”“Nope.It’s Garret.”“I thought he was your friend.Don’t you want to talk to him?”“Not really.” He felt guilty.Garret was his best friend, which meant the minute Chase talked to him, Garret would know something was up.Then he’d have to admit he couldn’t remember getting married.Nope.Better to avoid the entire thing for a little while.“What if it’s an emergency?”Chase considered that.They weren’t riding right now so it wouldn’t be that he or one of the guys was hurt.If someone had ended up in jail, they’d call one of the guys closer to bail them out.No, most likely Garret wanted to ask about Leesa or brag about whatever he’d done the other night with whatever girl du jour he’d picked up.“He’d leave a voicemail or text me if it was important.”Her brow rose at that.“Okay.You know best.”Hmm.Was this wifely nagging? Chase kind of liked it.He smiled again and decided when they stopped for lunch today they should find someplace with a convenience store nearby.After the sex they’d had last night, he was planning on stocking up on lots of condoms.“What have you told your parents about our marriage?” Her question came from out of the blue.“Nothing yet.I figure after I get home we can explain everything then go see my uncle.”“You didn’t tell them you were bringing me home with you? Oh, Chase.You need to.”Chase glanced over and saw the doubt written all over her face.“Nah.It’ll be fine.”“No.You can’t just spring this on them.”“I told them I was bringing home a surprise.They won’t care.My mama always cooks enough for a dozen people.Our house was the place where everybody always came to hang out.Don’t worry.”“What do you think is going to happen when I get out of the truck and they notice our rings, which by the way, I think we should probably stop wearing.”“Why?”“Because we’re getting divorced.”He liked the feel of it around his finger.He didn’t want to take it off yet.It made it feel like she belonged to him.Not in a bad way, like some crazy possessive husband or anything.In the way that meant they were in it together, no matter what happened.Partners.He’d be there for her, and she’d be there for him.“We’re still married now.”She let out a laugh.“I still would have had sex with you even if we had taken our rings off.If that’s what your worry is.”“You would have?”“Yes.”“What about tonight?”She let out another laugh.“In your parents’ house? After they know we’re not really married?”“We are really married.We just don’t remember getting married,” he corrected her.“Still.You know what I mean.”That put a whole new spin on things.He’d been planning on his parents letting them stay together in his room.He was twenty-two and they were technically and legally married.But the fact they were going to end it shortly might make it a moral grey area for his parents.“There’s always the barn.” He raised a brow and shot her a sideways glance.She didn’t look entirely happy with that suggestion.“You think about it.”“And you call your parents the next time we stop and tell them what’s happening.”Since she had that tone that told him he better do what she asked or else any potential sex in his future was at stake, he nodded.“I will.Promise.”For a new bride, Leesa was sure good at the wife thing.Chase wanted to do as he promised, if only to show her how amenable he was.The next exit he saw, he pulled the truck off the ramp.He found an empty parking lot and drove in, pulling around the side of the building so the sun wouldn’t be in their eyes.It was still early and the bar obviously wasn’t open yet so they wouldn’t be disturbing anyone by sitting there for a few minutes.He threw the gearshift into park and then dialed his parents, all while Leesa sat in the passenger seat watching and listening.His mother picked up on the third ring.“Hey, Mama.”“Chase.When will you be home?” He could feel how excited she was to have him coming home for a while.He spent too much time on the road.“By dinner tonight.Listen I have something to tell you and Daddy.Is he around?”“He’s working.Is everything all right?”“Yeah, everything is fine.It’s just that I kind of did something while I was in Las Vegas.” He shot Leesa a look and wished she wasn’t listening to his side of the conversation quite so closely.There was what seemed like a very long pause.“Okay…”“Um, I kind of got married.” He heard his mother’s intake of breath and rushed on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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