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.Eleanor watched the rippled liquid creep up his flanks to his chest and the thighs of his bent legs as he sank into the water.She would have never believed such a description of male anatomy if anyone had told her, which no one had.'Twas not a subject discussed among the nuns at the convent.He held the lye bar in front of her eyes and spoiled her view."You will need this, lass."Flustered, she grabbed the soap.After dousing a dipper of water over his head, she rubbed the bar on his golden strands and washed with haste so as to finish the task and be away.She heard him laugh."Take care, woman.You'll scrape away my hair.""Good."His laughter mocked her annoyance.She gritted her teeth and forced her fingers to not grasp his hair and yank."Pray tell, Sire, what do they call you on the battlefield? The Merry Knight?"He only laughed harder.Eleanor dumped another dipper-full over his head and he jerked with a strangled cough.Smiling, she soaped the cloth and scrubbed his back as hard as she could.If she rubbed him raw, then he would never again ask her to.The water on his broad shoulders flashed fiery reflections.Her pace slowed.The hills and valleys of his muscles stretched beneath her fingers.She ran the linen with more care over each contour of his back and shoulders, then down the valley of his spine.Rivulets of water glowed bright with entwined red and gold as they twisted and snaked over his sinewy expanse.A jagged ridge of whitish skin ran in a diagonal across his shoulder blade.With the tip of her forefinger she traced the scar and felt the lump beneath her touch."How did this happen, my lord?"He hissed an intake of air.His knuckles whitened where he gripped the side of the tub."Did I hurt you, Sire?"He sat for a moment as if to steady his ragged breaths."Nay.A broadsword hoped to cleave me in two.'Tis but superficial." His voice sounded forced, throaty.He fell silent and Eleanor sensed he fought for control, but she couldn't imagine why, unless he hadn't told the truth about the discomfort.She determined to be more gentle.With the cloth re-soaped she stroked the fabric across his curved shoulder and down one steel-like arm, then wondered how his skin would feel to her bare hand.She had to know, so she splayed her fingers on his muscled bulge above his elbow, then slid her hand down the wetness to his wrist.Crisp hairs glimmered as they ruffled beneath her touch.The inside of his arm felt hard and slick with soap and water, most enjoyable.Eleanor turned his hand and ran the cloth over his callused palm and then each tapered finger, one at a time.So strong.So splendid.The man sat, glorious, as if carved from wet clay.Eleanor moved the soapy cloth across the hard, smooth planes of his chest.A growth of wiry chest-hairs tapered to beneath the water.His nipples hardened from her touch.What a marvel the creation beneath her hands.Steam warmed her already heated face.Eleanor inhaled the soapy fragrance mingled with the fire-smoke and Lord Kyle's male scent, a heady combination.She leaned forward and rubbed the cloth across his powerful chest to his other mound of a shoulder and caressed---Lord Kyle snatched her wrist, jerking the cloth from her hand."Never mind, Eleanor.I'll finish." His words spoken through his clenched teeth sounded angry, hoarse.Her gaze flew up to his and she forgot to breathe.Lord Kyle's eyes blazed blue heat.His facial muscles stretched tight across his cheek-bones, his mouth a straight line."I'm sorry if I don't please you, my lord.I have never bathed---""You please me too well, woman.If you touch me any more, I'll not be able to control myself and I'll drag you into this tub with me, clothes and all.Now sit still and don't touch me.At least, not now, not yet.Later."Her heartbeat leapt into her ears and pounded out his name.To sink down into the warm wetness atop his slick body might feel superb indeed.Then her mind jolted.Later?"Eleanor, move back." He whispered the command, his tone as tense as his muscles which trembled against her arm."Then you'll need to release my wrist, Sire."Lord Kyle closed his eyes and opened his grip.Beads of moisture misted his face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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