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.Teaching the ghola had drained his energies, she saw.That child in the Gammu Keep must be a sponge absorbing anything and everything around him.Miles Teg, do you know how we use you? she wondered.It was a thought that weakened her but she allowed it to persist in her awareness almost with a feeling of defiance.How easy it would be to love that old man! Not as a mate, of course.but love, nonetheless.She could feel the bond tugging at her and recognized it with the fine edge of her Bene Gesserit abilities.Love, damnable love, weakening love.Odrade had felt this tugging with the first mate she had been sent to seduce.Curious sensation.Her years of Bene Gesserit conditioning had made her wary of it.None of her proctors had allowed her the luxury of that unquestioning warmth, and she had learned in time the reasons behind such isolating care.But there she was, sent by the breeding mistresses, ordered to get that close to a single individual, to let him enter her.All of the clinical data lay there in her awareness and she could read the sexual excitement in her partner even as she allowed it in herself.She had, after all, been carefully prepared for this role by men the Breeding Mistresses selected and conditioned with exquisite nicety for just such training.Odrade sighed and looked away from Teg, closing her eyes in remembrance.Training Males never let their emotions reflect a bonding abandonment to their students.It was a necessary flaw in the sexual education.That first seduction upon which she had been sent: She had been quite unprepared for the melting ecstasy of a simultaneous orgasm, a mutuality and sharing as old as humankind.older! And with powers capable of overwhelming the reason.The look on her male companion's face, the sweet kiss, his total abandonment of all self-protective reserves, unguarded and supremely vulnerable.No Training Male had ever done that! Desperately, she grasped for the Bene Gesserit lessons.Through those lessons, she saw the essence of this man on his face, felt that essence in her deepest fibers.For just an instant, she permitted an equal response, experiencing a new height of ecstasy that none of her teachers had hinted might be attainable.For that instant, she understood what had happened to the Lady Jessica and the other Bene Gesserit failures.This feeling was love!Its power frightened her (as the Breeding Mistresses had known it would) and she fell back into the careful Bene Gesserit conditioning, allowing a mask of pleasure to take over the brief natural expression on her face, employing calculated caresses where natural caresses would have been easier (but less effective).The male responded as expected, stupidly.It helped to think of him as stupid.Her second seduction had been easier.She could still call up the features of that first one, though, doing it sometimes with a calloused sense of wonder.Sometimes, his face came to her of itself and for no reason she could identify immediately.With the other males she had been sent to breed, the memory markers were different.She had to hunt her past for the look of them.The sensory recordings of those experiences did not go as deep.Not so with that first one!Such was the dangerous power of love.And look at the troubles this hidden force had caused the Bene Gesserit over the millennia.The Lady Jessica and her love for her Duke had been only one example among countless others.Love clouded reason.It diverted the Sisters from their duties.Love could be tolerated only where it caused no immediate and obvious disruptions or where it served the larger purposes of the Bene Gesserit.Otherwise it was to be avoided.Always, though, it remained an object of disquieting watchfulness.Odrade opened her eyes and glanced again at Teg and Taraza.The Mother Superior had taken up a new subject.How irritating Taraza's voice could be at times!Odrade closed her eyes and listened to the conversation, tied to those two voices by some link in her awareness that she could not avoid."Very few people realize how much of the infrastructure in a civilization is dependency infrastructure," Taraza said."We have made quite a study of this."Love is a dependency-infrastructure, Odrade thought.Why had Taraza hit on this subject at this time? The Mother Superior seldom did anything without deep motives."Dependency infrastructure is a term that includes all things necessary for a human population to survive at existing or increased numbers,"Taraza said."Melange?" Teg asked."Of course, but most people look at the spice and say, 'How nice it is that we can have it and it can give us so much longer lives than were enjoyed by our ancestors.' ""Providing they can afford it." Teg's voice had a bite in it, Odrade noted."As long as no single power controls all of the market, most people have enough," Taraza said."I learned economics at my mother's knee," Teg said."Food, water, breathable air, living space not contaminated by poisons -- there are many kinds of money and the value changes according to the dependency."As she listened to him, Odrade almost nodded in agreement.His response was her own.Don't belabor the obvious, Taraza! Get to your point."I want you to remember your mother's teachings very clearly," Taraza said.How mild her voice was suddenly! Taraza's voice changed abruptly then and she snapped: "Hydraulic despotism!"She does that shift of emphasis well, Odrade thought.Memory spewed up the data like a spigot suddenly opened full force.Hydraulic despotism: central control of an essential energy such as water, electricity, fuel, medicines, melange [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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