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.This unlikely “gift” must have all but confirmed that she was Lord Rupert’s mistress.Tears stung her eyes.“Are you trying to shred my reputation, because you must be able to imagine what people will say—”“I care not what people will say.”“You should care.” Rose stood suddenly and yanked her hand from his grasp before he had time to react.“You should care about my reputation, at least.” Her arms and legs felt weak from the emotion that raged through her.Lord Rupert stood too.“Rose, please.I meant no harm.I only did it to help.Please forgive me for being thoughtless.I didn’t think about how it would look to all the mean, petty people who want to think ill of us.”He seemed more angry than contrite.Confusion scattered her thoughts as she watched him.“It was simply an act of kindness.Why should we care what people think? Isn’t it more important that your family is safer and more comfortable in their new home?”Rose found it hard to argue with that.“Rose, please don’t fight me.I love you and I’m working on a way we can be together.” He held out his hands to her, a pleading look in his eyes.“I don’t know.” Was it possible her family was already moved in? That they were living in a fine house, much finer than anything they could have imagined affording on her father’s meager living? In her wildest dreams, she had imagined such a thing for her family, but she never believed it possible.Shouldn’t she be thankful? Or should she be angry? Surely if Lord Rupert intended to take advantage of her, he would have already made those intentions known.No, she would believe the best about him.After all, he said he loved her.Still, it was all terribly shocking, as well as confusing.She’d have to try to sort it out later.“It is very generous of you.Thank you.I should probably be going now.”Something seemed to have arrested Lord Rupert’s attention.“What is this?” He stared at her bracelet, twisting her wrist to the left and the right.His smile broadened.Slowly, he leaned down and kissed her forehead.His hands slid up her arms and came to rest on her shoulders as he pulled her closer and whispered, “I don’t intend to let you spend your life tending to sick people, having to deal with blood and broken body parts all the time.You’re too good for that, Rose.”She let herself slip her arms around his waist, resting her hands on his back.She sighed, and the exquisite feeling of being held flowed through her.After a few moments, Rose pulled back to look up at him.“I’m sorry to go, but I need to return to the castle.”“Why must you?”“I don’t want Frau Geruscha to come back and find me gone.”“Frau Geruscha.I’ll be happy when you are no longer under her thumb.She doesn’t have your best interests at heart, Rose.You’re beginning to realize that, aren’t you?”Rose found herself staring at his chest.“I truly wish you two could be friends, for my sake.”Lord Rupert sighed.“For you, Rose, I can be friends with anyone.”“Thank you.” Rose smiled up at him, relishing the way he looked at her.Impulsively, she wrapped her arms around him again in a tight hug.“Farewell.” She pulled away and started off quickly toward the castle before he could protest.“Let me walk with you,” he called.“No.I don’t want anyone to see us returning together.”He sent her a pouty glower, but Rose simply waved, running up the hill ahead of him.“Oh, Rose, marriage is wonderful.” Hildy’s face was the picture of bliss as she raised her arms over her head, smiling up at the sky.“It certainly looks good on you.” A week had passed since Gunther’s expected execution day—which had become their wedding day instead.Rose strolled along between Hildy and Wolfie as they walked to Rose’s parents’ grand new house.It would be Rose’s first visit there.Hildy proceeded to tell her of the joys to expect when she was married.“Hildy, I’m not sure you should be telling me this.”“Of course I should! You’ll want me to tell you all this and more when Lord Rupert asks you to marry him—which shall be any day now.” Hildy smirked.“Then we’ll both be married.Oh, Rose, isn’t it wonderful?”“I hope so.” The truth was, she did expect him to ask her and thought it would be soon.She was too embarrassed to admit it to Hildy, but she looked forward to being able to enjoy Lord Rupert’s caresses and kisses.What she did not look forward to was his mother’s disapproval.The duchess was certain to be disappointed in her younger son’s choice.She might even try to prevent their marriage.They reached the clearing in front of her family’s front door and stopped.Hildy faced her.“I predict you shall shortly join the ranks of us old married people.” She gave her a quick hug and hurried away.Rose pushed the door open and Wolfie poked his nose in.Rose could hear her mother’s hushed voice.Standing in the doorway, Rose blinked until her eyes became accustomed to the dimness of the room.Then she saw her mother in the far corner with her father.Rose heard her name and held her breath, listening [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]