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.In meantimes, best young men of desert were dying at hands of one another, and soon none would be left.""I've heard my father say that.And weep about it.How much more mighty we would be if the Royalists became one with the Kingdom of Peace."Mocker glanced round again.They were still alone.He whispered, "Sajac the Wise."Yasmid's eyes went glassy.The fat youth smiled."Sparen, you were hard master.Am finally appreciating beneficence of same.Lady Yasmid.Hear me.Is good chance of stopping war by meeting with Haroun.Sometime soon, in hour or two, summon self and present idea that self should escort Lady to see same, same probably being in Altea.Sneaky-like, by night, so guards committed to father and war don't prevent." He added a few refining touches, then said, "Will go to sleep now, Lady.Will waken when self asks what is wrong, remembering nothing but agony of uncle's death."He waited twenty seconds, then plunged forward dramatically."Lady! Speak! What is wrong?"Yasmid opened tear-filled eyes."What?""Mercy!" Mocker swore."Self was frightened.Seemed Lady was fainting.""Me?" she asked.Confusedly, "Nassef.I was thinking about my uncle.""Is greatest of great shames of great war.Man was genius absolute.Passing of same will be drastic blow to Disciple, maybeso." He settled back onto his boulder seat feeling smug.Then he noticed the captain eyeing him from the horse picket.The man's expression was inscrutable, but it sent cold-clawed monsters lumbering along his spine.The way the Invincible's eyes drilled into him!"Is great tragedy Lady has suffered.Self, would suggest time alone, in tent, to deal with grief privately." He moved on to watch several Invincibles practice their swordsmanship.He studied them as if he were unaccustomed to the flash and clash of steel.The Invincibles practiced daily, both mounted and dismounted, singly and in formation.They were a determined bunch.And Mocker always watched them.Damo Sparen had been a hard teacher.His lessons had survived his passing well.Among them had been, know your enemy's strengths and weaknesses beforehand.Mocker knew every man in the encampment now—except that damned captain.He knew he could best any of them except, possibly, the captain.And he had no intention of meeting the man.The captain he intended to share Gouch's fate.Death in the night.Yasmid summoned him that afternoon.He went reluctantly, no longer certain he wanted to harvest what he had sown."Entertainer, are you my friend?" she asked."Assuredly, Lady." He tried to appear baffled.Pleasure kept trying to fight its way through.He had not been sure this would work."I have a boon to beg, then.A huge one.""Anything, Lady.Self, exist to serve.""We were speaking of prospects for peace.You mentioned bin Yousif.I've had a wild idea.A really insane, improbable idea that just might end this hideous war.But I need your help.""Aid of self? In ending war? Am entertainer and would-be student philosophic, Lady, not diplomat.Am in no wise able.""I just want you to ride with me.To be my protector.""Protector, Lady? When fifty of bravest men of desert.""Those brave men are my father's creatures.They'd never permit what I have in mind.""Same being?""Slipping away from here tonight.Riding hard, northward, through the desert and the Kapenrungs, into Altea, to find the King Without A Throne and make peace."It was exactly what he wanted to hear.It was hard to pretend shock when he was so elated."Lady!""I know it's crazy.That's why I think it might work.You said yourself that Haroun wants peace as much as I do.""Truth told.But.""Enough.I know the risks, but I'm going to try it.The only question is, will you go with me? Will you help me? Or must I try it alone?""Alone, Lady? In this mad world? Would be remiss to permit same, same being suicidal.Am frightened.Am terrified, must admit.Am natural-born coward.But will accompany.For sake of Lady, not of peace." He thought that was a nice touch."Then come to my tent after the first watch change.I'll know the guard.He'll do whatever I tell him as long as he doesn't know what's going on.You may have to hit him.Be gentle.He's a good man.""Self? Attack Invincible? Woe! Lady, am anything but fighter.""I know.I didn't say you had to fight him.Knock him in the back of the head when he isn't looking."It was not as simple, of course, as either of them hoped.Mocker's first move, before approaching Yasmid's tent, was to make an exit without challenge possible.He began with the captain because he wanted no cool head available when it came time to organize a pursuit.That part was almost too easy.It was anticlimatic.Like plucking a ripe plum.The man was hard asleep.He died without a sound or struggle.There were six men on perimeter guard duty.Mocker eliminated them next, in the silent way Sparen had taught him.He approached each as a friend, told them he could not sleep, then took them suddenly.That bloody treachery done, he turned to the guards at Sidi's and Yasmid's tents.Finally, he selected two horses from the now restless picket line, readied them, threw what provisions he could behind their saddles, and went to collect his prize.In his nervousness his donkey and props slipped his mind.His nerves kept humming like the taut catgut of a carnival fiddle.Every step took time.Each passing minute increased the risk of discovery.He was almost too scared to think.He proceeded by rote, persevering in an oft-rehearsed scenario.He scratched on Yasmid's tent."Lady?"A head popped out.He squeaked in surprise."Ready?" she asked.He nodded."Have horses set to go.Come.Quietly.""You're shaking.""Am terrified, must confess.Come.Before alarm goes up.""Where's the guard?""Bashed same over noggin and dragged behind Sidi's tent.Come.Hurry." He could not give her time to think, to ask questions.Yasmid came forth.Mocker gawked.She had donned male clothing.She made a passable boy.A moan came from behind her brother's tent.And a demon with a savage hand seized Mocker's vitals.One of his victims had survived! "Hurry, Lady!" He dragged her toward the horses."Captain!" Sidi shrieked, his whining voice tormenting the night."Captain!"A sleepy Invincible materialized in Mocker's path.The fat man struck him down, seized his sword, and plunged on.He did not loosen his grip on the girl."Why did you do that " Yasmid gasped.Mocker flung her toward the horses."Get on!" he snarled."Talk later." He whirled, crossed blades with the nearest of three pursuers.He dropped the man, and the next, in the wink of an eye.The third backed off, astounded.Mocker scrambled onto a horse.Howling like a damned soul, he tried to scatter the rest.The animals did not go far.They were well trained.He screamed and kicked his mount into motion as a wave of Invincibles appeared.He swatted Yasmid's animal as he passed.For a long time Yasmid was too busy hanging on and keeping up to ask questions.But she did not forget them.When the pursuit faded and the chance arose, she demanded, "Why did you do that? You weren't supposed to hurt anybody."He glanced back, expecting the momentary materialization of a horde of vengeful Invincibles."Self, wonder if bodyguards would play by same rule? Lady, am ashamed.Am coward, admitted.Panicked.Howsomever, retrospectively, must admit same was necessitated.Would not have made escape otherwise.Not so? And Invincibles would have cut self down like cur dog.Not so?"Yasmid argued, but only half-heartedly.She had to admit that he would have been maltreated had they been caught.The journey became an epic.The supplies he had secured did not last.Yasmid had brought money, but buying by the wayside was dangerous.It left trailmarkers.He drove himself and the girl hard.Death was close behind.The Invincibles would neither forgive nor give up.Weary days came and went.Desert gave way to mountains.The mountains rose, then descended to the farmlands of Tamerice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]