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.I was about to doze off.About to abandon this vale of sorrow for the land of sweet dreams."Come on! That's really laying it on thick."Report, then.Get it over.I need my sleep.He couldn't have been too depressed, regardless of the war situation.He didn't threaten to close up shop for good.I have suffered countless disappointments at the hands of your feckless race.One more will not nudge me over the edge.Get on with the report.I described my visit to the Contague establishment.Most of it.Being a gentleman, I did employ some discretion.Just to drive me crazy, he observed, It might be interesting to have Mr.Contague visit sometime.I suspect that all may not be what it seems there."What do you mean by.? Hey!" He'd drifted off.At a very fast drift.And wasn't interested in awaking to explain himself.Leaving me hanging was the root of his plan, of course.No more Belinda, no more Candy, and Tinnie still hadn't come around to tell me I didn't need to apologize for what I hadn't done."You and me again, lady," I told Eleanor.‘"Alone at last.Maybe.Fingers crossed?" The Dead Man was really working out on his napping, and there was a chance Dean would be getting back out of the house—for a while, anyway.One of his horde of ugly nieces had sold her soul or something and found a blind man to propose.Though I'm not religious, I was praying.No atheists on the battlefield.I wanted the engagement to take.I wanted Dean to travel to the wedding, which would take place out of town if it happened at all.I would get rid of the cat.I would burn a thousand sulfur candles.Or I might sell the place and contents and disappear before the one woke up and the other returned.Simplify my life.Move across town and change my name and get me an honest job.I did learn that I have the second sight.My prophecy was correct.The next fad was revolution.It stumbled out of the cafes and failed abysmally.Peopled by the very young, the revolution neither asked nor accepted anything from the old and experienced and wise.Westman Block and his secret police, directed by Relway Sencer, ate them alive.The rebellion collapsed without having stirred any dust.Afterward, Block bragged that five members of the seven-man Joint Revolutionary Direction had been Relway's agents.Need any more convincing that those fools were fools of the first water? In the real world Block had to pay me to save his bacon when he ran into real troubles.He hasn't been around lately.Happily.Word is, a whole cabal of wizards has agreed to research and unravel the Candide Curse (how come it isn't called the Drachir Curse?) and keep their eyes on one another so nobody gets any advantage from the spell.Just as soon as they catch Glory Mooncalled.Might be a while.The Dead Man's hero hasn't given up.Neither the morCartha overhead nor the Venageti proposal of an armistice has daunted him.Life was good.Life was normal.I could sit back and do some serious thinking and beer tasting.Then Morley's nephew Spud showed up with the parrot.Supposedly a present from my leg-breaker friend.The parrot could talk.Morley figured I could use it to drive Dean crazy and get rid of his cat.The bird hated cats.It swooped on them, clawed at their ears and eyes.Word of advice.Word to the wise.Voice of experience.Don't ever bring a talking parrot within thinking range of a dead Loghyr.Not ever.FB2 document infoDocument ID: 594e1980-73e1-4cad-935c-1dba553f7d09Document version: 1Document creation date: 31.05.2008Created using: ConvertLIT, Lit2FB2 softwareDocument authors :traumAboutThis book was generated by Lord KiRon's FB2EPUB converter version 1.35.Эта книга создана при помощи конвертера FB2EPUB версии 1.35.0 написанного Lord KiRon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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