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.Melody didn't know what type of predators existed on the magnets' home world, but obviously early speed and power helped.The little ball learned to hover unsteadily, and could move about the edges of the cabin near the floor.It was instructive to watch him, sometimes he went too far into the center and lost control.Then he spun crazily and dropped nearly to the floor before regaining equilibrium.He appeared to operate more by repulsion than by attraction; otherwise he would have hovered near the ceiling.Of course attraction would have snapped him right into floor or wall, while repulsion kept him conveniently afloat at his natural limit.Slammer hovered in place, seeming to give off fatherly emanations of pleasure.Finally she got the last three officers interviewed.All were hostages.It was time to report to the Captain.But first she had a council of war with Llume and Skot in her cabin, the only place where privacy was assured.Slammer might not care what electronic eavesdroppers were elsewhere, but he was well aware of the need for secrecy here, and could locate any telltale devices."Of twelve upper-level officers below the rank of captain, ten are hostages," Melody summarized the situation."Tiala and nine males, all officers.There is no doubt in my mind; is there in yours?"Llume buzzed her ball on the deck."None.My observations concur: all are hostage."Skot shook his head grimly."I have doubt, but not enough.I have to go along with your estimate.""Obviously they have concentrated on this ship," Melody continued, "because it commands the segment fleet.There simply can't be this number of hostages on other ships! They have chosen to remain concealed until receiving the signal to proceed overtly.That suggests that the hostaging is not complete.They would have struck already if they were sure of their power." She paused, not liking this."Probably they infiltrated this ship first, but need to work on other ships of the fleet.When they are ready, they will kill Captain Boyd and the three of us, then use ship and fleet to intimidate Outworld itself and disrupt segment resistance.The key is right here, because the armed might of Etamin is here.So we must act— now, before they do.The Captain's authority, backed by the magnets, should enable us to make a clean sweep of this ship.After that, we'll see about the fleet.But we have to convince the Captain without giving it away to the hostages prematurely.""I could conduct you to the Captain for an interview," Skot said."That would be according to protocol.""But I'd like you both present, as witnesses," Melody said."You are officers, while I am only a civilian visitor.I need your endorsement.""If we all go, the hostages might become aware," Llume said."They surely know who they are, and that we are not of them.""Yes.In fact, we'd better not remain here in conference long," Melody said."Suspicion means death.""I hesitate to suggest this," Skot said, turning slightly red."But maybe a complaint— You are a beautiful woman, and someone might—that is—""Someone might make an advance?" Melody inquired, smiling."Understand, it would not be—well, you could complain to the Captain, with Llume as witness—""Brilliant!" Then Melody paused."But Slammer would—"Skot frowned."I had forgotten that.Sorry.""Unless the female attacked the male," Llume suggested."Yes, that would do," Melody agreed."Skot turned me down before.I really was very pleased that he did so— no offense, Skot—but I understand rejected human women can become very angry.I might use the magnet to corner him, then—""And I would be witness on his behalf," Llume said.Skot looked doubtful."I'm not sure—""Oh come on, Solarian!" Melody said."One kiss won't hurt you that much.And it would certainly be a case for the Captain's attention, since I'm not of the ship's complement.""But you and the Captain."Just how much news had spread about the ship? Had that single episode forever defined her as the Captain's mistress? "Yes, he would certainly want to know! Maybe we had better rehearse it," Melody said mischievously."You are just entering the lounge, here, and I jump out at you and—" She made a fine leap and planted a firm kiss on his open mouth.He had to put his arms around her, lest she fall."And you try to push me away, but I cling—""Unlimb that man!" Llume cried against the wall."You belong to the Captain!"Just so."Uh, let's make a minor alteration in the dialogue," Melody suggested, embarrassed."The Captain shall settle your hash!" Llume said.Melody paused."That still does not quite—""This is a matter for the Captain's attention!""Beautiful!" Melody exclaimed, satisfied at last."Now, would you disengage," Skot pleaded."Before I"—his arms tightened about her—"before I forget."Melody disengaged quickly.There were unkind aspects to this game.They lined up before Captain Boyd, in his office: two in Solarian form, one in Polarian, and the magnet."Request privacy in this matter," Llume said formally against the floor."Concerns protocol."Dash eyed Skot.The Lieutenant's uniform was in disarray, the Imperial Outworld blazon smudged, his hair mussed."So I see." He waved a finger through the control field on his desk, and the door clamped shut.There were different kinds of doors on the ship; this was one of the swinging variety."We are securely private, now."Melody stepped forward."This is no complaint, Captain.It was a ruse to gain private audience without suspicion.We have a crucial report to make.""No complaint?" Dash inquired, brow lifted."Slammer?"The magnet bobbed affirmatively.It hadn't occurred to Melody that Slammer was also a witness, but of course he was.Good.That was one report the Captain would trust.Dash focused on Melody."This must be a serious matter.""I have ascertained that all your top officers except those present are Andromedan hostages," Melody said, anticipating his incredulous amazement.He would take a lot of convincing!"You are very clever," Dash said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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