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."That vampire was suffering from serious hive neglect.He had not even been trained out of larvae stage well enough to recognize me for what I clearly am." If Alexia had been sitting close enough, she probably would have prodded the queen with a sharp finger to the sternum.Scratch me, Alexia thought.I'd like to see her try! She contented herself with frowning fiercely.Countess Nadasdy looked taken aback, not having anticipated such a shift."He was not one of mine!" she said defensively.Miss Tarabotti stood, back straight, glad for once that she had an assertive figure: tall enough to tower over every one but Lord Ambrose and Dr.Caedes."Why do you play these games with me, venerable one? Lord Maccon said he could smell your bloodline in that dead boy.He must have been metamorphosed by you or one of your get.You've no right to pin your carelessness and inability to safeguard your own interests upon me, especially when I only acted in self-defense." She held up a hand to forestall interruption."True, I have better defensive mechanisms than most daylight folk, but I am not the one being careless with hive blood."Lord Ambrose hissed, his fangs fully extended, "You go too far, Soulless."Miss Dair stood, one hand raised to her mouth in shock at such indelicate behavior.Her big blue eyes were wide and shifted between Alexia and Countess Nadasdy like those of a frightened rabbit.Miss Tarabotti ignored Lord Ambrose, which was difficult, as her skin was prickling in reaction, and the prey part of her brain wanted desperately to run and hide behind the chaise lounge.She forced down the instinct.It was preternaturals who hunted vampires, not the other way around.Technically, Lord Ambrose was her rightful prey.He should be trembling behind the sofa! She leaned on the tea trolley, bending toward the queen.She tried to loom like Lord Maccon loomed, but suspected her green and gray check visiting dress and ample bosom mitigated any threatening aspect.Affecting indifference, Alexia spiked a second piece of Battenberg hard with a fork.Metal clanked loudly against serving plate.Miss Dair jumped."You are correct in one aspect, Miss Tarabotti.This is our problem," said the queen, "hive business.You should not be involved.BUR should not be involved, although they will continue to interfere.Not until we know more about the situation anyway.The werewolves should certainly keep their furry noses out of it!"Miss Tarabotti pounced on the hive queen's indiscretion."So there has been more than one of these mysterious vampire appearances?"Countess Nadasdy sneered at her.Alexia said, "The more BUR knows, the easier it will be to figure out why and how this is happening.""This is hive business; it is not a matter for the Registry," the queen reiterated, saying nothing more."Not if unregistered roves are roaming London outside hive dominion.Then it is BUR business.Do you want to go back to the Dark Ages, when humans feared you and preternaturals hunted you? Vampires must at least appear to be under government control; that is part of BUR's mandate.You and I both know that.Everyone in this room must know that!" Miss Tarabotti spoke firmly."Roves! Do not talk to me about roves--nasty, ungoverned madmen, the lot of them." Countess Nadasdy bit her lip.It was a strangely endearing gesture from one of the oldest immortals in England.At that sign of confusion, Alexia finally realized what was really going on.The hive queen was frightened.Like Lord Akeldama, she expected to fully comprehend what occurred in her territory.Hundreds of years of experience colored every new occurrence with predictability and ennui.Yet this was something new and thus outside her comprehension.Vampires did not like surprises."Tell me, please." Miss Tarabotti mollified her tone.It had worked with Lord Maccon.Perhaps the trick to dealing with the supernatural set was merely to play the social submissive."How many have there been?""My queen, be cautious," the Duke of Hematol advised.Countess Nadasdy sighed.She looked from one to the next of the three male vampires.Then she said, "Three in the past two weeks.We managed to catch two of them.They know nothing of vampire etiquette, are confused and disoriented, and usually die within a few days despite our best efforts.As you say, they are ignorant of the preternatural threat, of the proper respect due to a hive queen, and even the office of the potentate.They know little of BUR and its laws of registration.It's as though they sprung, fully formed, onto the streets of London-- like Athena from the mind of Zeus.""Athena was the goddess of war," said Alexia nervously."In all my centuries, nothing like this has ever occurred.There were vampire hives on this tiny island before there were human governments.The feudal system was based on hive and pack dynamics.The Roman Empire took its style of organization and efficiency from our kind.The hive structure is more than just a social institution.It is supernatural instinct.No vampire is born outside the hive, because only a queen can bring about metamorphosis.It has been our greatest strength, the control this engenders, but it has also been our greatest weakness." The countess looked down at her small hands.Miss Tarabotti sat silent throughout this speech, watching the hive queen's face.Countess Nadasdy was definitely scared, but there was an edge of hunger to her fear.To make vampires without a queen! The hive wanted to know how it was occurring so they could master the technique themselves.Such a technology was more than any vampire could wish.It was one of the reasons they invested so heavily in the modern sciences.The gadgetry in the receiving room alone was meant for more that just to amaze and delight.The hive must boast several inventor drones.There were rumors Westminster held a controlling interest in the Giffard dirigible company.But their real hope was always for just such a scientific breakthrough-- supernatural birth without blood bite.Miraculous, indeed."What will you do next?" Miss Tarabotti asked."I have already done it.I have involved a preternatural in hive business.""The potentate will not be pleased." The Duke of Hematol seemed more resigned than annoyed.It was, in the end, his duty to support his queen and her decisions.The potentate served as advisor to Queen Victoria, acting the vampire equivalent of a prime minister.Usually a well-known rove of extensive political acumen, the potentate was elected to the position by vote from all hives in the United Kingdom and served until someone better came along.It was the only way a rove could achieve any kind of serious social standing among the vampires of the ton [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]