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.Some ran back into the forest and the village, setting the huts ablaze.The zombies who couldn’t escape sank down into the flaming trench, thrashing wildly as they slowly burned and melted.The smell of smoldering, rotten meat overwhelmed me.I vomited until my throat bled.Acrid, thick black smoke swirled over the line and all around me, blinding me and stinging my eyes.I couldn’t breathe or see.I struggled to recover.I splashed water into my eyes and gulped my canteen dry.I could see that the flames in the slit trench were dying down.More zombies were struggling into the channel, and attempting to climb out the other side.The flames didn’t deter them.In a panic I slapped my pants pockets until I found my lighter.I lit a pair of Molotovs and tossed them at the zombies nearest me in the pit.The bottles shattered, drenching the already smoldering undead in fresh fuel.They burst into flame, and staggered back to drop down, sizzling onto the blackened, smoking remains littering the trench.Up and down the line, everyone methodically tossed their Molotovs into the channel.They didn’t even have to be lit.The flames leapt back up momentarily.Still more rotting cadavers advanced from the burning village and approached the perimeter.I tossed in my last Molotov and brought my rifle back up.I fired controlled bursts at the zombies who cleared the slit trench, shooting out their knees and dropping them back into the burning inferno.For a precious moment the slit trench held.The flames roared and leapt to the sky.The zombies tumbled forward into a fiery slice of hell on earth, where they were destroyed, incinerated and cremated.I gave out a ragged cry of victory.It couldn’t last.The fuel burned down, and the consumed dead smothered the flames.Still more zombies advanced through the smoke and the swirling ashes.I heard the Claymore go off on my right.The zombies staggered over the stakes and the trip wires.They fell, impaled themselves, tore themselves free, and came on again.The gunfire became sporadic as one by one the M-4’s ran dry.I could no longer hear the SAW’s automatic fire.I checked my hip pouch; there were only two loaded magazines left.A disemboweled zombie lunged toward me, impaling itself on one of my stakes.The sharpened pole tore through its ribs and stuck.The cadaver slowly pushed itself forward, impaling itself further as it reached bony claws towards my face.I aimed and fired off a point blank burst that decapitated the zombie and took off both its arms.What was left quivered on the pole.As I reloaded I looked through the swirling smoke down line to my right.Gordo leapt from his hole and ran back to the center, a cadaver hard on his tail.I could see Hard-on fighting hand to hand with a zombie.He drove the corpse to its knees with a sledgehammer, and then crushed its skull with a savage overhand stroke.Before he could recover two cadavers stumbled forward into him.They went down in a tangle of trashing limbs and then the smoke obscured my view.A grenade went off directly to my left.I was tossed to the side, shrapnel buzzed by me.Zombies began to emerge from the smoke all around me.I staggered back to my feet, and fled for the center.I ran back to our last ditch position, passing a pair of limping cadavers that reached out for me as I passed.If we hadn’t been overrun then I was a Chinese jet pilot.A handful of survivors were assembled behind the barricades.I scrambled up a pile of crates and collapsed inside.I still had my M-4 and about fifty rounds.It was pure chaos.I painfully stood up and looked around.I only saw Gordo, Sgt.Price, and a couple of guys I knew from 2nd Platoon, Smith and Jacobs.A pair of the medical guys and one bloodied mechanic staggered in.Nobody was in charge; the survivors were just shooting at the zombies as they approached.“Where’s the sergeant?” I asked Price.“He’s still out there somewhere,” he gasped back.Gunfire broke out from three sides as the zombies approached our position.The major appeared out of nowhere, screaming contradictory orders.His uniform was crumpled and he looked like shit.He singled out the corpsmen.“You two, load up our survivors from the sample tent, we’re pulling out!” he bellowed.“What, sir?” one of them stammered back.“You heard me!” the major screamed.“Go into the sample tent and evacuate all of our personnel.Load them on the truck.We’re leaving.Do it now!”The corpsmen rushed off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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