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.She had called her mother every time she stopped, exactly as her mother asked.When she stopped for gas, she called, when she stopped for a bathroom break at a rest stop, she called.She actually had to say she was surprised she had gotten away with the first night of them not even knowing she was sleeping in the car.She was doing the road trip her way which meant no getting off the path to her final destination, which meant grabbing something she could eat in the car instead of stopping for a full meal, and it also meant no hotels.She hated staying in hotels with a passion.By the second night her mother had remembered to ask what hotel she was staying in and when Zahara said the rest stop and at what exit, her mother seemed to go into a frenzy.The next thing Zahara knew she was on the phone with her father who was lecturing her to high heaven about how really stupid that decision was.She played up the fact that there was a state trooper stationed there for the night hours, but left out the part that the trooper would be leaving by four in the morning before the sun came up.She didn’t think that part was important because she planned to be on the road by two, maybe three at the latest.“Do you know how dangerous that is young lady?” Her father had asked in his boisterous tone that he used when he was angry.Normally her father was a soft spoken man, kind of like a big teddy bear without the fluff, but not that night.“Don’t worry, dad,” she had said.“There is an officer of the law staying here and he knows I’m alone and I’m within eyesight of his car.I’ll be fine.” She thought her words would bring her father some comfort, but instead of comfort her words worried him more.He didn’t trust officers of the law at all and the next thing his mind had conjured up was this “officer of the law” doing horrible things to his little girl and getting away with it simply because he had a badge and gun.The next night Zahara stopped at a Hampton Inn, not just for the sake of her parents’ sanity, but for hers as well.After listening to the horror stories of American Justice and Forty-Eight Hours Mystery shows he had seen on dirty cops she was starting to have nightmares about the red-haired green eyed Trooper too.She had road tripped before, and handled the road trip the exact same way, but the difference was she had always road tripped with somebody else, not alone, when she did it.This was a huge move, and times had definitely changed, not that they were ever all that safe, but her father was right, it was a really stupid move on her part.If she had it to do over today she would ask the man with the sexy green eyes sitting next to her to ride with her.The thought of riding with her turned to thoughts of riding Alex and that thought made her lips quirk upward.“What?” He said and she realized she was still sitting there staring at him after all this time.“Nothing,” she said and turned back to face front.The flight attendant was giving the usual pre-flight information.The flotation devices were under the seat.The oxygen masks would drop down if needed and one should secure their own first before helping the person next to them.There was way more information, but Zahara couldn’t focus.For everything the flight attendant said, Zahara had created her own alternative.Who needed a flotation device when she could use Alex’s body to float on—he definitely had a body she wouldn’t mind lying on top of…and oxygen, why would she need that when she could just use some of his.Oh yeah, she was gone because if those masks dropped down Alex’s sexy mouth on hers would not be her saving grace.She mentally slapped herself.Her feelings for him were as strong as they were the day she left Texas, maybe even stronger.She needed to exorcise them because the silent friend-only agreement they seemed to have did not leave room for sexual fantasies and sanity combined.She was setting her heart up for even bigger breakage than it already had simply because she couldn’t let go.She needed to let go.She looked at him one more time as they prepared for takeoff and she realized she didn’t want to let go of her feelings for him.She loved him.She always would love him.He just would never love her—not like she wanted him too.He must have mistaken the sorrow in her eyes because he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “we’ll find her and save her, Zahara.” Ariana was a huge factor of her concern and worry, but right now her sorrow was of her own doing—of her love for Alex in a way he would never be capable of returning love for her.She simply smiled and said, “I know,” before turning her attention back to the little lighted signs in front of her while she contemplated how she was going to get through being Alex’s friend only when she wanted so much more than that.“She’ll be okay,” he said once more as he took her hand in his.Zahara couldn’t help but notice the contrast of big to small, her delicate fingers laced with his highly masculine ones.She should have subtly removed her hand from his, but she didn’t.She couldn’t because she liked it too much.So as the plane ascended she closed her eyes and let the feeling of heaven on earth caress her senses, holding on to Alex’s hand and imagining it was so much more than a friend comforting a friend.Oh yes, she was in trouble, heart, mind and body because too many years ago she had given it all to a man who didn’t even know she had given it to him—and apparently taking it back was not an option.In that moment she realized just how much she was torturing herself by allowing him to keep holding her hand, but it was the sweetest kind of torture and she couldn’t bring herself to end it.She told herself to sit back and enjoy the flight because once they landed things were going to change and life or death was going to be more than just a thought, it was going to be a reality they were thrust into facing.Chapter EightWhen the door closed she turned back to look at Preston.She could see the look of worry in his eyes.She hadn’t been gone that long—at least she didn’t think she had.“Ariana?” His questioning eyes beckoned her forward.“I’m okay,” she knelt before him and placed the palm of her hand against her thigh as she sat back on her heels.“They wanted me to change into this.”“Another costume,” he cocked his eyebrow as he looked her over.“Apparently the guy whose harem I am about to join first saw me in a costume like this, when I was sixteen and over in Morocco for my first Belly Dance Universe competition.He liked it so much he had a replica designed and he wants to see me again in this.” She shook her head.“I am going to be sex slave number ninety-nine—probably, but the good news is he wants you dead.Apparently you killed his brother.”He shrugged.“I was career military, and I have had this search and rescue firm going for a while now so I would say I have probably had my share in killing a lot of brothers to someone.Actually I guess I should say it’s Micah’s firm really, he just gave me the reigns and a huge part of the partnership, but this baby was his idea.”She smiled.“Giving credit where credit is due, very noble of you.” There was no malice in her voice at all.She still admired and respected him to the fullest.“The man’s name in Ammon.Do you know him?”Preston growled fiercely.“I’ll take that as a yes.”“Long story,” he grumbled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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