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.’When the carriage hissed to a stop, they were somewhere familiar … a low, small building that Jess vividly remembered near the harbour.Santi joined them as Jess stepped down from the carriage.‘What are we doing here?’ Jess asked.Wolfe walked ahead of him, down the stained narrow hallway.Lights flickered on dimly, triggered by his motion.Jess swallowed and wondered if it would be possible to run … but he knew, as Abdul Nejem had known, that there was nowhere safe he could go.Wolfe held Jess’s fragile future in the palm of his hand, and it would take little effort to crush it.The last time he’d been in this place, Wolfe had threatened to drop Greek Fire on their heads.Santi gave him a little tap from behind.‘Go on, boy,’ he said.‘He doesn’t bite.I do, though.It’s a benefit of the job.’The inside of the domed room looked exactly the same, and it still stank of that peculiar chemical reek.Jess couldn’t tell if the dark swirls on the walls were from new burns, or old, but when he looked up, he was relieved to see that nothing dangled from the top.Santi was blocking the only exit, behind him.Wolfe stood in the centre of the room, holding a golden double loop of thin rope with a flat Library seal in the middle.‘Do you know what these are?’Oh, Jess knew.He felt a sick twist in his stomach at the sight of them, and swallowed before he said, ‘Restraints for criminals.You didn’t use them on the couple back at the house, though.’‘I didn’t see the need,’ Wolfe said.‘They weren’t capable of outrunning us.We use these for more dangerous sorts.However, they do take skill.Santi?’Jess’s breath turned solid in his lungs as Santi walked forward, took the restraints, and turned to him.This is it, he thought.I’m done.Santi slipped the loose binders over his own wrists and held them out to Jess, who was too puzzled to move.He looked over at Wolfe.‘Use your Library identification band,’ Wolfe said.‘Touch it to the restraints.’‘And do what?’‘Let’s see what happens.’What happened was that as soon as Jess touched his wristband to the restraints, they snapped together, binding Santi’s hands so tightly the soldier winced.The seal on them shimmered in a strange, hot orange.‘Sorry,’ Jess said.‘Did that hurt?’‘Did it hurt you?’ Wolfe asked.‘No.’‘Did you feel it at all?’‘A little.’ It had been just a tingle of numbness, as if his hands had fallen asleep.Gone in seconds.‘Interesting,’ Wolfe said, and tapped a finger on the cover of his Codex.‘Not the word I’d use for it,’ Santi said.‘This isn’t how I’d planned to spend my day, Christopher.’Christopher? Wolfe had a first name, Jess remembered, but he couldn’t imagine anyone using it.Especially not so … casually.‘I appreciate your help, Captain,’ Wolfe said.‘Time for a run.’‘One day, we’ll have to trade spots.You could do with a run.’‘Not today.’ Wolfe made a gentle shooing motion, and Santi turned and jogged down the hallway, out of sight.‘Where is he going?’ Jess asked.‘No idea.Now you’re going to find him,’ Wolfe said.‘But I’m going to give him a head start.Seems only fair.’ He consulted his book.‘Take out your Codex.’Jess pulled it from his pocket and held it closed in his hand until an annoyed look from the Scholar prompted him to open it to a blank page.‘Touch your band to the page,’ Wolfe said.‘Normally, you would do this immediately after securing the bindings.’Jess pressed his wrist to the paper, and it quickly drew him a map … a street map, highly detailed, with one thick splash of ink in red on it.He didn’t know how it worked, but he assumed it was something like the Codex – mirrored in real time, only instead of showing a simple list of books available for duplication, it showed an item.And how to find it.‘The restraints are showing where he is,’ Jess said.‘Isn’t that right?’ Activating the map, and the restraints, had made him feel weak and unsteady.Jess stared at the map, trying to focus on the crawling dot that must surely be Santi, on the run, and felt a sudden stab of pain behind his eyes.He shut his eyes a moment, and it went away.He opened them again and focused on the map, where the ink-splash steadily crawled on.The headache returned.‘Exactly.’ Wolfe was studying him closely now.‘How bad is it? The pain?’‘Not so bad,’ Jess lied.He looked away from the map, and the headache faded almost instantly.‘It’s only when I look at it.Is that all?’‘No.I want you to find him,’ Wolfe said.‘And you’d better be quick about it.Santi’s very fast.’Jess took in a deep breath of the tainted air and walked down the hallway, out into the bright Alexandrian sun.He risked a quick glance at the map.The dot was three streets away, and still moving towards the edge of the page.He didn’t know what would happen when it got there – would it just vanish? Or would the map adjust to follow? He decided it wouldn’t be wise to find out, and set off at a run.The headache didn’t go away quite so quickly this time when he looked up from the map; it throbbed in time with his pulse, and sat like a thick, hot stone behind his eyes.It came with a twist of nausea deep inside, but for the first time in a long time, Jess felt on strangely familiar ground.After all, he knew how to run.He was good at it, and as he ran through the streets of a hot foreign city, dodging between carriages and past startled, swearing pedestrians, he felt at home.His body was in its element, and the pump of blood and wind whipping his hair made him remember what it had been like back home, running alone and testing his wits against the London Garda and all comers.Even the headache couldn’t spoil the thrill of it, though it sank claws deeper with each necessary glance at the map on his Codex.It was changing, he saw, moving with him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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