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.“A little hungry,” she whispered.He only away stepped into the kitchen but as far as it felt, they may as well have been miles apart.◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙Being so close to him and so distant at the same time was a brand new form of torture.He didn’t even sleep with her.She had no idea how much she missed it until she shared a space with him again but was denied the comfort of his arms.He disappeared for hours at a time, busy with the business of being the president of the Devil’s Ashes, busy with the problems of the compound’s residents, just busy.He looked after her but he wasn’t with her, and it was driving her to tears.Toughen up, she told herself.Her back healed slowly but surely.By the fourth day she could manage her normal range of movements without pain.The wounds were still tender to touch but she’d managed to avoid infection, and that was the most important part of recovery.Call assured her that he’d snip the stitches out as soon as he had a chance before disappearing for the afternoon.She wondered if it meant she could visit the minister soon.She didn’t dare ask.Not yet.She was growing stir crazy too as time passed and her lashes healed.He had some books lying around the apartment but they could only entertain her for so long.She watched the compound activity through his window.She could just see the square area if she craned her neck, but there was plenty of bustling right in front of his building as well.People walked with wheelbarrows of dirt - planting somewhere, as he’d promised when they’d first met.Sacks of laundry traveled back and forth from somewhere else.She even saw a young boy playing with a dog early in the morning.It was disconcertingly normal, and she longed to be a part of it.Again, though, she didn’t dare bring it up with Call.He arrived home late that night, though before she’d gone to sleep for once.“Clean scissors,” he said, holding the shiny instruments up like a prize.“Go on and take your shirt off and lie down.”She did as he said, discreetly keeping her eyes on him as she stripped.He showed no sign of even trying to catch a glimpse of her removing her shirt.Apparently untying his shoelaces required his full attention.He’s always been a gentleman, she reminded herself, This doesn’t mean he’s disinterested.She tried to convince herself, at least.Once she was settled on her stomach, he knelt next to her on the bed.“Shouldn’t hurt too bad,” he said, “I could fetch some moonshine first if you want, though.”A joke! She smiled to herself.“I’ll be all right.”She sighed when his fingers pressed against the skin of her back.It hardly hurt at all, and his warm and gentle touch reminded her of their time together before she’d rejoined the minister.He trimmed the threads in silence.She wondered what he was thinking but was too shy to ask.“I know what you’re wondering,” he said as he pulled the last threads free from her skin.She wanted him to keep touching her but he withdrew.“You can visit your minister in the morning.” It wasn’t what she’d been thinking at all, but it was something she needed to do.“Thank you.” She rolled over and tugged the sheet with her, testing how it felt to lie on her back.The skin felt a little tight but otherwise healed.“Are you angry with me, Call?” she asked.She didn’t mean to say it but the words slipped out.“I know I broke my word but you couldn’t expect me to stay away from my family.”“I’m not.I didn’t.” He looked lost as he stared down at his hands.“I came looking for you every day.Twice a day.The minister told me you never wanted to see me again.Amongst other things.”“He never told me you came around.”Call nodded.“I didn’t think so.He’s… well, I’m not gonna say anything else to upset you.Anyway.” He sighed and shook his head.“I’ve got to go.”“Wait!” She grabbed his arm.The sheet threatened to slide away but she didn’t care.She didn’t know what to say, either - she just stared up at him, mouth flapping uselessly as she searched for words.Instead of saying what was really on her mind, she blurted out something that Father Speer had brought up - something she’d nearly forgotten after he’d whipped her.“What about the camps?”“Camps?” he asked.He looked genuinely confused.“Father Speer said there’s breeding camps [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]