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.“We didn’t give her enough to kill her, just to calm her down,” Alan said.“Are you going to come with us quietly, or are we going to have to take measures to restrain you? Just keep in mind that we were able to hold your mother here for over a year, so we can do it.”Bach calmly picked up his ex-girlfriend and walked past Alan, into the facility.In silence, he was led through a series of passageways and they passed several armed checkpoints.He and Radala were repeatedly scanned and re-scanned.Eventually, they came to a white office space.The glass glistened and the white floors shone.There were fresh flowers on the table and music was playing.Like the rest of the town, the space was in impeccable condition.In the center of the floor was a large rock with the letters RZC carved into it.“You remember anyone?” Doc asked.Bach did not reply.He had seen this entry room once before, when he was thirteen.Most of the desks were empty, but there was a few staff dressed in white lab coats, who paused when they saw Bach.“I thought you might want to see some familiar faces.” Doc gestured around the room.As Bach scanned the room, he recognized several people.They had been among the ones who had imprisoned him seven years ago.He began to boil with rage.This was where they had experimented on him, and this was where they killed his mother! Steadying his arms, he stopped himself from dropping Radala.“Keep moving!” Someone nudged him.Spinning around, he found it was one of the guards.“Do not touch me.”“Son, keep on walking,” Doc advised.“Or they’ll put you down like they did to your girl.”Bach exhaled slowly, knowing he could not react the way he wanted to and keep Radala safe.So he quietly followed Doc into a less-trafficked area.Stopping in front of a vault door, one of the armed guards typed in a code.As the door opened, Bach was overwhelmed by the strong and unmistakable foul odor of biters.The dimly lit room was filled with rows of glass cages containing infected humans.He glared in amazement at the sheer number of biters, thrashing against the glass.There were over three hundred in there.A biter rammed its head violently at the glass, but kept pounding harder, even though it was bleeding.“Stop,” Bach commanded the infected.Obediently, the creature stopped and back away from the glass.“What are you doing to them?” Bach asked.“Searching for answers.” Doc touched the glass.The biter inside charged at him.“I said stop,” Bach muttered.Once again, the infected paused.“You have always had a soft spot for humans.That made you different from the other Famila we’ve had.I suppose that was why we thought you were able to bond with Wisteria,” Doc noted.“I have no interest in humans,” Bach denied.“You care about my daughter.In fact, you love her very much.Isn’t that why you bonded with her?”“You do not understand anything about me, or how I feel about your daughter.”“I was here when it all began, young man.” Doc chuckled.“Once Wisteria gets here, we’ll talk about the plan.”“What have you done with her? If you hurt her, I will—” Bach turned to Doc.“Hurt her? She’s more important to me than you are.Besides, I could never let her get injured.She’s my daughter and I’m the only father she knows.So she won’t go through any more pain than necessary.You, I have no qualms about torturing.”“You experimented on her.Do you not think that hurt her?”“I’m a scientist, not a monster.I did it because I needed to, not because I enjoy it.Wisteria’s bloodline is unique and it has properties we need to ensure that humans survive.” He stopped in front of another vault door.“We’ll talk once you’re rested and Radala is feeling better.” Doc checked his watch.“Don’t get me wrong; you won’t be able to regenerate, but she’ll have less motion sickness.”A woman in a lab coat punched in a code on the vault door, and Doc did the same.The door opened, revealing a colorfully decorated room.“What is this?” Bach inspected the room.There were four beds, a shag rug, television, and an old video game console.On the walls were posters of superheroes, and in the corner, a box of old toys.“We thought bringing up some of your old toys from storage would help you—” the woman stuttered.“Seriously, Maxi?” Doc picked up a toy soldier.“I guess we can get you something a bit more a mature.” She snatched the toy from him.Placing Radala on the nearest bed, Bach walked over to the box of toys, picked it up, and hurled it at Doc.This earned Bach darts in his arms, legs, neck, and forehead.“Welcome home,” Doc said, as Bach’s world started spinning.“You are a fool to think you will ever defeat The Family.We will destroy you all,” Bach blurted out.“I will personally make sure the empirics raze this town to the ground [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]