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.“My first great-grandchild.What a thrill!”“Speaking of grandchildren…”Daisy followed Vincent’s line of vision and saw two young people striding their way.His granddaughter Peppy and Daisy’s grandson’s friend Adam.“I can’t believe she moved in with one of the Brody boys,” Vincent said close to Daisy’s ear.“The responsible, good-hearted Brody,” Daisy reminded him.Not that Kane wasn’t kind, but he wasn’t ready to settle down.From everything that Luke had told Daisy, Adam was.“Peppy was driving Marvin crazy,” Daisy went on in a whisper, “and vice versa.And Adam needed a roommate.I think they make a cute couple.”Adam was really tall and Peppy was really short.Adam looked like a sports star and Peppy looked like, well, like a sports star’s little sister.Not quite the dynamic Daisy was going for.Still, her heart told her they were good for one another and, according to her horoscope she was supposed to trust her instincts.“They’re not a couple,” Vincent said.“They’re roommates.”“We’re roommates and we’re a couple.”“Yes, but we’re mature adults.”Daisy snorted.“Speak for yourself.”The older couple and the younger couple reached the glass doors of the hospital at the same time.They exchanged pleasantries, although Daisy and Peppy did most of the talking.They talked and walked and got separated as soon as they entered the crowded waiting room.Even though they’d have to take turns visiting Chloe and meeting the baby, everyone had shown up at the same time.Daisy beamed, thinking that showed just how supportive and caring all her friends and family were.It made her feel warm and fuzzy as she made the rounds saying her how-do-you-dos and what-not.She turned downright teary when she got a dose of the happiness rolling off some of her grandchildren as they stood arm in arm with their spouses.Rocky and Jayce … Luke and Rae … And she could just imagine the way Dev was holding Chloe’s hand right now.Even her stick-up-the-patooty son had his arm around his wife.Daisy dug in her purse for a tissue, her fingers sweeping over her family bucket list.She’d crossed off Sam and Harper because she just knew that was a done deal.Any ninny could sense the sexual zing sizzling between them.She had high hopes for Peppy and Adam, too.She didn’t know what the heck to do with Nash.Maybe he’d meet a nice girl when they were out in Vegas.Daisy was still sort of surprised he’d agreed to fly them to Sin City considering that’s where his mom, Kelly (Daisy’s only daughter), lived and they were pretty much on the outs.Daisy was miffed with Kelly, too, but she intended to seek her out all the same.Life was short.Mind racing and turning to Vegas, Daisy made her way over to Harper who was juggling her phone and a laptop computer.“How’s it going, Slick?”“Great.Everything’s great.As of ten minutes ago, the Cupcake Lovers are good to go in Vegas.Charter to Vegas, limo from airport to hotel, hotel rooms.I’ll provide everyone with details and an itinerary after we board.Also,” she said, while typing on her computer, “the social sites are buzzing about the TV show appearance as well as the CL mission.And of course everyone’s dying to see a picture of Chloe’s baby.Considering she’s in surgery now, it won’t be long.” She glanced at Daisy, eyes dancing.“Are you bursting at the seams or what?”Harper had no idea.“And how!”Sam moved in, kissing Daisy on the head then settling in next to Harper and whispering in her ear.The way Harper smiled at him felt awfully personal so Daisy looked away.She turned, heart skipping and racing and giving her a bit of a scare.Too much excitement maybe, but then she realized she was looking at Vincent who was looking at her and smiling one of his goofy, lovey-dovey smiles.She chalked her heart palpitations up to old-fashioned infatuation.Although she knew her feelings ran much deeper, being smitten was nice, too.She serpentined through relatives and friends and tugged Vincent toward a quiet corner.“You should come with me to Vegas.”“What?”“It’ll be fun.”“That generally means trouble.”She waggled her brows.Vincent grinned then stroked his beard.“I dunno.You’re going on business.You’ll be promoting the recipe book and celebrating with your friends.Plus I have the store to run.”“Marvin can run the store.And I don’t have to stick with the pack the whole time.I could be a lone wolf … with you.Ah-oooh! We could do something wild and crazy.”He rolled his eyes.“Like what? I’m not a drinker or a gambler or—”“Like elope.”Vincent blinked.“They have all those wedding chapels.I’m thinking we should get hitched by one of those Elvis guys.He could sing ‘All Shook Up.’”“Or ‘Love me Tender.’”“Or ‘Burning Love.’” Daisy snickered.“Or ‘Always on My Mind,’” Vincent said, because Vincent, bless his soul, was romantic.His smile slipped a little and she could tell he thought she was teasing.“Thought you were opposed to marriage.”More like she was opposed to the marriage she’d had the first time around with Jessup.It wouldn’t be the same with Vincent.She’d been ignoring that glaring fact, because she’d been scared.Scared of losing her freedom and whatever time she had left in the world.“You were right,” she said, while fingering her rhinestone necklace.“While driving, I didn’t obsess on Chloe’s surgery.I focused on the road and where I was going.I thought about the future and I realized I don’t want to miss out on a second chance at wedded bliss.We may not be young like Chloe and Devlin, but we’ve got that same zing, don’t you think?”“I certainly do.”“When I kick the bucket, I want my headstone to say ‘Daisy Petunia Redding.’”“That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”“Is it?” She scrunched her brow.Maybe it was.Even though she spoke her mind a lot, she rarely spoke her heart.She’d never been a mushy person.Mostly because Jessup had always cooled her jets in that regard.“I can do better,” Daisy said.She wanted to do better for Vincent.“I love you, Speedy.”He smiled and got all misty-eyed.“Guess that means I’m going to Vegas.”Just then a chorus of dings, pings, and chimes rent the air.Devlin had promised to text everyone when Chloe had given birth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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