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.”Carol’s heart skipped a beat, but she tried not to let Andy know he’d thrown her.“Did Trick not give you a reason?”“Some story about being tired and ready to start stepping back from the limelight.That’s bullshit, and we both know it.He was just fine until you got your hooks into him.”BENT-NOT BROKENCarol Lynne74Carol could tell the conversation was on a downward spiral that could only end in bloodshed.“I’ll have Trick call you, but say another word to me, and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”She started to walk around the smarmy man when he grabbed her arm and swung her towards him.“I will…oooomf.”Carol smiled, satisfied with herself as Andy crumpled to the ground after a well placed knee to his groin.“I warned you.”She turned and walked away without looking back.With work still to do before the concert, dealing with assholes wasn’t on her schedule.* * * *George was dressed and standing beside the door waiting for his two prima donnas when there was a knock on the door.He opened the door to a red-faced Andy.He immediately shut the door in Andy’s face and walked through to the bedroom.Leaning on the doorframe, he crossed his arms over his chest.Here he’d been waiting for damn near fifteen minutes, and Trick was getting some action.He had one hand under Carol’s long flowing skirt and one hand under the material of her halter.“Having fun?” he asked.Trick glanced over his shoulder and grinned.“Hell yeah.You wanna join me?”“I’d love to, but Andy’s here.”Trick’s eyes went wide as he removed his hands.“What the hell is he doing here?” he asked, licking his fingers.George walked over and decided to help him out.Sucking Trick’s finger into his mouth he shook his head.“He’s mad,” Carol finally said.George and Trick both turned to face her.“And how do you know that?” Trick asked.“Because he came to the park ready to tear my head off because you cancelled your winter tour.By the way, did you forget to mention that to us?” She asked, casually tucking her breasts back inside the tight fitting red halter.BENT-NOT BROKENCarol Lynne75“I didn’t want to tell the two of you anything until I got things worked out.” Trick leant in and gave Carol a kiss.“Wait a fucking minute.Are you telling me Andy accosted you earlier and you didn’t tell us?”Carol shrugged.“I’m a big girl.I made it through his little tantrum just fine.‘Course I can’t say the same for his balls.”George smirked.“That’s my girl.”“That’s all you have to say?” Trick asked George.“What do you want me to do? Go out and punch Andy’s face in? You know the two of us don’t get along at the best of times, the last thing you need is me ripping into him.”He could see the disappointment on Trick’s face.George pulled him into a hug as the doorbell began ringing nonstop.“If you decide to step back a little, that’s fantastic, but if not, we’ll make it work.Me getting between you and Andy isn’t the solution.”“You’re right.” Trick gave George another quick kiss before turning to give Carol one.He strode out of the room, with an expression George had only witnessed on a few occasions.“Uh oh, this isn’t going to end well,” he mumbled as he took Carol’s hand and followed his lover.Trick opened the door and held up his hand before Andy could get a word in.“You’re fired!” he yelled before slamming the door.Predictably, the doorbell started ringing again.Trick closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening it.“Say another word to me, and I’ll have you arrested for harassment.Now I suggest you get your ass out of town.”After shutting the door the second time, he tilted his head to the side and George heard a loud pop.“There, that’s better.” Trick held out his hands.“We ready?”“What if Andy’s still out there?” Carol asked as she lifted a large picnic blanket from the back of the couch.Trick shook his head.“He won’t be.I think Andy must’ve gotten into trouble as a kid, because the man’s scared to death of cops.”George opened the door.Andy wasn’t anywhere in sight.“Guess you were right.”They loaded into George’s pickup and pulled out of the drive.“So…what now?”BENT-NOT BROKENCarol Lynne76Trick’s hand ruffled George’s hair from its position on the back of the seat.“I’ve got some things I’ve already committed to doing, but after that I’m ready for a break.”“You can’t give up your career for us.It may be fine at first, but you’ll come to miss the lights and the fans,” George said.“Don’t plan to give it up completely.I thought maybe I’d set up a little recording studio out behind the house I plan for us to build up on that mountain.If I can record at home, I’ll only have to travel occasionally.Maybe do a short concert tour every couple of years.”“Ticket prices will go up,” Carol added with a chuckle.“Hey, I never thought of that.You ever think about becoming a manager?”George and Carol both laughed.“I don’t think my people skills are quite up to the challenge.But I may apply for the position of bodyguard.”“Baby, you can guard my body any day,” Trick said in his deepest, sexiest voice.That made George and Carol laugh even harder.“Give it up, Trick.You’ve already won us, no need to do the Casanova act you’re famous for.” George swerved a bit when Trick flicked him on the ear, but it had been worth it.* * * *As Trick sang another of his ballads, he couldn’t take his eyes off the couple in front.Carol was lying with her head on George’s stomach as he played with her hair.Trick wondered if the song still made George hard after all the years he’d heard him play it.He tried to keep the smile from his face as he noticed the way Carol was readjusting her head.Yep.He’s still got it.Performing without The Cowboys was different, but he found he enjoyed it for a change of pace.He’d spoken to his band members earlier in the day about his plans to semi-retire.Although they were disappointed, they all claimed to understand.As he’d told them, he didn’t plan on giving up the life completely, but a change in focus from career to family was in order.Trick knew several up and comers who’d kill to have The Cowboys as their backup, and he planned to start making calls as soon as he went back to work.BENT-NOT BROKENCarol Lynne77Until then, his focus was squarely on the good-looking couple in front of him.The song ended, and the small audience of Cattle Valley residents applauded.“Thank you.Despite the clouds earlier in the day, it’s turned out to be a perfect evening.”The crowd once again applauded for the fantastic weather.They were in a good mood, and Trick couldn’t have felt better.Although he didn’t know many of them, he knew every damn one of them would support his decision.That was the beauty of the place.In Cattle Valley, it didn’t matter who you loved.The townspeople responded to the person you were, not the sex you preferred.“I’d like to play something special I’ve been working on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]