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.“When you reply you can use my name or sir, whichever you prefer.That goes for the rest of you.Any deviation from Rule Number One will land you in deep trouble with me.Is that understood?”He released his hold on the ringleader.“Is everybody clear on how to behave respectfully?”“Yes, sir,” Chad said, setting a good example for the boys in the back seat.Nate smiled discreetly at his star pupil when the fearless foursome tucked their tails and mumbled, “Yes…sir.”During the four-mile drive to the construction site, Nate silently thanked Bud and Fuzz for teaching him how to deal with wayward youths and make them respond.These half-pint thugs would come around because Nate refused to let them give up on themselves.Katy’s crusade to help underprivileged, neglected and troubled kids had become his crusade.When Nate cut the engine, he was the first one out of the car.He waited for the boys to pile out, then directed their attention to the monstrous steel building that would soon house a branch office, research and development center, and supply warehouse for Sunrise Oil Company.“I’m hiring all five of you to clean up the premises,” he announced.“I want every packaging paper from insulation, every scrap of steel, every discarded bolt and hex-head screw picked up off the ground and placed in the trash bins.When the shrubbery arrives to landscape the grounds, we will shovel, rake and plant the garden sites according to my specifications.The interior of the building will be swept clean nightly so the electrical and framing crews don’t have to work around clutter and risk injury.When the time comes to build the fence around the property, I will be your foreman.“You will report to me exactly one hour after school is dismissed each day and at nine o’clock on Saturdays.You will be paid two dollars an hour above minimum wage, and you will be docked five dollars for tardiness.There will be no smoking or drinking on the premises.“Since my parents were both alcoholics, I have zero tolerance for what booze can do to people, to families.I know exactly what you have endured in life because I endured it myself as a teenager, so don’t think flimsy cop-outs will work with me.They won’t.I will also be checking in with the teaching staff to ensure your job doesn’t cut into your grade-point average.If you aren’t making the kind of grades to brag about, then it’s time to start.The Nate Channing School of Etiquette and Work Ethics doesn’t tolerate sloppy appearance, rotten attitudes and self-imposed ignorance.Any questions?”“Yeah,” Jake Randolph said, smirking.“You and what army is gonna make us follow your stupid rules?”Nate got right in Jake’s face, forcing the kid to look up at him, establishing his role of authority.“You want to rephrase that question, kid?” Nate growled venomously.“I don’t think I heard you correctly, did I?” Nate practically stood on top of him, his gaze boring down like laser beams.“No…s-sir,” Jake squeaked when a painful twist was applied to his hair.“Now, what was it that you wanted to ask me?” Nate prompted through gritted teeth.“Nothing…sir…I…understand the rules,” Jake said grudgingly.Still, standing toe to toe with Jake, he glanced sideways to see Tyler, Will, Richie and Chad staring uneasily at Jake.“Anybody else need me to repeat the rules one more time?”Four moppy heads shook in response.“Pardon? I didn’t hear you,” Nate snapped harshly.“No, sir,” the boys chorused.“Good, get back in the car so I can drive you home.I’ll be at the library tomorrow to give you a ride to the construction site.You can use your hour to study at the library.The first thing you’re going to learn is effective time management by doing your homework promptly.”When the four boys filed back to the car, Nate stared the kid squarely in the eye.“I wasn’t as smart as you are going to be, Jake.The chip on my shoulder was a size larger than the one on yours, I’m sorry to say.I learned to respect authority—the hard way.At the time I was too bitter, stubborn and immature to realize they were doing me the kind of favor no one ever bothered with before.They cared what happened to me, cared about me.“Know something else, kid? I care about you, even though we don’t know each other very well yet.I care, because there aren’t enough people in this town who do care about those of us who have to scratch and claw to get ahead in life.“I’m not helping you because I’m getting paid for it, not because I’ve been asked to do it.I’m trying to help, because I want more for you than I had when I was your age.I want to show you the way out of the trenches, Jake.You can hate my guts for forcing you to make an attitude adjustment, but you are going to change because the path you’re on leads to a dead end.I’m offering you a detour.Take it and you’ll have a chance to be somebody.I guaran-damn-tee you’ll like it better than being a nobody.The penal system is overloaded with losers.”Nate turned Jake around and directed the kid toward the car.If Nate could reach the ringleader and Chad, who was a step ahead because of Katy’s encouragement, the other boys were sure to follow.“You’re a genuine son of a bitch…sir,” Jake muttered as Nate walked him to the car.Nate threw back his head and laughed good-naturedly.“You’re right, Jake.I am…now.But when you earn my respect, and you will earn it the right way, you and the rest of the guys will get a deserved raise for your hard work.And you’re going to like having money in your pocket instead of lint.And Jake?”The kid stumbled to a halt, then glanced sideways.“What?”“No matter what anybody else tells you.Anybody else,” he emphasized.“You are worth it.You’re worth your effort and my effort.”Nate slid beneath the wheel and drove off.There was dead silence in the car until he dropped off Chad.“Thanks for the ride, sir,” Chad murmured as he climbed out.“Glad to do it, Chad.See you tomorrow at the library.”More silence as Nate drove away.“Just drop us off at Coyote Grill…sir,” Jake requested, a hint of hostility in his voice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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