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.“I trusted you.You had values.You made me laugh.You were always better than him and I knew it even when I was too dumb to act on it.”His grip on her tightened.Desire coursed through her.“I had a crush on you all along,” she said, smiling now that the tears she’d shed over the past hour had dried.“Couldn’t you tell?”He cursed and pulled her against him.The brush of his lips over hers was all it took to buckle her knees.She gripped him with both hands, but his arms were cinched so tightly around her waist she doubted she could go anywhere.He wouldn’t let her fall.She no longer wanted to depend on him that way, but tonight wasn’t about him taking care of her.It was about sharing everything they could before they had to separate again, now that they had nothing to hide.It was about finally letting him know that he was more than a friend to her, even more than a friend with benefits.Nine years ago, he had become a part of her.No matter where life took them, he would stay that way.“Liam.” She dug her hands beneath his shirt and helped him get rid of it.“I need you.Your skin.Your body.On mine.”“So you’re saying you don’t want these clothes on anymore?”She growled, her entire body itching to make contact with him.“Don’t tease me.I’m not in the mood.”It was hard to hear with her face buried in his neck, but she thought she heard him laugh a little, which thrilled her.After everything he’d been through, she wanted nothing more than to make him happy.“Exactly what kind of mood are you in?”A slide of her hands down his back revealed he was already naked.She didn’t know when he’d managed that, but it sure as hell wasn’t fair.She didn’t answer, just made a noise and squirmed against him.He looked amused at her frustration.“Where’s your bedroom?”Thank God.She pointed breathlessly.“Across the hall.”He took her there, scattering the rest of her clothes along the way.They didn’t bother with the light, instead feeling blindly for the bed.The moment they found it, she pushed him down and climbed atop him.She dug a condom from the box she kept stashed near her bed and sheathed him herself, eager to move straight to the long, uninterrupted moments she wanted to spend with him tonight.“Don’t move,” she said.“Just let me touch you.”She lowered her head to his chest, where she smelled some kind of spicy cologne.It was mind-blowing, how easily she could relax around him now that he knew the truth.How much she enjoyed letting him in rather than keeping him out.His heartbeat thumped in her ear.Though she wanted to give him the world, she could only give him tonight, so she trailed her hand down his torso, kissed his collarbone and immersed him inside her in a fervid attempt to fill their senses with each other until everything outside that room ceased to exist.Breaking a sweat, savoring his moans, she thrust down and pressed her body against his until he gripped her hips and sucked in a breath.“Hold on, baby.Can I move now?”She smiled and brushed her hair out of her face.“Yeah.”“Lie on your stomach.Close your eyes.”Oh, Liam.Anything for you.She nestled her head on the pillow while anticipation zipped through her.A moment later, he touched her back, gently massaging her shoulders.He swept her hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck.“Can I do this?”When he asked the question, his rigid length bumped her legs, nudging them apart.She sighed happily and reached back to tangle her hands in his hair.Her sighs quickly turned to moans as he moved, still rubbing her back, kissing her neck and whispering words of passion in her ear.She couldn’t stop herself from calling his name, though it came out a weak sound because she could barely breathe when he was so deeply inside her.She didn’t want to sound weak or vulnerable or any of those wimpy things she’d been before, but she had never known a man like him.He made her forget the image of strength she was trying to project.He made her do things she would never do otherwise.He made her crazy.“Liam…” Oh hell, there it was again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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