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.Either way, he is still one very amazing man.She sniffs the clothes again and then goes into the bathroom and removes her dress and folds it neatly before she strips out of her bra and panties and don Luca‘s boxers and A shirt.She doesn’t want anything to come between her and his scent tonight since he won’t be there.She quickly brushes her teeth and then tosses the lovely golden satin underwear and the folded dress on top of the suitcase as she walks by on the way to rejoin her sister.Then as an afterthought, grabs the pillows off the bed.When she gets back to the sitting room Breena is sitting cross legged on her sofa.“Let’s get cozy,” she giggles.She tries to discreetly sniff the pillows to determine which one Luca had had his head on the most when Breena starts cracking up.“Holy cow sister, picking out his scent to cuddle up with for the night?”Morna blushes, and says, “Girl, you just don’t even know…”Breena smiles broadly, “Someday I would like to find out… er not with Luca.Er you know what I mean.” she stammers as she blushes profusely.“Relax Breena, I know you don’t have the hots for Luca.He’s your brother.Now Damian on the other hand, you might make that jump, huh?” Breena blushes yet again and Morna knows she has hit on the truth.She can’t help herself and decides to tease a little more.“But you know I have kind of adopted him.It might feel a little incestuous…” she says with a smirk.“Seriously though, I think he might be an amazing young man, but the jury is still out on his ability to control himself in very close contact with humans.I guess time will tell.You could always take him for a roll in the hay after you wove an iron-lion, but it detracts considerably from the experience, in my opinion.”Breena laughs and says, “Well I think you might be the resident expert on the subject,” she rolls her eyes and offers her sister a drink.Morna accepts her cup with two fingers of scotch in it, takes a sip and says, “I need some food if I am going to drink any more of this stuff.You want some nachos or something?”“Nachos sound awesome.Too bad you weren’t around when I went through my pot smoking phase,” she laughs, “I bet you would be a real hoot high.”Morna laughs, and says, “Well I had my pot smoking phase too, in college.” She shrugs.They both laugh at that.Morna because she can’t believe what a wild child she was in college, and Breena because she has a hard time imagining her warrior sister high.Then Morna picks up the phone and asks for room service.“Could we possibly get a large order of nachos, enough for two people?” She covers the mouth piece, and asks “Jalapenos?” Breena shakes her head no.Morna uncovers the mouth piece and says, “Only on half please.She looks at Breena sour cream and guac? She nods in the affirmative.“Yes on the full order please.Oh and two can cokes please and perhaps a bucket of ice.Thank you, yes this is for room 1112, Mrs.Lucian Michaels.”“Well hell,” Morna mutters, “That’s twice I have thrown that name around tonight like it belongs to me, I guess I should go ahead and do something about it.”Breena chuckles and says, “That name has belonged to you since before there was a Chicago.”“I know but Luca asked me about renewing our vows on Thursday and I hedged.”“What!?!” sputters Breena.“Well, I was feeling like it might be disrespectful to my babies if I so obviously got on with a new life so soon after they died.I don’t know.” Morna rubs her face tiredly.She looks at her sister and decides that it would be good to get the truth off of her chest.“It’s like I don’t believe I deserve anything good, ever again.Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with guilt when I look at him and feel our love rise up in me like a tidal wave.It’s really confusing, painful at times, utterly overwhelming,” she admits.Breena sits up, all traces of humor gone because she is nearly overcome by the intensity of Morna’s emotions, “I am so sorry all this crap just keeps happening to you.Do you think Magdrid is somehow behind most of it, if not all of it?”“I am sure Magdrid is involved, but I don’t think she is the only one behind all of this.Magdrid isn’t powerful enough on her own.She would have to be working with someone else, a Shade, a powerful witch, or something.Oh my God! A Shade? Could that be it?”Morna is shocked by the possibilities that this idea brings to mind.“Some of the signs I have seen over the years could point to a Shade.Their evil magic is reputed to have a distinctively unpleasant odor about it… It might fit.A Shade would have been strong enough to curse my heart when I was delivering Aideen.The force, the essence I felt certainly felt strong enough and evil enough to be a Shade.Where could she meet a Shade? How would that association ever come about? It doesn’t make sense.”Morna sits quietly for a second and tries to recall what she really knows about Shades.Not much, she has to admit to herself.They are typically spirits who have passed on but have very, very dark magic in their souls.They assume a human like form, but aren’t even remotely human.They are dangerous, she remembers that.“I need to ask Luca.If he doesn’t know then we definitely need to talk to Ari and Almeda.”Morna tips up her glass and drains it without thinking about what she was doing.She had meant to wait for the nachos and then sip it.“Crap! I should be thinking and not drinking,” she chastises herself.Room service knocks on the door.Morna looks out the peep hole, it’s the same greasy looking kid from last night.He’s pushing a cart with a giant platter of nachos, the pops and an ice bucket.Morna puts her hand in front of her just in case she needs a binding spell.She accepts the nachos with her other hand and passes them to Breena before signing for them adding a moderate tip.Then he hands her the cokes, which she hands to Breena, then the ice bucket which she hangs onto, says thank you and presses the door shut with her foot.”She locks it using the locking spell she doesn’t even realize that she still knows.“Wow! Where does all this stuff keep coming from,” she wonders out loud [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]