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.Watching my intake.”“Okay.” Tammy glanced at the clock and saw that it was near noon.She gathered up her bag and endured the thirty minute drive to the townhouse.The door was already opened and Josefina with Ty were loading things into the truck in the driveway.“Glad you’re here.I need the extra hands.” Josefina said.“Where you need me?”“Her room please.Ty help her.” They walked up to the room.Quietly, they took things off the shelves and stuffed them in the boxes.Tammy came across a framed picture from the Oscars.They were so happy.The smiles full of life yet the frame was so cold.The tears were forming in her eyes.“We were so happy.Where in the hell did we go wrong?” Ty came over and took the frame from her.“Tammy, I don’t know.Everything happened so fast.” He took her in his arms to comfort her.“She was my best friend.I miss her.”“I miss her too.” She looked up in his face.“Are you doing any better?”“Yeah.I am now.You’re warm and comfortin’.” She laughed.“Weirdo.” The frame slipped from his hand and shattered when it hit the floor.They didn’t notice the crash because they were embracing and kissing fiercely.Everything was happening so fast.She freaked and pushed him away.“Yo what are we doin?”“My bad.I’m trippin’ I’ve been trippin’ fo’ a while now.” He apologized.“We both miss her Ty but it’s not a good idea to look to each other in that way.It wouldn’t be right and you got a girlfriend.Let’s just finish up here.” They went about the room, packing whatever they could then load to the boxes downstairs to find Josefina, sitting on the couch in tears.“Josefina! Que pasa?”“Tammy.I can’t do it.I can’t be here.” She whispered.Tammy set down the box she had.“Ok that’s fine.I’ll put an order in for some movers.Come on.Let’s get you to your car.” Tammy helped her up and took her to the car.Josefina got in.“Just go home.We’ll finish up here and I’ll call the movers.”“Gracias Tamela.” Tammy tapped the hood and Josefina drove away.She smiled sadly after her then went back to the house to face Ty.She found him, sitting in the same spot Josefina just left.“How are you doin?”“I’m here.”“Samantha said you had a breakdown and you were outta it for a few days.Is that why you called earlier?“Yeah.Guess I didn’t want to believe.I still don’t actually but Sam told me now I have to accept it.I’m dealin’ wit it bad cause it was my fault.” He admitted.“What you mean?!” Her temper flared a bit.“Um.she came to me drunk, tryna fix things.I don’t know we didn’t get far.I said sorry, we kissed, and then I noticed she was drunk.I told her to leave.You know how we felt about her seeing stupid drunk.” Tammy nodded slowly.“I was pissed that she did the shit.She left screaming at me.I wish I could go back every time.She didn’t have no business drivin’ and I had no business tellin’ her to leave fucked up as she was.I don’t even have the balls to tell Josefina I played a part in her daughter’s death after breakin’ her heart.I can’t.Tammy I should have stopped her.” He confessed with his head down.Tammy sucked in so much air that her chest hurt.Yes she knew Madison drunk herself stupid at times.She did know that her and Ty wasn’t together anymore for reasons unknown.She felt bad but she didn’t blame him.Walking over she touched his arm.“When have we been able to stop Madison from doin’ what she wanted, huh? I told her to quit messin’ with dude numerous times.She didn’t until it blew up in her face.How many times you told her to quit binge drinkin’? We all play a part.Yes you should have tried to stop her but knowin’ her she would have stormed off anyways.” She kneeled down in front of him, lifting up his head.“Don’t beat yourself too much, ok? All we have is each other during this.” She gave him a smile the same smile Madison flashed at him weeks ago in the theater.He wanted to leave.“Yeah okay.I gotta go.” He stood and left in a hurry.Tammy stood up and looked around.“Well that was interestin.’” As she went about locking up, she called the in order in like she promised and headed toward the door.A small book on the floor next to an half packed box caught her eye.She grabbed it, flipping through it realizing it was her friend’s journal.She smiled at the thought.She thought journal writing was long gone.Tucking it under her arm, she locked the house and went back to work.She didn’t look at the journal until she got home that night.What was inside she wasn’t ready to see.The earliest entry started when Madison was thirteen.September 15I was a good child.I try to behave my best and listen to mommy and daddy.I don’t know what I did to make daddy mad.He hurt with “his thing”.He lied to me saying him and mommy had a fight.He got in my bed and hurt me.I cried when he put his “his thing” in me.It hurt sooo bad.He was drunk.He smelt funny.What did I do wrong?December 4The baby is gone.I’m not stupid I knew I was pregnant before I passed out but now nothing but bleeding.I missed periods and went online behind mommy’s back at her store.All I remember was telling dad that he made a baby and he hit me.Then I wake up in this funny smelling place.It was cold and I was in pain.A nurse gave me pills told me to swallow and not to be a naughty girl again.I wanted to kick her and tell her I didn’t do anything wrong.It was all dad.Tammy looked up from the journal, shaking.All this time she known Madison but didn’t know her.Why didn’t she tell anyone? Why keep it to herself? Her friend’s problems suddenly made sense.December 29He tried to kill me.I swear to god.I woke up tied to my bed.I was scared out my mind.I couldn’t scream the fear made me lose my voice.He had a knife to my throat.I waited for him to kill me but he didn’t.Tammy finished the entry and place the book down.“Oh Madison.Honey I know your pain now.I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”*************************Ty sat there silently watching the movie.Samantha sat beside him, slowly eating popcorn.This was her idea to keep him busy.He glanced over at her.She was so focused on the movie.The more he stared at her, the more he got angry at her.If it wasn’t for her, Madison and him would have still been together and she still would be alive.Why the fuck did he even fucked her? She ruined everything and he would not forgive her.“Ty? Ty the movie is over.” He looked up and she was standing over him.“My bad” he stood up, “You want me to drop you off at your place?” He offered, ready to get rid of her.“Yeah.Come.” He pulled up to her place forty minutes later and cut the engine.“Come inside for a bit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]