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.Not surprisingly, it didn’t answer.Chapter Four“You better not ruin this for me.If he dumps me over this, I will never forgive you for destroying my best relationship ever,” Bryce snarled at Luke as they took the elevator up to Tim’s apartment.The day had consisted of boring paperwork and long hours of staring at the clock wishing it would move faster.Bryce’s stomach swirled with butterflies in ninja training—spinning, diving and trying to destroy each other as they bounced around his insides.“Relax, we’ll get through this.Have I ever steered you wrong?”“Do you want me to write out a list alphabetically or just start with the most recent events first?”Luke ran his fingers through his hair.“This is nothing like those other times.I would never ruin your chances with Tim.I… I just want to have mine.”“You’re serious?” In all the years he’d known Luke, he’d never seen this uncertain side of him.Luke could be a bastard but he always had a clear vision and a goal.To see his fumbling approach to Tim was almost adorable.Bryce had wondered all day about Luke’s interest in Tim but there hadn’t been a good time to ask.Tim was the first guy Bryce had been serious about since Bryce and Luke had hooked up.Bryce had spent half the day hoping Luke wasn’t going to destroy Bryce’s relationship with Tim and the other half hoping Tim would still talk to them when he showed up.Luke scowled at him.“Of course I’m serious.I like Tim.You love him.I think this can work.We would never work out alone.We’re too much alike.”Bryce nodded.It was one of the reasons he’d never pushed Luke about their encounter.Deep down, he’d known they wouldn’t last and didn’t want to ruin their friendship.He’d rather have Luke as a one-time fling and good friend than as an ex he couldn’t bear to face ever again.“I don’t know if Tim is going to go for it.”“He will.”Bryce fidgeted with his tie.“Why do you think that?”“He loves you.” Luke said the words so matter-of-factly that Bryce thought he’d misheard him at first.“He loves me?”Luke rolled his eyes.“Of course he loves you.He wouldn’t agree to consider letting me near you if he didn’t.If he only considered you a casual date he’d have booted you to the kerb.”“Thanks…I think.” Bryce let out a long sigh when the elevator stopped and the doors slid open to let them off.“If you act confident, Tim will be more likely to think we can pull this relationship off.”Bryce gave his partner a dubious look.“What, like show no fear or some crap like that?”“Exactly.”Luke smoothed down his shirt and adjusted his tie before knocking on Tim’s door.“Dude, I have a key,” Bryce said with a smirk.“Trust me, Bryce, when I tell you now is not the time to use it.”Before he had a chance to ask Luke anything more, the door swung open and Bryce was treated to the sight of Tim in a suit.Although Tim worked as an accountant, he normally came to the office in business casual.This was the first time Bryce had ever seen Tim dressed up.Tim froze, his eyes meeting Bryce’s.Bryce could read the pain in his lover’s eyes better than a roadmap.“Aww, baby, it’ll be all right.” Stepping forward, he wrapped Tim in his arms.Rubbing Tim’s back, he made soothing noises.He felt a hand on his shoulder guiding them inside before the door shut behind him.Luke leaned past Bryce and kissed Tim on the cheek.“We didn’t come to make life more difficult for you, honey.We only want to be part of it.”Bryce had never heard that particular crooning noise coming from Luke’s mouth before.Tim snuggled up to Bryce but leaned closer to Luke’s touch.“Promise?” Tim locked gazes with Luke.Blue eyes pleaded with brown as if trying to divine the measure of Luke’s soul.“Promise what?”“Promise you’re here to help and not to get between us.”Luke slid his fingers through Tim’s hair, stroking him like he would an affectionate pet.“I promise, babe.I want us to all be together.”Tim sighed.“I don’t know if that will work.” His gaze jittered back and forth between them.“But I’m willing to give it a try.”“That’s all we ask,” Bryce said, pulling Tim’s attention back to him.Before Tim could figure up any objections to their plan, he planted a hard kiss on his lover’s lips.He’d promise damn near anything to be welcomed back into Tim’s bed.No matter how big he talked, if Tim really didn’t want him there, he’d leave and not come back.“It’s completely up to you,” Luke swore.“But, if I don’t want you, you’ll still have each other.”Tension eased from Bryce’s body.The true concern was out on the table.“If you dump me, I won’t go to Luke.”“The hell you won’t!” Luke shouted.“You said it yourself.We wouldn’t last because we’re too much alike.That won’t change if Tim rejects me.”Tim’s hold on Bryce tightened.“It’s not a matter of rejecting you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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