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.There, on a large and high branch, perched the Simurgh, a bird the size of a roc, whose feathers were like veils of light and shadow and whose crested head was like fire.It moved, half spreading its enormous wings, and they were like mist over a mountain."That's some creature!" Xavier breathed.It was indeed.Irene had expected to be impressed, but the sheer enormity and beauty of the Simurgh threatened to overwhelm her.If the Tree of Seeds was a monarch among trees, so was the Simurgh a monarch among birds."I'll try to talk to it," Grundy said nervously."That's my job, after all."DO NOT BOTHER.GOLEM.Irene looked about, startled, and saw Xavier doing the same, while Grundy was literally knocked off his feet."That's the bird!" he exclaimed, sitting up."That's the Simurgh talking!"SPEAK YOUR NEEDS, the Simurgh said in all their minds.Neither Grundy nor Xavier was able to formulate anything.Irene was the one with the mission, and as the only woman present, she was the natural leader.She gulped and started to speak."First, we need a fea--"A WHAT? the monstrous bird demanded."A--" Irene began again.WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS, MORTAL WOMAN?There was something ominous about the way the bird projected the concept "mortal"; life was not necessarily long.Abashed, Irene began: "The--"I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! THAT WITCH XANTHIPPE IS A THIEF FROM WAY BACK, ALWAYS WANTING WHAT SHE DOES NOT DESERVE."Hey, featherbrain, that's my mother you're insulting!" Xavier protested in the foolhardy fashion of his sex.One gigantic and brilliant eye shifted to cover him.Xavier was obviously daunted but held his bit of ground bravely enough.He had been stung by the indictment of the Furies; now he was standing up for his mother.YOU ASK FOR THIS, TASTY MAN? This time the accent was on "tasty.""Well, sure," Xavier said nervously."I never did nothing for my mother before, so it's time I--"YOU HAVE PROFITED FROM THE LESSON OF ALECTO, the Simurgh projected.YOU WISH TO BECOME A DUTIFUL SON."I guess so," Xavier admitted."I know I'm not much, and I can't say I agree with everything Maw does, but she did try to do right by me, and I reckon it ain't never too late to start.Those old crones--uh, the three Furies--they really had something to say, you know? So I--"FILIAL RESPECT IS GOOD, EVEN WHEN THE OBJECT IS NOT WORTHY, the Simurgh projected.TO MARRY AND SETTLE DOWN IS GOOD.BUT YOUR MOTHER'S DESIGN ERRS IN ONE RESPECT: YOU MAY NOT TAKE A WOMAN WHO IS ALREADY SPOKEN FOR.Xavier glanced at Irene, who found herself blushing for no good reason.The Simurgh could read a person's thoughts; what had it seen in Xavier's mind? The young man was taken aback."I may not? But Maw said--"FIND ANOTHER WOMAN."Uh, yes, sir.I--"YES.MA'AM, the bird corrected him.ONLY A MALE WOULD NOT REALIZE THAT FEMALES ARE THE KEEPERS OF THE SEEDS."Yes, ma'am," Xavier agreed, abashed."Some other woman."THEN YOU SHALL CARRY THE FEATHER TO XANTHIPPE.The Simurgh flicked a wing, and a tiny feather flew out, sailing through the air toward them.As it approached, it seemed to grow larger; what had appeared small on the giant bird was not small elsewhere.It floated directly to Xavier, who hastily raised his hands to catch it.The tiny feather turned out to be half the length of a man.It glistened iridescently, a beautiful thing in itself, having all colors and no color.Xavier tucked it into his belt, where it was suspended like a sword."Gee, thanks, ma'am.I--"AND YOU, the Simurgh projected, returning her attention to Irene.WHAT ELSE HAS THE WITCH CHARGED YOU WITH, AND WHY DO YOU ACCEDE?"She--I thought she had my daughter--" Irene said.She felt as if she were five years old and standing before the grandmother of all grandmothers, trying to justify her foolishness."Now I suppose I don't have to get those seeds, since--"WHAT SEEDS?"The seeds of--"WHAT? The bird spread her wings and half lifted from the branch, flashing light and dark bands of fog out from her person."Ooo, now you've done it, greenpants!" Grundy muttered.NO MORTAL DARE POSSESS THE SEEDS OF DOUBT, DISSENSION, AND WAR! the bird thundered mentally."Yes, ma'am," Irene agreed faintly, finding herself relieved.She had had her doubts about delivering such potent seeds to such a person."Why not, birdbrain?" Grundy asked, recovering his normal impudence."Shut up!" Irene and Xavier said together.AN INTRIGUING QUESTION, the Simurgh responded.Evidently the appellation "birdbrain" didn't bother her, as her birdbrain was perhaps the most powerful brain in Xanth.POSSIBLY THE WITCH DOES DESERVE THOSE SEEDS."No, there's no need--" Irene started.SHE SHALL HAVE THEM, the bird decided.She jumped on the branch and the entire tree shook.Several fruits fell down and rolled toward Irene.As they came near, they gained velocity and bounced over the irregularities of the terrain.Irene watched in growing alarm, afraid she would be unable to catch them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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